Oops and who thunk it (Ukrainian party ending)…

White House spokesman John Kirby: “You can’t start planning long-term support if you’re at the end of your rope. And in financing Ukraine we are coming to the end of the rope. Today we announced $200 million and we will continue to help Ukraine as much as we can, but it won’t be indefinitely.”

Looks like the USA has found its next distraction for now, while they figure out what to do to run from Ukraine…



Interesting the western chanting of, “Kill Russians” has become, “Kill Palestinians”…

Amazing to watch the Western Media switch directions and more interesting to watch the people switch right with it…

We have the same statements being used…

Just last week western politicians called for death to all Russians, I heard western politicians spouting such trash. Now we have hatefull western politicians wanting to kill all of the Palestinians…

Evil lives well in the West…

Never good to kill anyone. But, it is never ever appropriate also to make all suffer for the actions of the few and Israel is as guilty as anyone at that…

So Israel has declared war on a prison camp. Sorry Israel you have no high road in this fight and the USA is even farther in the sewer, than you are in this game you are playing…

Gotta get that war, since Russia refuses to do it…

Pray to God that we survive the collapse of the U.S.A. Empire of Lies and Chaos…


Russia warning about the English students and other University students that have free run from the West in Russia…

They are intentionally planted within Russia to be used against Russia at a future time. They spread propaganda as they teach English in small towns and study in Russian Universities…

Just like Russia is allowing a huge populace of LGBT to infiltrate. Butches are everywhere…

Warning to Russia and all who care…

The West will undermine you at every opportunity…