Call between Syria and Russia about Israel situation…

A phone call was made between Presidents Al-Assad and Putin in which they discussed ways to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, and stressed the necessity of immediately bringing humanitarian aid to civilians in the Strip and stopping the bombing and displacement that the Israeli entity is pursuing against innocent people in Gaza.

اتصال هاتفي بين الرئيسين الأسد وبوتين بحثا فيه سبل وقف العدوان الإسرائيلي على قطاع غزة، وشددا على ضرورة الإدخال الفوري للمساعدات الإنسانية للمدنيين في القطاع ووقف القصف والتهجير الذي ينتهجه الكيان الإسرائيلي ضد الأبرياء في غزة.


Weight Loss: Actually very simple and yet so very hard to implement…

This is a blunt to the point article. If you hate being called a Fat Pig, then get out of here. Only people who know they are Fat Pigs need to keep reading and lose weight…

There is no fast and miraculous way to lose weight. There is no gimmick and or special technique. There is only you. Even people who have gastric bypass always gain it back at some point, unless they get the correct three things below right…

To lose weight for 99% of the fat people is very easy and it boils down to simply three things that stop you from losing weight. Granted there is medical reasons why people get fat looking and these three reasons do not hold in their cases very often. But for most fat people it is simply three reasons you get fatter and fatter…

I know and I have lost half my weight and that is 80 kilos and or 176 pounds of fat…

Officially this morning 80.1 Kilos, that is what I weigh… (176 pounds and or 12.6 stones)

Three things that you must face if you are a fat pig…

1. Face the mirror and accept that you are a “Fat Pig”…
2. Stop shoveling junk-food or regular food constantly into your mouth…
3. Walk and walk 5,000 to 10,000 steps everyday…

1. is psychological and physiological. You have to see, feel and know you are fat. Not to shame you, but that you are fat and you will die from being fat at an early age. No matter what nice people say and call you – Big Boned, Body Confident and even sexy in a tent outfit, a tent that sleeps ten…

2. is hard. No potato chip stuff, candy, diet sodas, regular soda, potatoes, pasta, pizza etc, all those that we eat in mass quantities as we get fatter. No whole chickens, try a chicken leg only. Food is a huge issue and walking by instead of stopping at the ice cream parlor is a good start to living longer…

3. is also hard for “Fat Pigs” and or another fun way to say it, “Lard Asses” to get up and walk. They are too fat to walk without huffing and puffing and thus they hate to walk. But you have to walk and walk you must. If you cannot walk due to physical impairments, like a missing leg? Then some exercise is mandatory. Even moving your arms more, than a TV remote distance away…

It is very safe to say that you do not see yourself as a Fat Pig, you eat potato chips by the bag full, you love that TV, Computer and or smartphone and you despise walking…

A man of my size can eat around 2000 calories a day and not get fat, as long as I stay a bit active. You have a number that you cannot exceed, if you eat more than that? You gain weight…

I myself now have to adjust my intake to stop losing weight. So I need to increase to above 2000 calories a day. It is a fine line and varies by each individual. But 2000 calories is a lot of food actually…

So now I face the issue of eating more food and not feeling like I will gain a 100 kilos from one burger or a plate of pasta. Psychologically this is going to be harder than getting rid of the weight…

I still have nightmares about getting fat again…

Gonna be interesting…


Evervess-Cola brand in Russia is Pepsi Cola

Saw a Burger King as Sveta and I walked. No Burger King is plentiful, but the ad out front said eat a King Meal and it showed Evervess-Cola and I said, “Hmm, I wonder is that the rebranded Pepsi that Burger King use to serve?”

Pepsi будет продаваться в России под брендом Evervess-Cola (рус.). … PepsiCo на сайте Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржам (англ.)…

Pepsi will be sold in Russia under the Evervess-Cola brand (Russian). … PepsiCo on the Securities and Exchange Commission website (English)…

Sure is and that is just right…


The West is so pissed that it cannot defeat Russia, that it has started attacking the Middle East again…

It is looking sorta like a spoiled brat has decided to pick on someone smaller and as so many say, in sandals and no weapons. Yes the Middle East again and again…

As the origins of Hamas are scoured from the world wide web, just remember it takes two to tangle and in this case the origins are very questionable, just as ISIS and so many more extremists…

Always follow who benefits!