Ouch, the USA has and is stumbling into a spider web…

Iran, China and Russia are triangling the USA warships being sent in a rush to Israel area of the world…

Russia even warned and the USA just sailed right into to the trap…

Did anyone else watch as China sent six warships to one side of the triangle, Russia set up Kinzhal Missile (newly adapted and loaded) SU-31’s on another side and Iran on the last side has 1800 kilometer range ship killers watching…

The USA is so predictable and hubris driven, that these three countries easily are triangulating the USA warships…

Spider Web is woven. Let us watch as the USA realizes it is and has happened…


It is what we have and it is what the USA did on purpose through Ukraine…

The amount of black-market weapons out of Ukraine is absurd…

So verified and proven stupid as it is evil. The USA has pumped weapons purposfully to Ukraine, knowing that these weapons would end up in the wrong hands. Ending up in the hands that are trained as terrorist by the USA in the Middle East…

I saw it happening even at the start of the SMO and Ukraine has been allowed by the west to dump weapons for nafarious purposes which the west desires…

The best would be that these weapons will be blowback upon the west…

Serve the west right, yet the ones who did this in the west, just don’t care…


Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin on Biden must be held accountable…

▶️ The United States is to blame for the tragedy in the Middle East, Biden must be held accountable.

“Since 1945, 80% of all wars that have occurred in the world have occurred with the direct participation of the United States. And today, to whom is war, whose mother is dear,” said Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin at the plenary meeting.

He noted that Washington has allocated money to Israel and promises assistance to Palestine.“ The war cannot end in this situation. Therefore, the United Nations needs to initiate holding Biden accountable,” the Chairman of the State Duma emphasized.

Let us remind you that today the deputies unanimously adopted an appeal to the UN and parliaments of the world in connection with the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


Lavrov talks with Kim Jong-un and ends meetings in NK…

🎙 Speech and answers to media questions by S.V. Lavrov at a press conference following his visit to the DPRK (Pyongyang, October 19, 2023)

🇷🇺🇰🇵 The DPRK is a close neighbor and long-time partner of our country. We are unanimous in the opinion that the progressive development of bilateral relations meets the interests of our states and contributes to the strengthening of peace and security in Northeast Asia.

We, like our North Korean friends, are seriously concerned about the increase in military activity here by the United States, Japan and South Korea, as well as Washington’s policy of transferring elements of its strategic infrastructure, including nuclear aspects, to the region.

We strive to constructively offer alternatives to the escalation of tension here. We advocate that a regular negotiation process on security issues on the Korean Peninsula be established without any preconditions.

From the answers to the questions:

💬 As for the Gaza Strip, the risk of this crisis escalating into a regional conflict is quite serious.

The United States vetoed the revolution, which called for a stop to any hostilities and to begin resolving humanitarian issues. Thus, the United States showed that it is not ready to call for a truce , a ceasefire.

It’s hard for me to judge what goals are being pursued. We are seeing attempts again to “blame” everything on Iran. We consider them quite provocative .