⚡* We complete the list of those involved in the Ukrainian military biological dossier with attendees of the training, which took place in Lviv. *⚡

💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:

‘We complete the list of those involved in the Ukrainian military biological dossier with attendees of the training, which took place in Lviv.

Among them are:

▪ Filippa Lentzos, member of the UK Biosecurity Steering Board, participated in the training as moderator. Over the past few years, Lentzos has been active in publishing materials aimed at discrediting the Russian Federation on biosecurity issues in the international arena.

▪ Gemma Bowsher, from the Department of War Studies at King’s College London, specialises in intelligence analysis and media disinformation techniques.

▪ Oksana Kucheryava, Head of Communications at the Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, manages projects for governmental organisations in Ukraine and the USA and is responsible for media planning. Her involvement in the training indicates that the issues related to the dissemination of misinformation in the media were practised within the framework of the event.

▪It was also found that Irina Demchishina, the head of the reference laboratory for the diagnosis of viral and highly dangerous pathogens, was present at the past event. Earlier we noted that Irina Demchishina acted as an intermediary in interaction with Pentagon contractors Black & Veatch and Metabiota, and supervised the implementation of DTRA projects in Ukraine.

We would like to note the presence of representatives of the Security Service of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine at the training. This is due not only to the closed nature of the event, but also to the possible targeting of Ukrainian security services to carry out provocations with biological weapons ‘under someone else’s flag’.

We will continue to analyse incoming documents and keep you informed.’

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


⚡* Effectiveness of U.S. biological programme in Nigeria raises serious concerns. *⚡

⚡ Effectiveness of U.S. biological programme in Nigeria raises serious concerns

💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:

‘The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation continues to analyse the military and biological activities of the United States of America in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world.

During the last briefing, the Russian side drew attention to the relocation of unfinished ‘Ukrainian’ projects to the territory of other countries. It was shown that African states — Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone, Cameroon, and Uganda — have fallen into the zone of the United States’ increased interest. The U.S. government customers are the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the National Security Agency, and the U.S. Department of State.

Today, using Nigeria as an example, the Russian side would like to show that the stated objectives of public health projects are not in line with reality.

Thus, the U.S. Department of Defense claims that biological projects in Nigeria are aimed at combating HIV and AIDS. However, the effectiveness of this programme raises serious concerns. Despite annual funding increases totalling about $100,000,000, the HIV incidence rate has remained virtually unchanged and corresponds with 2009 figures. The mortality among HIV-infected people also shows unfavourable progression.

However, the number of Nigerian citizens receiving antiviral therapy with products of Gilead Pharmaceutics company has steadily increased over the funding period reaching 60% of the total number of patients. It should be noted that the aforementioned pharmaceutical company is affiliated with the Pentagon and tested its drugs on Ukrainian citizens.

It suggests that American pharmaceuticals, even with the documented increase in consumption in Nigeria, do not have a tangible therapeutic impact, and Nigerian citizens are being exploited as a ‘free clinical resource’.

Thus, under the cover of ‘public health’ issues on the African continent, the Pentagon solves its own tasks: it monitors the biological situation, collects and exports samples of infectious agents and their vectors.

This activity continues to the present day. In August 2022, DTRA signed a three-year contract with RTI International, a U.S.-based non-profit organisation aimed at surveillance of infectious disease threats in Nigeria.’

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry


⚡* The Pentagon is engaged in biological espionage in Iraq and Afghanistan. *⚡

⚡ The Pentagon is engaged in biological espionage in Iraq and Afghanistan

💬 Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov:

‘It has already been repeatedly noted that one of the Pentagon’s tasks is so-called ‘biological espionage’, i.e. analysing the epidemic situation along the borders of geopolitical adversaries and in the expected regions of military contingent deployment.

The Russian side has data confirming that the Pentagon set tasks to monitor the biological situation in the territories of Iraq and Afghanistan bordering China, Turkey, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.

The documents emphasise the need for Pentagon contractors’ employees to be brought to leading positions, and field work was supposed to be assigned to those local specialists who are able to interact with the relevant ministries. At the same time, it is recommended to minimise the evidence linking to the contractor by making short trips to Afghanistan and Iraq from the Dubai office only if necessary.

In order to avoid accusations against the Pentagon, some projects were implemented under the cover of the U.S. Department of State. We would like to draw your attention to the U.S. Department of State’s research programme in Afghanistan: it included studying the pathogens of especially dangerous and economically significant diseases, i.e. tularemia, anthrax, foot-and-mouth disease, collecting biological samples on the territory of the country, and transporting them to the United States.’

🔹 Russian Defence Ministry