Maria Zakharova talks about “knitting needles” & sanctions from the west…

EU Observer: “Lithuania wants to ban the export of nails, buttons, sewing needles and knitting needles to Russia. Such proposals for the 12th package of EU sanctions are part of Vilnius’ plans to “destroy Russian industrial capacity.”

A year ago I was at a meeting with Chinese business circles in Moscow. We are chatting, and suddenly a message pops up on the phone with the news that the United States has adopted yet another anti-Russian sanctions measures banning the supply of elevators and related equipment to Russia. According to the authors of this decision, this measure should “paralyze the construction industry in Russia.” When I read this news to my Chinese colleagues, they were filled with Homeric laughter. They literally groaned and burst into laughter. After the sanctioned hara-kiri of the Japanese automobile industry on the Russian market, the most incredible dream of Chinese manufacturers came true, who in six months reconfirmed the truth “a holy place is never empty.”

It’s scary to imagine what kind of hysteria will begin among Chinese manufacturers of knitting needles and buttons if they learn about Lithuania’s plans to “destroy Russian industrial capacities.”

Where will Lithuania go with all this if such a decision is made? I don’t know, they can put the inscription “to the evil of Russia” on their highway with buttons, nails, knitting needles and needles.


MoD of Russia Report for 14th thru 20th of October, 2023…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (14 – 20 October 2023)

In the period from 14 to 20 October 2023 the Russian Armed Forces have carried out four group strikes by precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles at the AFU missile and artillery weapons, military-technical hardware, production workshops of enterprises manufacturing weapons and military equipment, as well as accommodation points for Ukrainian servicemen, nationalists, and foreign mercenaries.

As a result of the strikes, a storage warehouse for uncrewed boats, workshops for the manufacture of explosives, a workshop for the assembly of operational-tactical missiles, as well as units of the Azov Special Forces Brigade, foreign instructors, and mercenaries have been eliminated.

In Kupyansk direction, the Zapad Group of Forces’ units have repelled 61 counter-attacks by AFU units.

Aviation and artillery have launched attacks at AFU 25th airborne, 14th, 43rd, 44th, and 115th mechanised, 68 jaeger, 95th air assault brigade close to Sinkovka, Ivanovka, Timkovka (Kharkov region), Makeyevka (Lugansk People’s Republic). As a result of the combat operations, the Russian Group of Forces improved the situation along the front line.

The enemy losses were more than 995 servicemen, 10 tanks, 27 armoured fighting vehicles, 20 motor vehicles, as well as 18 field artillery guns.

In Krasny Liman direction, units of the Tsentr Group of Forces, aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems have repelled 18 attacks of assault groups of AFU 63rd, 67th mechanised brigades and the 12th Special Forces Brigade.

The enemy’s casualties were more than 940 Ukrainian personnel, 21 armoured fighting vehicles, 14 motor vehicles, and five guns.

In Donetsk direction, the Yug Group of Forces’ units have inflicted fire damage on AFU 28th, 56th, 67th, and 93rd  mechanised brigades’ combat groups near Kurdyumovka, Andreevka, Kleshcheyevka, and Maryinka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Over the past week, 25 attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been repelled. The enemy losses were more than 2,065 servicemen, four tanks, 14 armoured fighting vehicles, 27 motor vehicles, and 28 field artillery guns.

Aviation and Missile Troops have destroyed five depots with ammunition and hardware.

In South Donetsk direction, units of the Russian units have captured more favourable positions and repelled two attacks by assault groups of AFU 58th motorised infantry, 72nd mechanised, 128th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Ugledar, Urozhaynoye, and Staromayorskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were more than 1,010 servicemen, nine armoured fighting vehicles, 19 motor vehicles, eight field artillery guns, and one MLRS.

In Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian Group of Forces have carried out intensive defence, during which have repelled 10 attacks of the AFU units near Verbovoye and Rabotino (Zaporozhye region).

The enemy losses were more than 475 servicemen, 11 tanks, 22 armoured fighting vehicles, 18 motor vehicles, and 14 field artillery guns.

In Kherson direction, the enemy units have made unsuccessful attempts to capture bridgeheads on islands and the left bank of the Dnepr by AFU 36th, 38th marine brigades.

As a result of preventive actions by the Russian forces and artillery fire assaults, AFU have lost up to 345 servicemen, 11 field artillery guns, 48 boats and 38 motor vehicles.

Fighter jets and air defence units have effectively eliminated 12 aircraft (ten MiG-29, two Su-25 fighter jets) and two Mi-8 helicopters over the past week.

Over the past 24 hours, air defence systems have shot down seven AFU MiG-29 aircraft.

In addition, 314 Ukrainian UAVs have been destroyed, 35 HIMARS projectiles, five operational-tactical missiles, two S-200 converted surface-to-surface missiles, and six JDAM guided bombs have been shot down over the week.

In total, 500 airplanes and 252 helicopters, 8,104 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 air defence missile systems, 12,778 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,165 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 6,837 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 14,463 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.


Medvedev on, “The world, led by the United States, continues to slide into the deepest abyss.”

English below Russian text…

Мир, ведомый США, продолжает катиться в глубочайшую пропасть. Принимаются решения, которые явно свидетельствуют не только о необратимом ментальном расстройстве их носителей, но и об утрате остатков совести. Решения значимые и мелкие, но явно кричащие о болезни всего общества.

1. Байден назвал «разумной инвестицией» деньги, которые должны быть истрачены на смерть других людей вдали от США. Речь идёт о приобретении дополнительного оружия на десятки миллиардов для Украины и Израиля.
2. Киевский режим принял решение о запрете УПЦ, отсекая православных от колыбели материнской церкви.
3. Министр внутренних дел Франции ничтоже сумняшеся осуждает известного футболиста за посты в поддержку Палестины.

Новости разные, но они свидетельствуют об ускоренном гниении самой ткани западного общества.

Инвестиции в смерть ненужных людей – это разумно и хорошо. Тут нет слов. Это за гранью добра и зла. И это не просто деменция старого придурка, а вся философия их государственной жизни на протяжении столетий.

Запрет исконной церкви в Малороссии – грязная политика, густо замешанная на кокаине и сатанизме. Ведь зеленский не просто выродок без рода и племени. Не просто манкурт, забывший и свою, и чужую историю. Он трясущийся от вожделения власти клоун-Франкенштейн, созданный на потеху заказчикам и готовый отдать им не только своё тело для плотских утех, но и запросто уничтожить Христианство на родной земле.

И третье. Выход за буйки идеологического тренда уже прямо наказуем на Западе. Выражать соболезнования израильтянам можно, а палестинцам – нет. Их не должно быть жалко. Они там все типа террористы и пусть умирают тысячами. Дети, женщины, старики – просто расходный материал.

Результат таких заявлений очевиден.

Интифада будет вечно.

Церковь возродится, но через кровь и страдания гражданской войны.

А количество поставленного оружия рано или поздно перейдёт в качество. Осколочно-фугасные, кумулятивные, зажигательные и объёмно-детонирующие заряды превратятся в заряды ядерные…


The world, led by the United States, continues to slide into the deepest abyss. Decisions are made that clearly indicate not only the irreversible mental disorder of their carriers, but also the loss of the remnants of conscience. The decisions are significant and small, but clearly scream about the illness of the entire society.

1. Biden called money that should be spent on the death of other people far from the United States a “smart investment.” We are talking about the acquisition of additional weapons worth tens of billions for Ukraine and Israel.
2. The Kiev regime decided to ban the UOC, cutting off the Orthodox from the cradle of the mother church.
3. The French Interior Minister has no hesitation in condemning a famous football player for his posts in support of Palestine.

The news varies, but it indicates an accelerated rotting of the very fabric of Western society.

Investing in the death of unnecessary people is smart and good. There are no words here. This is beyond good and evil. And this is not just the dementia of an old fool, but the whole philosophy of their state life over the centuries.

The ban on the original church in Little Russia is a dirty policy, heavily mixed with cocaine and Satanism. After all, Zelensky is not just a degenerate without a family or tribe. Not just a mankurt who has forgotten both his own and other people’s history. He is a Frankenstein clown, shaking with lust for power, created for the amusement of customers and ready to give them not only his body for carnal pleasures, but also to easily destroy Christianity in his native land.

And third. Going beyond the buoys of an ideological trend is already directly punishable in the West. You can express condolences to Israelis, but not to Palestinians. You shouldn’t feel sorry for them. They are all like terrorists there and let them die by the thousands. Children, women, old people are simply consumables.

The result of such statements is obvious.

The intifada will last forever.

The Church will be reborn, but through the blood and suffering of the civil war.

And the quantity of weapons supplied will sooner or later turn into quality. High-explosive fragmentation, cumulative, incendiary and volumetric detonating charges will turn into nuclear charges…



Panic time for USA, very low oil reserves, fracking junk oil only and war against the Eastern World looming…

Wow after years and years of attacking Venezuela. Sanctions from hell, trying to install a puppet president and lots of money tossed at a small group of individuals within Venezuela. The USA cries for oil and lifts sanctions…

Hey buddy! Yea you, my best friend from Venezuela…

Got any oil?

I think Russia owns the Venezuela oil?

Yup, they do…

CARACAS — As allies go, Venezuela is a relatively cheap one for Russia. But the potential returns on Moscow’s investment there could be priceless.

In exchange for modest loans and bailouts over the past decade, Russia now owns significant parts of at least five oil fields in Venezuela, which holds the world’s largest reserves, along with 30 years’ worth of future output from two Caribbean natural-gas fields.

“Priceless” indeed…