About Israel, Answer truthfully…

January 16, 2020 I wrote the below link…

Time to stop applying bandages to the Israel issue, go back to when Britain stole it in 1917 and start from there to fix what is going on now…


In October 17, 2023 I wrote this below…

In 2020 I wrote this about Israel and the Western usage and games of, “Why is there an Israel?”

Looks like others are waking up?

So again, “Why is there an Israel?”

Answer truthfully…


Because it is (Israel) an “Occupying Power,”…

It takes a special sort of country and Israel is just the one…

About Israel, Answer truthfully…

Putin on EU Bed Bugs and Western Sanctions…

On sanctions Putin said…

“Our partners are now taking their fantasies to the absurd, banning the import of screwdrivers, needles, and so on to Russia,” Putin said…

Then he added about Bed Bugs…

“Well, the less junk, the better. There is less chance that bed bugs will be exported to us from major European cities,” Putin added…

As he referred to the recent infestation in some EU countries with “Bed Bugs“…