So Russia will be land locking what is left of “Land of Kyivenia”…

Medvedev just said about this subject of my invention called “Land of Kyivenia”…

Medvedev on Odessa, Nikolaev, Kyiv, and practically everything else is not Ukraine at all…

“Not bad, but it’s important to move on. We must admit that Odessa, Nikolaev, Kyiv, and practically everything else is not Ukraine at all.” Said Medvedev…

Medvedev wants it that way? (I 100% agree with him.)

So be it! Let it be such!

Yup, that means land locked and all the way to Moldova to gather Pridnestrovian the lost baby bear…

Other words:

“Land of Kyivenia”


Medvedev on Odessa, Nikolaev, Kyiv, and practically everything else is not Ukraine at all…

Europe is seething.

Hundreds of thousands of people are in the streets protesting cynical Western support for violence in Gaza.

Under the guise of a lot of Middle Eastern blood, some current and former NATO officials are carefully spreading new ideas about Ukraine. Like, we need to accept it into the Alliance, but without Crimea and Donbass. Therefore, these territories are definitely no longer Ukraine in their understanding.

Not bad, but it’s important to move on. We must admit that Odessa, Nikolaev, Kyiv, and practically everything else is not Ukraine at all.

After this, there are only three steps to admit the obvious:

◦ Zelensky, who does not go to the polls, is NOT a president, but a usurper.
◦ The Ukrainian language is NOT a language, but a surzhik.
◦ Ukraine is NOT a country, but artificially collected territories.

What then should be accepted into NATO, you ask? Well, you can accept the city of Lemberg with its surroundings (still the Lviv region), if they really insist there.

Or even aim for more, once again expanding the criteria for membership in the Alliance. Take and invite Israel there along with Palestine, turning eternal enemies into allies. And in addition to them Afghanistan. It was for nothing that the NATO members sat there for twenty years. Then enlightened democracy in the Anglo-Saxon style will reign in the Middle East. And complete happiness will come.


By my estimation and running count 800,000 (+ or – 10,000) Ukrainian Soldiers have lost their lives in the SMO and over 2,000,000 wounded…

I gave you 250,000 last year and was correct at that time. I gave you a bit later 350,000 dead and that proved correct and then 450,000 not long ago, 500,000 then and that proved correct by all accounts, except Kiev’s…

Now after the slaughter going on in the last few months and the lies being spouted about huge numbers of dead Russians, I realize that Ukraine has easily exceeded 800,000 men gone forever…

Russia has lost as in dead under 50,000 men and at least 100,000+ wounded and the rate of Ukrainians to Russians dying is growing ever larger daily, now that Russia has found her ‘War Groove and War Mentality’. A “kill rate of 10 Ukes to 1 Rus” is fast turning into 15 to 1 and then soon 20 to 1…

The Ukraine wounded number is the count I have a harder time getting a handle on. So many Ukrainians die because Ukraine leaves them to die alone in the battle field. You cannot even understand that thousands and thousands of wounded Ukrainian Soldiers are in hospitals within Russia. You do not understand because you are being lied to constantly by the West. (Actually wounded could be much higher, dunno…)

Tidbit: So many Mercenaries died that huge numbers ran away a longtime ago. Now those who were left all ran to Israel to get higher pay and kill brown people…

The West is one screwed up immoral sick group of countries and societies full of mental midgets abound for believing all the crud that you accept at face value on the western media…

If NATO had been disbanded, like it should have been, this would never have happened. NATO is the western tool to poke at the Russian Bear, always has been and always was. This time they poked too hard…

The Russian Bear was very happy to sleep and be left alone…


Maria Zakharova about head of the WTO, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala…

A wonderful interview was released with the head of the WTO, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, to a leading Japanese financial publication.

Who do you think she directly blames for stalling trade globalization? But not Russia. And not even China.

“Global free trade has faced challenges to renegotiation since 2017, when US President Donald Trump withdrew America from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Under his successor, Joe Biden, the United States has sought to limit China’s access to advanced technology in semiconductors and other areas, enlisting partners such as Japan and some European countries in a strategy it calls ”de-risking,” the chief acknowledged. WTO. Let me remind you that the fragmentation of world trade is one of the main reasons for the decline in global GDP.

According to Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, if the United States continues to cut up trade and logistics routes and break product supply chains, as they did by introducing unilateral anti-Russian sanctions, then the total global GDP will decrease by 5 percent: it’s as if Japan itself was completely excluded from the world economy .

Russia has repeatedly spoken about the destructive nature of Western sanctions, including for the West itself. And we are talking not only about galloping inflation and explosive growth in energy prices, but about the very attempt to redraw the structure and fabric of world trade, which Washington was actively doing under Trump and Biden, causing damage to the global economy. The fact that at the same time the Americans are slowing down the growth of their own economic indicators, including the real decline in the potential of heavy industry, does not greatly concern politicians in the United States, because their main competitors – the Europeans – are suffering even more, and in the current conditions they cannot object to Washington.

Well, and most importantly, the United States compensates for its losses with military aggression around the world, inciting conflicts and using a strategy of controlled (as it seems to them) chaos.

Okonjo-Iweala warns against dividing the world trade map into two blocks, as was the case during the Cold War.

Now it is important that the US Treasury and Commerce Departments do not include her in the sanctions lists for dangerous freethinking 🫣