MoD of Russia Reports for November 11th to November 17th, 2023…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (11 – 17 November 2023)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

In the period from 11 to 17 November 2023, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation inflicted 24 group strikes with high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles on Liman operational-tactical group and Khortitsa operational-strategic group of force’s forward command posts and accommodation points for Ukrainian officers, as well as temporary deployment areas of Azov and Right Sector nationalists formations’ militants.

In addition, artillery arsenals, depots of weapons, military equipment, fuels and lubricants, airfield infrastructure, as well as a training center for snipers and engineers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were successfully hit.

In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces repelled 26 enemy attacks and  improved the situation along the front line.

Air strikes and artillery fire defeated manpower and hardware of AFU 30th, 54th, 57th, and 67th mechanised brigades near Sinkovka, Timkovka, Zagoruikovka (Kharkov region).

The enemy losses totalled over 575 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded, two tanks, 10 armoured fighting vehicles, 11 motor vehicles, and 13 field artillery guns.

In Krasny Liman direction, the Tsentr Group of Forces supported by aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems, repelled 23 attacks launched by assault groups of AFU 24th and 47th mechanised brigades, 12th Special Forces Brigade, as well as the 15th Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The enemy losses were more than 1,100 servicemen, eight armoured fighting vehicles, 14 motor vehicles, and five field artillery guns.

In Donetsk direction, the Yug Group of Forces repelled 33 enemy attacks and inflicted fire damage on AFU manpower and hardware near Mariynka, Kurdyumovka, Razdolovka, Andreevka, and Kleshcheyevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were more than 1,810 servicemen killed and wounded, two tanks, 24 motor vehicles, and 22 field artillery guns.

In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces  captured more favorable positions and repelled two attacks of AFU 79th air assault, 128 territorial defence brigades’ assault groups near Novomikhailovka and Nikolskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Air strikes and artillery fire defeated AFU 72nd mechanised, 58th mechanised infantry, 102nd and 127th territorial defence brigades close to Ugledar, Staromayorskoye, and Urozhaynoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Over the week, the enemy has lost more than 745 militants, 12 armoured fighting vehicles, 15 motor vehicles, 20 field artillery guns, as well as one Grad MLRS.

In Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian Group of Forces repelled three attacks of the AFU units near Rabotino (Zaporozhye region).

Moreover, the Russian Armed Forces inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of AFU 33rd, 117th, and 118 mechanised brigades near Uspenovka and Malaya Tokmachka (Zaporozhye region).

The enemy losses were more than 425 servicemen, two tanks, nine armoured fighting vehicles, 14 motor vehicles, and seven field artillery guns.

In Kherson direction, the enemy lost more than 460 troops killed and wounded, two tanks, and 17 motor vehicles during unsuccessful attempts to land on the island and on the right bank of the Dnepr.

In the course of the counter-battery warfare, 16 field artillery guns and one Grad MLRS were hit.

Operational-Tactical and Missile Troops of the Russian Groups of Forces destroyed one radar of Ukrainian S-300 air defence system and three counter-battery radar stations, including one German-made Cobra and two U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50.

Russian air defence facilities shot down three Mig-29 fighter jets of the Ukrainian Air Force during air and air defence battles.

Air defence units shot down 22 HIMARS MLRS projectiles, two JDAM aerial guided bombs, and 198 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles.

In total, 536 airplanes and 254 helicopters, 8,989 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 air defence missile systems, 13,446 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,185 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 7,123 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 15,342 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.


Speech by Russian President V.V. Putin at the plenary session of the IX St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum – Forum of United Cultures ( November 17, 2023 )…


Main points:

• Cultural diversity is the greatest blessing, and the interaction of cultures is one of the conditions for stable and peaceful development.

• Among the main reasons for the current tension in the world are the claims of individual forces to exclusivity, including cultural ones.

• The future lies in the free, multi-linear and diverse development of cultures , in the broadest dialogue between humanitarian communities of the multipolar world, which is being born today.

• Russia’s cancel policy is anti-cultural, neo-colonial, and racist in nature.

• Despite all the bans and sanctions, art still knows no boundaries. This is how it is and how it will be, especially in our time of rapid technological progress.

• Russia and our people have a deeply conscious responsibility for the preservation of world heritage and traditional values.

• In our national character there is indifference to the pain of others and the desire for justice, as well as concern for preserving our common property – I mean now the Russian language.

🇷🇺 Russia is committed to working closely together with everyone who shares our values ​​of peace, friendship and mutual respect , who are ready to take part in the formation of a modern multipolar world based on civilizational and cultural diversity.


🎙 Выступление Президента России В.В.Путина на пленарном заседании IX Санкт-Петербургского международного культурного форума – Форума объединённых культур (17 ноября 2023 года)

Основные тезисы

• Культурное разнообразие – это величайшее благо, а взаимодействие культур – одно из условий стабильного и мирного развития.

• Среди главных причин нынешней напряжённости в мире – именно претензии отдельных сил на исключительность, в том числе и культурную.

• Будущее – за свободным, многолинейным и многообразным развитием культур, за самым широким диалогом гуманитарных сообществ многополярного мира, который сегодня рождается.

• Политика отмены России антикультурна, неоколониальна, расистска по своей сути.

• Несмотря на все запреты и санкции, искусство по-прежнему границ не знает Так есть и так будет, тем более в наше время бурного технологического прогресса.

• Ответственность за сохранение мирового наследия и традиционных ценностей у России, у нашего народа глубоко осознанная.

• В нашем национальном характере – неравнодушие к чужой боли и стремление к справедливости, так же как и забота о сбережении нашего общего достояния – имею в виду сейчас русский язык.

🇷🇺 Россия настроена на самую тесную совместную работу со всеми, кто разделяет наши ценности мира, дружбы и взаимного уважения, кто готов принимать участие в формировании современного многополярного мира на основе цивилизационного и культурного многообразия.

Читайте полностью


November 11, 2022 I wrote this below, about the obvious path that the USA has taken against the world…

Year later nothing has made me change my mind and it has only shown to be more true…

I think it is obvious at this juncture in the evolution of the United States that the decision has been made to focus on biological warfare rather than conventional military warfare. – kKEETON…

Just do some reading on all these posts available about USA World Bio-Lab issues…

So sad…


Russia keeps trying to find reasonableness & sanity within the USA…

🇷🇺 🇺🇸 Comment from the Russian Embassy in the USA

We drew attention to the latest destructive decisions of the US administration to increase sanctions pressure on Russia and states friendly to us.

👉 It is symptomatic that the American authorities announced new restrictions on November 16 . It was on this day that 90 years passed since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the USSR and the USA.

📌 In the history of interaction between the two powers there have been ups and downs, confrontation and détente, brotherhood in arms and an arms race. Periods of normal dialogue only benefited the peoples of both countries and the interests of global security. However, current times are characterized by outright aggression on the part of Washington , which has declared the “strategic defeat” of Russia as its goal. The emphasis is on depleting the domestic economy, inciting protest sentiments and demonizing Moscow in the international arena.

📌 The United States is persistently trying to use the entire sanctions arsenal against us . Restrictions are multiplying both under far-fetched pretexts about the need to resist Russian influence in various parts of the world, and for purely selfish purposes. In particular, we are talking about the administration’s desire to redraw the global energy map with the help of illegitimate anti-market initiatives like “price ceilings” on our raw materials.

❌ Washington needs to finally realize the futility of waving the sanctions baton and trying to break Russia . The unipolar world is irrevocably becoming a thing of the past. American claims to leadership of the entire planet are causing growing resistance from the world majority . The sooner the local ruling circles pacify their ambitions and abandon the methods of economic and political dictatorship, the easier it will be for them to integrate into the emerging polycentric system of international relations.


🇷🇺🇺🇸 Комментарий Посольства России в США

Обратили внимание на очередные деструктивные решения администрации США по усилению санкционного давления на Россию и дружественно настроенные к нам государства.

👉 Симптоматично, что американские власти объявили о новых рестрикциях 16 ноября. Именно в этот день исполнилось 90 лет со дня установления дипломатических отношений между СССР и CШA.

📌 В истории взаимодействия двух держав были взлеты и падения, конфронтация и разрядка, братство по оружию и гонка вооружений. Периоды нормального диалога приносили только пользу народам обеих стран и интересам глобальной безопасности. Однако нынешние времена характеризуются откровенной агрессией со стороны Вашингтона, который провозгласил целью «стратегическое поражение» России. Ставка делается на истощение отечественной экономики, разжигание протестных настроений и демонизацию Москвы на международной арене.

📌 США упорно пытаются задействовать против нас весь санкционный арсенал. Ограничения множатся как под надуманными предлогами о необходимости противостоять российскому влиянию в различных уголках мира, так и в сугубо корыстных целях. В частности, речь – о стремлении администрации перекроить глобальную энергокарту при помощи нелегитимных антирыночных инициатив вроде «ценовых потолков» на наше сырье.

Вашингтону необходимо, наконец, осознать тщетность размахивания санкционной дубинкой и попыток надломить Россию. Однополярный мир безвозвратно уходит в прошлое. Американские претензии на руководство всей планетой вызывают возрастающее сопротивление мирового большинства. Чем раньше местные правящие круги усмирят свои амбиции, откажутся от методов экономического и политического диктата, тем проще им будет встроиться в формирующуюся полицентричную систему международных отношений.

Sorry, but Russia, you will not find anything good from the USA and minions. Yet, you will find hurt and pain…