Svetochka and I are rebuilding kitchen at our flat…

We have never had cabinets in our kitchen. We live very basic and on a tight budget. But, we have saved enough money and decided for our New Year present, we will become civilized and have a real kitchen. Just been here 15 years, you know!

What we have built so far. Lower cabinets and a pantry. We still have three upper cabinets to build and install. Also we will cover back wall with easier cleaning wallboard. Sveta is my super helper…

Someone sneaked a picture of me…

Svetochka and I are bugged about the handles. Different ones between pantry and lower cabinets. Mayby we will get all the same after upper installed. See what handles they have?

My Super Sweetpea is big helper and makes me a happy bear. More pictures after we are done…


So I watched and listened, Israel is on a slaughter the others, ‘for they are demons’ crusade, part of that Holy War…

I have watched this from the beginning and it is in our face…

Remember I do talk about a Holy War?

and nothing that has been happening tells me anything different…

Well it is about time the world wakes up to that “Holy War” we are in…

Israel has now been recruited to dance that western “Holy War” tune. – kKEETON…

Holy War against Orthodox in Ukraine, is in full swing…

West is still starting that Holy War I see…

I see & know that the Holy War is definitely on…

My how everyday verifies the Holy War that the EU and USA have embarked upon…

I call it a Holy War and a Holy War it is…

So now about that Holy War?

So you don’t think it is a Holy War, Think Again…

If no other way to war? Make it a “Holy War!”

I have more and it all holds true as we watch the West try to take over…

Wake up people!