Had to smile at this self-induced pain that McDonald’s performed by running from Russia like a woke bloke…

When McDonald’s pulled out of Russia and thought Russians would die and burn Moscow to the ground, over no McDonald’s? They did not loose just Russia as a big money maker. The Russian supply source was removed to Kazakhstan McDonald’s…


ALMA-ATA, November 23. /TASS/. The former chain of McDonald’s fast food restaurants in Kazakhstan, managed by Food Solutions KZ LLP, received a new name – I’m, where the apostrophe is made in the shape of a heart. Under the main name you can also see the phrase: feel-good restaurants (“restaurants that lift your spirits”). The corresponding video was shown at the presentation of the new brand in Almaty.

So now since McDonald’s is not able to, in any form and or manner keep the stores alive in Kazakhstan. They just do as in Russia and rebrand. Same as always, just change the name and keep on stuffing burgers in their faces…

The world does not revolve around the West and the sooner the West learns that tidbit, the better for all of us…


Well Happy Thanksgiving 2023 and yes, SweetPea loves this day of delicious food…

Sveta loves when I cook her meals at Christmas and Thanksgiving. I don’t get no option to get around it… 😉I started this Russian Sweetpea on these specials meals and she likes them too much. So it makes her happy and I continue the tradition. That is what counts my Sweetpea and her smiles…

Today: I have turkey, bread dressing, veggies, pumpkin pie, whipped cream, mashed potatoes, gravy and a big lettuce based  mixed salad. And whatnot’s as I keep cooking today…

I believe that today would be a very good day for Americans to contemplate what they are all about and what they seem to be missing in the importance of a day like Thanksgiving…


USA, EU and NATO laughed and walked away after trying to bitch slap Russia…

Due to the irresponsible actions of the Western Coalition, they created their own antecedent problems in the area of ​​European security. These issues overwhelmed all else and continued to grow dramatically in scope and scale. In order to avoid further deviations from what has been and is considered international norms, the Russian side submitted two drafts of international legal documents:

1.The Treaty on Security Guarantees with the United States and…
2. The Agreement on Security Measures with NATO…

On January 16th, 2022 I posted this article below…

Negotiations with the West have been completed, and Russia is ready to take action to ensure national and global security. | Sergeygora | Yandex Zen


USA, EU and NATO laughed and walked away after trying to bitch slap Russia…


Maria Zakharova talks about 10 years since the beginning of anti-government protests on Independence Square in Kiev…

💬 November 21 marked exactly 10 years since the beginning of anti-government protests on Independence Square in Kiev. This is all some kind of terrible grotesque. Then events set off a tragic chain that led to the current catastrophe in Ukraine.

Recently, a detailed commentary on the occasion of this date was posted on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In it we tried to answer questions about how “Euromaidan” arose, who was “behind the scenes” of all this tragicomedy, and today a real tragedy, and how all this turned out for the people of Ukraine.< …>

❗️ “Euromaidan” contributed to the split of society , led to rampant nationalism , literally blew up society and instead of a state that was only destined to gain solid foundations, legal nihilism appeared. All this led to a struggle with the Russian language and common history , a deterioration in the socio-economic situation, the emergence of a repressive dictatorship and a civil war. < …>

Today, millions of Ukrainians live in the European Union, most of them as refugees, to whom local authorities are willing to pay money to return home.

Ukrainian agricultural products < …> are now blocked at the border by its eastern EU members. But cultural values ​​and objects of art that belong to the Ukrainian people, as well as unaccompanied minor children , are actively exported to Europe. Where these children end up is told not only by us, but now by both the official structures of the EU countries and the journalists of these countries.

Corruption, which protesters also protested against 10 years ago, has reached unprecedented proportions under the Zelensky regime. Military, financial and humanitarian aid from Western countries is being shamelessly stolen. < …>

☝️ I don’t think that Ukrainians dreamed of such a future in November 2013. I am sure that if this future had been shown to them then, they would have literally recoiled in horror from this Maidan. < ...> For the vast majority of the country’s residents , Euromaidan became a tragic point of no return to normal peaceful life and the renunciation of self-esteem.

Maria Zakharova