American and British curators in Kyiv recommend that the military-political leadership of Ukraine reduce the draft age to 17 and raise it to 70, as well as carry out additional mobilization of women. (Американские и британские кураторы Киева рекомендуют военно-политическому руково­дству Украины снизить до 17 лет и повысить до 70 лет призыв­ной возраст, а также проводить дополнительную мобилизацию женщин.)

English Below

Директор Службы внешней разведки Российской Федера­ции С.Е. Нарышкин заявил, что Запад требует от режима Зелен­ского, не считаясь с потерями, продемонстрировать мировому сообществу невозможность победы России в украинском кон­фликте. В частности, по имеющимся у СВР России достовер­ным данным, США ориентируют руководство Украины на мак­симальную активизацию мобилизационных мероприятий для восполнения огромных потерь, которые понесли ВСУ в ходе провального контрнаступления. Американские и британские кураторы Киева рекомендуют военно-политическому руково­дству Украины снизить до 17 лет и повысить до 70 лет призыв­ной возраст, а также проводить дополнительную мобилизацию женщин.

Следуя таким установкам, министр обороны Украины Р. Умеров недвусмысленно предложил Верховной раде изучить возможность понижения минимального возраста для призыва в армию. Если это произойдет, то киевский режим подтвердит свою нацистскую сущность, направив в пекло войны семнадца­тилетних юношей для продления агонии ВСУ. Это очень напом­нит действия верхушки фашистской Германии по созданию осе­нью 1944 г. народного ополчения нацистов “Фольксштурм”, в рамках которого из детей формировались отряды “Гитлерюгенд”.

Пока же колоссальные потери среди украинских военно­служащих заставляют Киев направлять в бой “стариков”. ВСУ уже формируют новые подразделения из бойцов старше 40 лет и приступили к мобилизации мужчин старше 50 лет. Законо­проект, согласно которому призывной возраст для рядового со­става повысится с 60 до 65 лет, а для командного – с 65 до 70 лет, зарегистрирован в украинском парламенте.

Острая нехватка людских ресурсов на фронте вынуждает режим Зеленского идти на увеличение количества женщин в ря­дах украинской армии, которых, согласно западным оценкам, уже насчитывается более 40 тыс. человек. Киевский режим уже повысил возрастную планку для набора женщин на военную службу до 60 лет. Но Киеву этого мало. Украинское военное командование просит расширить перечень женских профессий, подпадающих под мобилизацию. С октября с.г. ей стали подле­жать работницы медицинской сферы. В результате в больницах, поликлиниках и аптеках резко обострилась проблема дефицита кадров. Но действующий киевский режим, похоже, это не инте­ресует, и он готов продолжать войну “до последнего украинца” во имя западных интересов.

Пресс-бюро СВР России



Director of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation S.E. Naryshkin said that the West demands that the Zelensky regime, regardless of losses, demonstrate to the world community the impossibility of Russia’s victory in the Ukrainian conflict. In particular, according to reliable data available to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service, the United States is directing the Ukrainian leadership to maximize mobilization efforts to make up for the huge losses that the Ukrainian Armed Forces suffered during the failed counteroffensive. American and British curators in Kyiv recommend that the military-political leadership of Ukraine reduce the draft age to 17 and raise it to 70, as well as carry out additional mobilization of women.

Following these guidelines, the Minister of Defense of Ukraine R. Umerov explicitly proposed to the Verkhovna Rada to study the possibility of lowering the minimum age for conscription into the army. If this happens, the Kiev regime will confirm its Nazi essence by sending seventeen-year-old boys into the heat of war to prolong the agony of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This will be very reminiscent of the actions of the top of Nazi Germany to create the Volkssturm Nazi people’s militia in the fall of 1944, within which the Hitler Youth units were formed from children.

In the meantime, colossal losses among Ukrainian military personnel are forcing Kiev to send “old men” into battle. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are already forming new units from fighters over 40 years of age and have begun to mobilize men over 50 years of age. A bill according to which the conscription age for ordinary personnel will increase from 60 to 65 years, and for command personnel from 65 to 70 years, has been registered in the Ukrainian parliament.

The acute shortage of human resources at the front is forcing the Zelensky regime to increase the number of women in the ranks of the Ukrainian army, which, according to Western estimates, already numbers more than 40 thousand people. The Kiev regime has already raised the age limit for recruiting women for military service to 60 years. But this is not enough for Kyiv. The Ukrainian military command is asking to expand the list of women’s professions subject to mobilization. Since October of this year. Medical workers have become subject to it. As a result, the problem of staff shortages in hospitals, clinics and pharmacies has sharply worsened. But the current Kiev regime does not seem to be interested in this, and it is ready to continue the war “until the last Ukrainian” in the name of Western interests.

Press Bureau of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service




MoD of Russia Reports for November 19th, 2023…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (19 November 2023)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces, in the course of active operations together with Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, have struck at manpower and hardware of 14th, 41st, 43rd, 44th mechanised and 25th airborne brigades of the AFU close to Petropavlovka, Sinkovka, Ivanovka, Berestovoye (Kharkov region) and Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were more than 70 troops and two motor vehicles.

In Krasny Liman direction, as a result of competent actions by units of the Tsentr Group of Forces, in cooperation with helicopters and artillery, one attack by assault groups of the 12th Azov Special Purpose Brigade has been repelled south of Kuzmino (Lugansk People’s Republic).

Aviation has eliminated manpower and hardware of the 117th Territorial Defence Brigade, the 67th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU, and the 31st Operational Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard near Yampolovka, north of Grigorovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Serebryansky forestry.

The enemy losses were up to 30 servicemen, one armoured fighting vehicle, and two motor vehicles.

In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Group of Forces, supported by artillery and heavy flamethrower systems, have repelled six attacks by assault groups of 24th Mechanised, 5th Assault and 95th Air Assault Brigades of the AFU near Klescheevka, Shumy, and Maryinka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

In addition, manpower and hardware of 112th, 114th, and 241st territorial defence brigades, as well as 28th and 30th mechanised brigades of the AFU have been hit close to Andreevka, Vasyukovka, Razdolovka, Bogdanovka, Artyomovsk, Krasnoye, Kurdyumovka, and Kleshcheevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were over 240 servicemen killed and wounded, one tank, one infantry fighting vehicle, two motor vehicles, and one Msta-B howitzer.

In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces, in cooperation with Ground-Attack, Army aviation and artillery, have struck at manpower and hardware of 72nd mechanised, 79th air assault, 58th motorised infantry brigades of the AFU, and the 127th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Novomikhailovka, Nikolskoye, Shevchenko, Konstantinovka, Novodonetskoye, and Staromayorskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were up to 145 troops, two motor vehicles, and one Polish-manufactured Krab self-propelled artillery system.

In Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian Group of Forces, aviation and artillery have inflicted a fire damage on manpower of 33rd, 65th, 117th, and 118th mechanised brigades of the AFU near Rabotino, Kirovo, and north-west of Kopan (Zaporozhye region).

The enemy losses were over 100 servicemen, three armoured fighting vehicles, 11 motor vehicles, as well as one D-30 howitzer.

In Kherson direction, as a result of artillery and aviation strikes, the enemy losses were up to 20 servicemen, two motor vehicles, one Msta-B howitzer, and one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system.

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have neutralised manpower and military hardware in 111 areas.

In addition, fuel storage facilities for AFU aircraft have been destroyed at Kanatovo airfield (Kirovograd region).

Ammunition depots of the AFU have been hit near Kirovograd and Olshanitsa (Kiev region).

Air defence facilities have intercepted two HIMARS and Olkha projectiles.

In addition, 31 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down close to Peski, Yakovlevka, Spornoye, Olginka, Dolomitnoye, Verkhnetoretskoye, Maryinka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Zolotaryovka, Belogorovka (Lugansk People’s Republic), Novaya Kakhovka, Proletarka (Kherson region), and Kamenka-Dneprovskaya (Zaporozhye region).

In total, 536 airplanes and 254 helicopters, 9,040 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 air defence missile systems, 13,486 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,185 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 7,133 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 15,407 special military motor vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation.


Svetochka and I are rebuilding kitchen at our flat…

We have never had cabinets in our kitchen. We live very basic and on a tight budget. But, we have saved enough money and decided for our New Year present, we will become civilized and have a real kitchen. Just been here 15 years, you know!

What we have built so far. Lower cabinets and a pantry. We still have three upper cabinets to build and install. Also we will cover back wall with easier cleaning wallboard. Sveta is my super helper…

Someone sneaked a picture of me…

Svetochka and I are bugged about the handles. Different ones between pantry and lower cabinets. Mayby we will get all the same after upper installed. See what handles they have?

My Super Sweetpea is big helper and makes me a happy bear. More pictures after we are done…


So I watched and listened, Israel is on a slaughter the others, ‘for they are demons’ crusade, part of that Holy War…

I have watched this from the beginning and it is in our face…

Remember I do talk about a Holy War?

and nothing that has been happening tells me anything different…

Well it is about time the world wakes up to that “Holy War” we are in…

Israel has now been recruited to dance that western “Holy War” tune. – kKEETON…

Holy War against Orthodox in Ukraine, is in full swing…

West is still starting that Holy War I see…

I see & know that the Holy War is definitely on…

My how everyday verifies the Holy War that the EU and USA have embarked upon…

I call it a Holy War and a Holy War it is…

So now about that Holy War?

So you don’t think it is a Holy War, Think Again…

If no other way to war? Make it a “Holy War!”

I have more and it all holds true as we watch the West try to take over…

Wake up people!


MoD of Russia Reports for November 11th to November 17th, 2023…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (11 – 17 November 2023)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

In the period from 11 to 17 November 2023, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation inflicted 24 group strikes with high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles on Liman operational-tactical group and Khortitsa operational-strategic group of force’s forward command posts and accommodation points for Ukrainian officers, as well as temporary deployment areas of Azov and Right Sector nationalists formations’ militants.

In addition, artillery arsenals, depots of weapons, military equipment, fuels and lubricants, airfield infrastructure, as well as a training center for snipers and engineers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were successfully hit.

In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces repelled 26 enemy attacks and  improved the situation along the front line.

Air strikes and artillery fire defeated manpower and hardware of AFU 30th, 54th, 57th, and 67th mechanised brigades near Sinkovka, Timkovka, Zagoruikovka (Kharkov region).

The enemy losses totalled over 575 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded, two tanks, 10 armoured fighting vehicles, 11 motor vehicles, and 13 field artillery guns.

In Krasny Liman direction, the Tsentr Group of Forces supported by aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems, repelled 23 attacks launched by assault groups of AFU 24th and 47th mechanised brigades, 12th Special Forces Brigade, as well as the 15th Regiment of the National Guard of Ukraine.

The enemy losses were more than 1,100 servicemen, eight armoured fighting vehicles, 14 motor vehicles, and five field artillery guns.

In Donetsk direction, the Yug Group of Forces repelled 33 enemy attacks and inflicted fire damage on AFU manpower and hardware near Mariynka, Kurdyumovka, Razdolovka, Andreevka, and Kleshcheyevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were more than 1,810 servicemen killed and wounded, two tanks, 24 motor vehicles, and 22 field artillery guns.

In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces  captured more favorable positions and repelled two attacks of AFU 79th air assault, 128 territorial defence brigades’ assault groups near Novomikhailovka and Nikolskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Air strikes and artillery fire defeated AFU 72nd mechanised, 58th mechanised infantry, 102nd and 127th territorial defence brigades close to Ugledar, Staromayorskoye, and Urozhaynoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Over the week, the enemy has lost more than 745 militants, 12 armoured fighting vehicles, 15 motor vehicles, 20 field artillery guns, as well as one Grad MLRS.

In Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian Group of Forces repelled three attacks of the AFU units near Rabotino (Zaporozhye region).

Moreover, the Russian Armed Forces inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of AFU 33rd, 117th, and 118 mechanised brigades near Uspenovka and Malaya Tokmachka (Zaporozhye region).

The enemy losses were more than 425 servicemen, two tanks, nine armoured fighting vehicles, 14 motor vehicles, and seven field artillery guns.

In Kherson direction, the enemy lost more than 460 troops killed and wounded, two tanks, and 17 motor vehicles during unsuccessful attempts to land on the island and on the right bank of the Dnepr.

In the course of the counter-battery warfare, 16 field artillery guns and one Grad MLRS were hit.

Operational-Tactical and Missile Troops of the Russian Groups of Forces destroyed one radar of Ukrainian S-300 air defence system and three counter-battery radar stations, including one German-made Cobra and two U.S.-made AN/TPQ-50.

Russian air defence facilities shot down three Mig-29 fighter jets of the Ukrainian Air Force during air and air defence battles.

Air defence units shot down 22 HIMARS MLRS projectiles, two JDAM aerial guided bombs, and 198 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles.

In total, 536 airplanes and 254 helicopters, 8,989 unmanned aerial vehicles, 441 air defence missile systems, 13,446 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,185 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 7,123 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 15,342 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.