When Churches become followers of Satan…

“The British Methodist Church has issued guidance prohibiting the use of the terms ‘husband’ and ‘wife’: In England, Adam is now ‘Parent 1’ and Eve is ‘Parent 2.’

“The Methodist Church in Great Britain this month released a Guide to Inclusive Language, which recommends avoiding the use of gendered terms such as “husband” and “wife” because they supposedly suggest something that “is not the reality for many people.”


The words “parent”, “partner”, “guardian” were suggested as suitable alternatives.
“We are proud of our inclusive language leadership,” a church spokesman said. − This helps the church have a conversation without making assumptions or unintentionally upsetting. Some find this particularly helpful when communicating with those whose life experiences may be different from their own.”

Sorry but Husband and Wife are just fine for titles. Like Boy, Girl, Man, Woman, etc etc…

Sick churches and very corrupted…


Me thinks Israel had better watch it’s back, because…

An aggressive bullying country must choose it’s battles wisely, for even in the event that it triumphs, it’s injuries and it’s diminished strength are going to expose it to other countries awaiting in the dark recesses, whom have been treated badly by the bully. – kKEETON…

Watch your back Israel, for you have brought it upon yourself and the USA is also too weakened to get too involved and succeed in anyway you seem to think it can. The Empire is dying…

One year at a time now and may we see to the end of a peaceful upcoming 2024…