Duma – Changes to the Law “On Education” have been adopted…

1. It is prohibited to use mobile phones during lessons (except in emergency cases). We discussed this issue with you – parents and teachers asked to support this norm. The decision taken will improve the quality of education for our children.

2. Labor lessons have been returned to schools as a compulsory subject.

Labor education is an integral part of the educational process.
If you instill hard work in your child from childhood, then everything will be fine in the future.


For the USA knows not but to run after it creates a mess, just as the petulant child does the same when it breaks the cookie jar as it steals all the cookies. – kKEETON…

Thus as Snagglepuss use to say, “Exit, stage left!”

“Exit, stage left!” and “Heavens to Murgatroyd!”

He also use to say, “Heavens to Murgatroyd!” That is just what is being said right now as people look around and wake up to the fact that the west led by the USA is walking off a cliff with the lemmings following behind them. Not even the elites bomb shelters will save them in a nuclear war and they are starting to realize Russia will not blink…

I just tell it like it is and it is you whom does not like what is told. – kKEETON


Comment from the Russian Embassy in the USA – “on freedom of speech cannot serve as an excuse for terrorism and murder of people.”

🇷🇺🇺🇸 Comment from the Russian Embassy in the USA

We drew attention to an article in Foreign Affairs with statements by American retirees and military experts about the need for the Kyiv regime to “destroy” the Crimean Bridge.

❗️ The publication, concocted by local pseudo-analysts, including the former commander of US Ground Forces in Europe B. Hodges, is striking in its madness and cynicism.

👉 Insistent “advice” to Kiev to conduct massive shelling of Russian civilian infrastructure using ATACMS ammunition transferred from Washington once again confirms the Russophobes’ total misunderstanding of the catastrophic risks of further dragging the United States into the conflict. At the same time, they are actively pushing Berlin to provide Ukrainian neo-Nazis with long-range Taurus missiles , which, they say, are even better suited for achieving this goal.

☝️It is obvious that local “hawks” are seeking to revive the fading interest of American citizens in events in Eastern Europe . Especially considering the failed “counter-offensive” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces , which was carefully prepared by Western curators.

❌ We emphasize that freedom of speech cannot serve as an excuse for terrorism and murder of people. Foreign Affairs magazine is ruining its reputation by giving such odious characters a platform . We expect explanations from the editors to what extent the published material reflects the position of this once authoritative publication, as well as condemnation of terrorist calls by the American authorities.