🎙 From answers to questions from S.V. Lavrov during the 21st Doha Forum, December 10, 2023…


🔸 We strongly condemned the terrorist attack against Israel on October 7, as we condemn any terrorist act. At the same time , we do not consider it acceptable to use this case to collectively punish millions of Palestinians through indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas.

🔸We all must remember what the origins of the situation in the Palestinian territories are, what is happening with the 75-year-old resolution promising the Palestinians a state. It has been sabotaged for about 50 years. The blockade of the Gaza Strip continues.

🔸 We are well aware of the selfish nature of decisions made by American foreign policy.

🔸 Americans are “wonderful” in what we call “cancel culture.” Whenever they don’t like some part of the story or some events, they “undo” what preceded it.

🔸 I mentioned the “cancel culture” phenomenon. This is not a war of choice. This is an operation we could not avoid , given that Ukraine has been used for years by the United States and NATO as a tool to undermine Russia’s security.

🔸 They had a chance in March and April 2022. Shortly after the start of the special military operation in Istanbul, negotiators reached an agreement based on Ukraine’s neutrality. No NATO. At the same time, security guarantees would be provided to Ukraine by the West and Russia together. This was rejected. It was canceled because the Americans and the British decided that if Russian President V.V. Putin was ready to sign it, then let’s wear him down even more.

❗️ The main result for us and for others (who will feel it later) is that Russia has already become much stronger than it was before these events. And so it will be after the end of the war.


Medvedev on, “LAST EPISODE” a script synopsis…


President Vasily Goloborodko is in a bunker styled as his official office. Big table. Above the table are portraits of three teachers – Adolf, Benito and Stepan (in the center). Goloborodko has changed a lot since the previous season of the series: he has aged twenty years, has grown in patchy, sloppy stubble, greasy hair, sunken cheeks, a shifty, haunted look. He is wearing a green T-shirt with a trident that has not been washed for a long time.

Goloborodko wanders aimlessly around the office, periodically sits down at the table, shuffles papers, grabs the phone and shouts something unintelligibly into the phone in a mixture of Surzhik and Russian obscenities. Then he collapses exhaustedly in a chair, takes out a brown folder and sniffs something in it. His facial features smooth out, he closes his eyes and calms down for a while.

There’s a knock on the door. An assistant comes in and reports:

– Vasily Petrovich, I have current information. Two news. Good: the counterattack is going well. True, we are retreating for now. The bad news: Muscovites and Pindos have taken us into a pincer movement. The Russian group is developing an offensive, and they are constantly saying that they are ready to return to negotiations. The Americans have failed the issue of arms supplies and are pushing us towards peace with the Russians. These are the notorious ticks.

– Negotiations are over for us. This is a new Maidan with the transfer of power to Podluzhny, Govnyushenko and Dristovich. We need another option. What, our payments to Hunter’s companies don’t reach the idiot? – says the president in a hoarse tenor.

– They went into denial there. Hunter seemed to be hunting. Got burned.

– It’s bad, really bad. Go away, I’ll think about it.

Goloborodko thinks for a long time, sitting at the table, then opens the brown folder again and soulfully sniffs the contents. He lifts up his enlightened face with a powdered nose, on which appears an expression of readiness for martyrdom and heroic trials. He gets up from the table, after which he falls to his knees and begins to fervently pray for Adolf, Stepan and Benito, bowing to the ground. Then he sits down at the table again, turns on the computer and begins recording an appeal on social networks. His face takes on a significant look, he speaks with a sense of solemnity of the moment:

– Citizens of Ukraine! We are closer than ever to the long-awaited victory; the counterattack has achieved its planned goal. I want to appeal to our enemies: you will not expect a shameful peace from me! My job has been done with honor. I will leave, as my teachers bequeathed to me. Moreover, in order not to complete my life mission the way it happened with Benito and Stepan, I decided to leave, like Adolf. Glory to Ukraine!

Then he decisively opens the brown folder and inhales the life-giving powder for a long time through both nostrils, creating a cloud of white smoke around himself.

His head falls limply onto the table. There is a blissful smile on his lips, somewhat reminiscent of the smile of Robert De Niro’s character in the Chinese opium den from the film Once Upon a Time in America.

The final. Epic music sounds.
