MoD of Russia Report for December 13th, 2023…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (13 December 2023)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems repelled eight attacks of assault groups of AFU 14th, 43rd, 60th, 115th mechanised brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Sinkovka, Ivanovka, Yagodnoye (Kharkov region), and Lake Liman.

Clusters of AFU 115th mechanised, 57th mechanised infantry brigades’ manpower suffered losses north-western Lake Liman and north of Sinkovka (Kharkov region).

The enemy losses were up to 55 troops, one U.S.-made M113 armoured personnel carrier, and two armoured fighting vehicles.

In Krasny Liman direction, units of the Tsentr Group of Forces repelled one attack launched by the AFU 63rd Mechanised Brigade near Chervonaya Dibrova (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Artillery inflicted fire damage on AFU manpower close to Serebryansky forestry.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 100 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded, one tank, and two motor vehicles.

In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Group of Forces supported by artillery repelled four attacks of AFU 24th mechanised, 5th assault brigades near Kleshcheyevka and Shumy (Donetsk People’s Republic).

In addition, strikes were delivered at enemy manpower and hardware near Krasnoye, Kleshcheyevka, Kurdyumovka, Kirovo, and Maryinka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses in this direction amounted to up to 250 Ukrainian military personnel, one U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, three armoured fighting vehicles, two Msta-B howitzers, one Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, one D-20 and one D-30 howitzers.

In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces supported by artillery and heavy flamethrower systems inflicted losses on manpower and hardware of AFU 79th air assault, 58 mechanised infantry, and 128 territorial defence brigades near Novomikhailovka, Novodonetskoye, and Staromayorskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Up to 130 Ukrainian troops, two pickups, two Akatsiya self-propelled artillery systems, and one Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system have been eliminated.

In Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian Group of Forces supported by artillery repelled one attack of the AFU 117th Mechanised Brigade’s assault groups north of Novoprokopovka (Zaporozhye region), and inflicted fire damage on AFU 128th mountain assault, 33rd, 65th mechanised brigades’ manpower and hardware close to Pyatikhatki, Rabotino, and Nesteryanka(Zaporozhye region).

The AFU losses amounted to up to 50 Ukrainian troops and three motor vehicles.

In Kherson direction, as a result of actions of the Russian Group of Forces supported by artillery and aviation, the AFU lost up to 30 Ukrainian troops.

In addition, three Gvozdika self-propelled artillery systems and one unmanned aerial vehicle command post have been eliminated.

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged assembly and repair workshops for unmanned aerial vehicles, three ammunition depots and one fuel depot, one Ukrainian 79K6 Pelican phased-array radar station, as well as AFU manpower and hardware in 118 areas during the day.

Russian air defence forces intercepted two HIMARS MLRS projectiles.

In addition, six Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down close to Kremennaya (Lugansk People’s Republic), Belogorovka, Krinichnaya, and Maryinka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

In total, 550 airplanes and 257 helicopters, 9,661 unmanned aerial vehicles, 442 air defence missile systems, 14,026 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,188 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 7,322 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 16,263 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.


Medvedev on about the mythical victory of Kyiv…

English below…

Разбирать слова Байдена – дело неблагодарное: старый человек с явными признаками прогрессирующей деменции. И всё же иногда он явно выдаёт эдакие доктринальные заготовки. Вот одна из них, озвученная в ходе визита украинского попрошайки. Речь идёт о мифической победе Киева. Разберём её, поскольку она симптоматична. Итак, по Байдену, «победа» теперь означает, что:

1. «Украина является независимым государством» – т. е. виктория уже в том, что «страна» просто останется, а не исчезнет с карты мира. Границы и суверенитет не имеют значения. Например, сохранится в границах Львова.

2. «…и она может защитить себя сегодня». Обратите внимание: просто защитить. И только сегодня, а не завтра. Никаких тебе контрнаступов. Никакого продвижения вперёд. Неважно, с какими последствиями и чем. Например, «защитить себя» в тех же границах Львова старыми танками с небольшим количеством другой техники и средств поражения.

3. «…и сдержать дальнейшую агрессию». Оставим на совести старика «агрессию», а не превентивный ответ на действия НАТО. Важно другое: «сдержать сама», а не при помощи союзников и их гарантий. Плюс очевидное понимание того, что Вооружённые силы России будут и дальше давить неонацистов. Это неизбежно.

Ну, как говаривал Ильич, это коренная перемена наших взглядов на социализм.

Добавьте сюда глуповатое хихиканье деда с растерянным лицом в ходе ответа на вопрос о победе Украины. Думаю, после такого «успеха» бандеровский клоун от досады и бессилия устроил себе наркотический трип прямо в самолёте…


To disassemble Biden’s words is an ungrateful thing: an old man with obvious signs of progressive dementia. And yet, sometimes he clearly gives out such doctrinal blanks. Here is one of them, voiced during the visit of the Ukrainian beggar. We are talking about the mythical victory of Kyiv. We will analyze it, because it is symptomatic. So, according to Biden, “Victory” now means that:

1. “Ukraine is an independent state” – that is, Victoria is already that the “country” will simply remain, and not disappear from the world map. Borders and sovereignty do not matter. For example, it will remain within the boundaries of Lviv.

2. “… and she can protect herself today.” Please note: just protect. And only today, not tomorrow. No counterates. No advance forward. It doesn’t matter what consequences and what. For example, “protect yourself” in the same boundaries of Lviv with old tanks with a small amount of other equipment and means of defeat.

3. “… and restrain further aggression.” Let us leave on the old man’s conscience “aggression”, and not a preventive response to NATO actions. Another thing is important: “restrain yourself”, and not with the help of allies and their guarantees. Plus, the obvious understanding that the Russian armed forces will continue to crush neo -Nazis. It’s unavoidable.

Well, as Ilyich used to say, this is the fundamental change of our views on socialism.

Add here the stupid giggling of your grandfather with a bewildered face during an answer to the question about the victory of Ukraine. I think that after such a “success”, the Bandera clown with annoyance and powerlessness arranged a narcotic trip directly on the plane …



Gonna post this email we got from GoDaddy and it is a darn good thing we moved all the rest of the domains…

I have one domain left on GoDaddy. And I will be updating this to tell about whether we could even save this domain??? The domain is paid up through June of 2024. They will terminate our domain and not give money back. If I move it myself, fine, a half a year of payment moves to the new. If I do not move it? They delete it from my use and sell it to someone else…

So for now read an e-mail received yesterday and we were given very little time to move this domain. They know this and did this on purpose. The process of moving a domain from GoDaddy is not straight forward and GoDaddy has caused us in the past to have to spend very long times to move a domain…

From: GoDaddy
Date: Tuesday, 12 December 2023, 00:30AM +03:00
Subject: Important Notice Regarding Your GoDaddy Account.


Need help? Contact us.

Customer Number: 15040490

Important Notice

Our records indicate you or a contact listed in your account may be located in the Russian Federation. If our records are correct, your account(s) and/or affected product(s) will be terminated as of December 31, 2023.

For domain registrations, you have until December 31, 2023 to initiate the transfer of any impacted domain(s) to a registrar of your choice, subject to the incoming transfer restrictions of other registrars. For instructions on transferring domains, see

For all other products, your access to all data and content on file with us will be terminated as of December 31, 2023, and we will not be able to provide you with backups. Accordingly, we are respectfully asking you to retrieve your data and transfer any products you have with us to a new provider prior to that date.

You will not have access to your account(s) and/or affected product(s) once they are terminated.

We appreciate your business and apologize for any inconvenience.

Please do not reply to this email. Emails sent to this address will not be answered.

Copyright © 1999-2023 GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC. 2155 E. GoDaddy Way, Tempe, AZ 85284 USA. All rights reserved.

Okay, we will see how this illegal fiasco goes. Illegal if I was in the USA and legal for them now because I have no legal recourse against them from Russia…

I guess we should feel lucky that they did not wait until, the 30th of December and tell us about this…

They have made big walls in my way to move this domain… 🙁

They may have been helped by Russian demands?

Роскомнадзор: So I wonder what we will see happen about these demands???

Only us peons lose in all this…


Maybe the USA could answer Maria Zakharova question?

Interesting thought by Maria…


“Blinken stated (just think about it!) that 90% of the funds allocated to Kiev were actually invested within the U.S. for the development of the American military-industrial complex. Thus, these funds became a stimulus for the American economy.

He wasn’t even ashamed to say it. Nor was he ashamed to develop the idea that, as it turns out, aid to Ukraine is a ‘win-win situation for everyone, so it is necessary to continue this.’

I just have one question. If, as it turns out, this is such a great intra-American investment, then perhaps it would have been better to invest all 100% within the U.S. and, in principle, not involve Ukraine at all?”

I posted this below when this information came out as a news item of goodness for the USA…

Which actually proves that 90% of the money allocated to Ukraine is stolen by the politicians within the USA and the Ukraine steals the rest…