Volodin of the Russian Duma about 12th round of sanctions against Russia…

After the European Union approved the 12th sanctions package against Russia , 18,772 illegal restrictive measures were introduced.

European states act under the dictation of the United States and primarily harm their citizens.
The eurozone economy is forecast to contract within six months. This means a recession – the first since the coronavirus pandemic.

As one of the leading American publications admits, “Washington hoped that the departure of Western companies would help strangle the Russian economy. But the Russian leadership had other plans and turned the boycott of Western companies into success for the state.”

Western companies that announced their withdrawal from our country lost more than $103 billion .
This money remained in Russia.

By the way, by the end of the year, our country’s GDP growth will be 3.5%.


Oh we got lucky and some snow is actually melting…

We have had so much snow and truthfully, it was getting worrisome…

38 cm of snow – the previous achievement was recorded in 1941 at 36 cm…

Almost half meter of snow on rooftops is not a good thing, yet Mother Nature (and I am sure God had a hand in it a tidbit 😉 ) helped us out this year and has decided to melt a bunch of snow. We are blessed with a rare +2 days for about four or five days and I will take it…

It has looked like end of February around here and it is just December. It was getting serious and that could have led to broken homes from the weight of the snow by February…

Thanks Mother Nature and God for the help…


Comment from the Permanent Mission of Russia to the EU regarding the 12th “package” of anti-Russian sanctions adopted by the European Union…

Good post and very true about the state the EU and the cliff it is driving off…

💬 The end of December is the time to sum up the work for the year. The adopted 12th sanctions “package” is a self-explanatory result of the EU policy in the Russian (more precisely, anti-Russian) direction in the past year.

We are confident that this “package” will be remembered by the EU member countries for the fact that, paradoxical as it may sound, the vast majority of them did not need it at all . Neither their national economies, nor their populations. The next restrictions were needed, first of all, by the EU bureaucracy. In a way, you give a plan for sanctions.

❗️Sanction pressure on Russia is the answer to those who are asking a completely reasonable question: what is the “rules-based order” promoted by the European Union? Its components are extraterritorial illegitimate restrictions, political blackmail, neocolonial approaches, imposing relations on third countries according to the principle “those who are not with us are against us.”

It remains to warn in advance those politicians who may be dissatisfied with the results of the European or national elections planned for 2024: they will have themselves to blame for this , and not some “Russian disinformation” or “Moscow’s interference in democratic electoral processes.” It is as a result of 12 “packages” of anti-Russian sanctions that the foundations of the economies of EU member states and the well-being of their populations have been undermined .

On New Year’s Eve, we, for our part, want to assure ordinary Europeans that we remain interested in living with them in peace and mutual understanding based on respect for each other’s interests . However, while the EU political establishment – ​​and this is evidenced by the 12th “package” – alas, continues to dream of how to “strangle” us with sanctions, building relations with the European Union that meet Russian interests does not seem possible.