To show how stupid the West has gone ‘Mentally Bananas’ with sanctions against Russia…

It looks like the west has introduced more sanctions against Russia than all other countries combined have in total against them…

18,772 illegal restrictive sanctions have been introduced just against Russia and the Russian people…

Maybe the Western Coalition has a “Borderline personality disorder (BPD)”…



Maria Zakharova on, “Who is the Gas Station?”…

About the meme “Russia is a gas station”

It was introduced into circulation by a patented Russophobe, Senator John McCain. In 2014, he said about our country: “Russia is a gas station that pretends to be a country.”

After McCain, everyone called Russia a gas station. Former Obama economic adviser Jason Furman (“Russia is, basically, a big gas station”) , US presidential candidates Mitt Romney (“Russia is now a gas station pretending at parades that it is a country”) , Ron DeSantis ( “Russia is a gas station with a set of nuclear bombs”) and many others.

Already this year, the author of another meme about the “blooming garden,” Josep Borrell, called Russia a “gas station with an atomic bomb” in his article.

But, as you already know, all our sessions involve exposure.

Look at the latest US foreign trade statistics.

The main US export is oil ($86 billion). Next come petroleum products (another $83 billion). In fourth place is gas ($50 billion). If we calculate the total share of hydrocarbons from the total amount of the first five items of national exports, it will be almost 63%. Aviation and mechanical engineering are trailing behind.

The United States is actively pumping oil for sale, production figures are growing every month and breaking records. Otherwise, the American economy can no longer cope, even taking into account the “inflated dollar.”

And who is the gas station country here? I agree though. The USA has a more complex design: a gas station with an integrated cash printer.

Maria Zakharova