Don’t Pack Your Christmas Tree Yet – Its Russian New Year…

Happy New Year Everyone…

Stop: While you are contemplating packing that Christmas tree away until next year. Think about leaving it up until the 7th of January…


New Year Tree

In Russia we have just finished putting our trees up and are getting ready for the holidays of all holidays. The Russian New Year and then the Orthodox Russian Christmas…

The trees all come out for sale after Western Christmas and everyone is in a tree buying frenzy for a week. Even today the 26th, people are carrying trees on their shoulders everywhere. The tree stands are selling out as you read this…

You see Santa (Ded Moroz) has not come to town in Russia…

Russians use this time of the year to go all out on the New Year. Firework stands are everywhere. People are dancing in the streets and Babushka’s are cooking up a storm with their secrete recipes. I also heard a crazy figure like “Russians will drink (insert unbelievable number ###) liters of Alcohol this New Years?” and to recover, they get a whole bunch of days off….but I am seeing that the rest of the world is working on being heavy drinkers also…

The Christmas looking tree is a New Year Tree in Russia; kinda looks like a Christmas tree! Huh?

So call your tree a New Year Tree and leave it up for a few more days. In fact since Orthodox Christmas is not until the 7th of January keep the tree up even longer…

The Russians do…