End of year 2023 at WtR (Windows to Russia) It is time for us to grow up!

Whomever said this quote above is smart, wise and being glib in their expression of said issue…

I mentioned many many truths upon these pages of WtR and 99% of these truths are repeats from our history as humans upon this planet we call Earth…

While I fully believe that we as humans are an example of, “It’s time to make old mistakes in new ways!” I believe that it is time, this time to try, for once, that we make new mistakes in new ways and learn from these mistakes. Sincerely, humans need to grow up and accept our rolls as caretakers of our planet, instead of acting like children and frolicking all around in destruction of all we touch. – kKEETON…

I know that the other animals, plants and insects upon our planet would appreciate if we took our job seriously. The job that God gave us to do and it started with Adam naming everything while in the Garden of Eden…


The entire West is leaning toward Zombie Mobilization. Who will “sound the bell” next?

Russia is coming, Russia is coming…

“One European general after the other top politician sounds the bell: the Russian war in Ukraine can go beyond its banks and flood the entire continent. Just before his departure, Luitentant-General Martin Wijnen, the commander of the army, is added in the row of warning. We must be ready for the gloomy scenario and act accordingly, he thinks. “, ” One European general after the other top politician rings the bell: the Russian war in Ukraine can go beyond his banks and the Entire continent. Just before his departure, Luitentant-General Martin Wijnen, the commander of the Army, joins the list of warning. We must be ready for the gloomy scenario and act accordingly, he thinks.”

Russia is coming, Russia is coming. A half of a dozen countries in the last week have now spouted about an alleged Russian attack upon Europe. Thus drive the masses and do what it takes to keep pissing all over Russia…

People never listen and when they do they hear only what they want to hear…

Even their news admits that they are all announcing the, “Russia is coming, Russia is coming”…

Drive them Hordes of Zombies!

The Hordes of Barbarians will come from the North!


Everyday the “Western Coalition” looks more and more ‘Horde Zombie Infested’…

Hordes of Barbarians from the North are Actually Guaranteed…