Hmm… Hope he is alive… WtR
When the United States and the Gulf monarchies armed and paid Saddam Hussein to wage war against Iran, it was Syria, the only Arab country, that helped Iran. From that moment on, the West, the Arab vassal states of the region and Israel launched hostilities against Assad and the Syrian people. His support for the […]
LAST EPISODE FILM EPIC “SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE”. SCRIPT SYNOPSIS President Vasily Goloborodko is in a bunker styled as his official office. Big table. Above the table are portraits of three teachers – Adolf, Benito and Stepan (in the center). Goloborodko has changed a lot since the previous season of the series: he has aged […]
Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (9 December 2023) The Russian Armed Forces delivered long-range air-launched precision-guided group strikes on AFU Olkha and Grad MLRS ammunition depots, as well as Grom operational-tactical missiles. The goal of the strikes have been achieved. All the assigned targets have been engaged. In […]
When the mask comes off, it stays off and evil has shown its face… UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The United States vetoed a United Nations resolution Friday backed by almost all other Security Council members and dozens of other nations demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza. Supporters called it a terrible day and warned […]
Gotta say, lots of holidays in Russia. Putin has been busy today with this holiday… WtR
“His work as president must be continued,” – Medvedev Said by Medvedev, who is the deputy chairman of Russia’s Security Council… *** Medvedev is correct… WtR
On October 17, 2018… If no other way to war? Make it a “Holy War!” Yes a Holy War amongst other things that it desires to mess up our world with… WtR–j-sessii-Kommissii-po-preduprezhdeniyu-12-08 ⚡️Совместное заявление против исламофобии и религиозной нетерпимости на возобновленной 32-й сессии Комиссии ООН по предупреждению преступности и уголовному правосудию От лица: Азербайджана, Алжира, Бангладеша, Беларуси, Бахрейна, Венесуэлы, Египта, Индонезии, Иордании, Ирака, Ирана, Йемена, Казахстана, Катара, КНР, Кот-д’Ивуара, Кувейта, Кыргызстана, Ливии, Малайзии, Марокко, ОАЭ, Пакистана, Палестины, России, Саудовской Аравии, Судана, Сирии, Таджикистана, Туниса, Турции и […]
Well, let’s see, MBS of Saudi Arabia can either go visit a Western Satanic Banana Republic called United Kingdom, or meet with the Leader of the Free World? ~~ Man, I can see how that might have been a very hard decision to decide! ~~ Saudi Arabia scrapped plans for Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) to […]