February 27, 2015 I wrote the below article… The West cannot win at this game they are trying to play… So true and so happening and so neoconish ignorantly ridiculous… The child alone in the sandbox, screams at the other children looking at him with pity and fear, “It is mine, all mine, my toys, […]
North Korea Foreign Ministry: “Israel bombed a public health establishment which is to be protected on a top priority in peacetime or wartime under international law. This is an unimaginable hideous war crime and unethical crime. What should not be overlooked is that Israel’s such criminal act was openly committed under the undisguised patronage of […]
Hmm… WtR
Putin is correct and I hope that this is not a day late sort of thinking. I think it is a finally expressing what has been known all along though. Israel has brought this issue to a head. While Israel is not a religious founded illegal country, the west makes it illegally a religious founded […]
Projection of power is a sight to behold, “until it is not”… Then these bases are nothing but a duck shoot and a liability for the USA. Projection is visual and nothing to do with reality… Hollywood it’s not! USA: Get-um those men home and or loose-um those men needlessly… The real world is getting […]
Ship movement has happened… Ouch, the USA has and is stumbling into a spider web… and… https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Article/3564874/statement-from-secretary-of-defense-lloyd-j-austin-iii-on-steps-to-increase-for/ First, I redirected the movement of the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group to the Central Command area of responsibility. This carrier strike group is in addition to the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group, which […]
Just a thought of mine… The dribble and ineloquent mutterings display lately by the western media, politicians, plebs and retired military are at the Depression stage of denial… Do Psychopaths get depressed? I know they get unhinged and violent, but do they get dispirited? Hmm… WtR
https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/speeches/2023-10-24/secretary-generals-remarks-the-security-council-the-middle-east%C2%A0 Mr. President, with your permission, I will make a small introduction and then ask my colleagues to brief the Security Council on the situation on the ground. Excellencies, The situation in the Middle East is growing more dire by the hour. The war in Gaza is raging and risks spiralling throughout the region. Divisions […]
What do you do? I plugged my Huawei Mate 50 in to charge and 30 seconds later, the charger decided to short out and send 220 volts straight to the phone… What a horrible death… Did not know that a charger would do that? It is as if I just plugged the USB straight to […]