“Expectations that the West would behave decently did not materialize” Russian Foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov said that the West can no longer enjoy our trust in any area. “Liz Truss said she was ready to press the red button, they are ready for a nuclear war,” he stressed. The west is just plain textbook psycho… […]
After they (USA) wrapped covid up, nevertheless, it subsisted in the background, thus it would approach anew at some point in time. They plainly ended it because there existed inordinately consequential pushback by the plebs, but they can allow these effects to lounge for a snippet of time, and also bring them back in force, […]
Russia: Never Lost Her Power! Interesting in my thinking back then. and… Interesting at how right I was… WtR PS: It is also interesting to see old articles and find links non existent and many western censored links nowadays in my articles. Also as to how my style has changed if writing…
So the West just stole very important Russian Orthodox Icons from Ukraine, just like they already stole Ukrainian Gold… https://goldseek.com/article/has-us-just-stripped-ukraine-its-gold-reserves Eight years ago as Russia seized Crimea from Ukraine, Ukraine’s gold appeared to have been hastily shipped to the United States. Nobody in authority would deny it: https://gata.org/node/14744 Today the Ukrainian central bank acknowledged that […]
Ukrain is working on blowing up the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant. The west is going bonified sicko psycho… WtR
TASS question: How can you comment on Poland’s desire to participate in NATO’s Nuclear Sharing program? Answer: Taking into account the fact that in the Polish leadership today is only patented degenerates that have been collected, the request to deploy nuclear weapons in Poland threatens only Russia. Such weapons will be used. Finally, to the […]
China gives the USA the middle finger and will soon (already has) surpass America in the chip industry… Okay, I know you are not following what is going on, yet as you sleep in woke land, the rest of the world is getting on with business… Myself, it looks like Huawei has already, “chipped” it […]
Notice who and think about whom the west hates and calls evil: West hates: 1. Russian Federation 2. Peoples Republic of China 3. North Korea 4. Iran Proven Hypersonic Weapons: 1. Russian Federation 2. Peoples Republic of China 3. North Korea 4. Iran Hmm, the same list… WtR
Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (1 July 2023) The Russian Armed Forces have carried out a high-precision sea- and ground-launched attack against the command and control posts of the Donetsk task force. All the assigned targets have been engaged. The goal of the strike has been achieved. The […]
No “chem-trails”, no vapor trails literally at all. Lots of jets of all types, though… Use to be when I heard a jet, as I worked in the yard, you could look up and see a very visible vapor trail. Now when you see the jet, the vapor is visible and dissipates very fast. Like […]