Ukraine is a NATO testing ground for testing methods of confrontation in the digital space…

πŸ—ž Interview with the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for international cooperation in the field of information security, Director of the Department of International Information Security of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs A.R. Lyukmanov RIA Novosti (January 5, 2024)

Main points:

⚑️ Over the past two years, the domestic information infrastructure has become the target of regular computer attacks. Most of them are carried out from the territory or in the interests of the V. Zelensky regime. < ...> We have to admit that this country has actually become a NATO testing ground for testing methods of confrontation in the digital space.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ Now the issue of information security has firmly entered the UN agenda. The main negotiating platform is an open-ended working group created at the initiative of Russia in 2021. < ...> One of the priority areas of work for the Russian Federation is the formation of universal legally binding instruments in the field of information security.

🌍 Based on the results of 2023, we can confidently say that our interaction with African partners in the field of information security has reached a qualitatively new level . The starting point was the second Russia-Africa summit .

πŸ‡·πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ China is not just the most important partner in the field of international investment, but also our main like-minded partner. The approaches of Moscow and Beijing are as close as possible .

❗️ US authorities and intelligence agencies, in an effort to gain control over electronic communications on a global scale, have relied on the potential of the IT giants of Silicon Valley. Corporations like Microsoft, Apple, Google, Meta and others were forced to meekly fulfill Washington’s political order.


In the real world, Russia has time on its side.

I don’t think time is the issue. An issue that so many whine about constantly, “Russia is moving so slow!”

The issue is whether or not NATO has the any viable ability, proper training and weapons that will work properly whatsoever, to pull it off, as they try attacking Russia? Is NATO able to even get off first base without being humiliated?

For NATO to attack Russia and not have many years of resources stocked, means the EU/USA/NATO is toast. Russia is doing just fine, for she has her supply lines right where she wants them, short and sweet…

Russia has “the time” to keep her own soldiers deaths down to a very low level and inflict high death, damage and mental degradation upon the Western NATO Machine…