Talk about the West breaking all diplomatic rules and they just broke the one you never never never do…

At the Davos Forum, Vladimir Zelensky turned to threats to Putin’s children and grandchildren…

“Yes, we are not terrorists, and therefore these will be criminal trials,” said Zelensky, adding that Putin will not β€œrest in peace, both in this world and in the next. Neither his children, nor his grandchildren.”


Never never do that and the West just broke all protocol and threatened Russia’s first family, children and all…

I have talked about payback and there will be payback for the things that are being said and done…


Russian Duma Statement…

The French Ambassador in Moscow has been summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry in connection with the destruction of foreign fighters by the Armed Forces of our country in Kharkov.

More than 60 mercenaries fighting on the side of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were eliminated.
As it turned out, these were French citizens.

But in France, mercenary activity is prohibited by law.

Taking this into account, the topic deserves to be addressed by the State Duma deputies to the National Assembly of the French Republic.

It is important for us to know whether they are aware that someone, violating the law, is sending militants to fight in Ukraine.

There are different stages in the history of relations between our countries. There was a time when our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought together against fascism.

But today, as it turns out, French mercenaries are dying for the Nazi regime in Ukraine.

Do French citizens and the deputies representing their interests know about this?

At the next plenary meeting of the State Duma, we will definitely consider an appeal to the French Parliament with the above issues.


So it begins and the process to drive the dimwitted plebs against the Russian Bear start in earnest…

Today, the defence ministers of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania approved the concept of building anti-mobility defensive installations on the borders with Russia and Belarus. The ministers signed an agreement in Riga, according to which Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will construct anti-mobility defensive installations in the coming years to deter and, if necessary, defend against military threats.

Read More:


But then again, this is what stupid people do. And then stupid people convince themselves it was a good idea, until, well it wasn’t…

~~ Maybe Russia can supply the concrete? ~~


Update: Smoke and mirrors from Bauer, they just actually did prepare for war with Russia, created the best proxy NATO could ever wish for, and they lost. NATO is done, defeated, pointless and now NATO is trying to stay relevant in the Garden of the EU…

Update: Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania will create a layered defense line with 600 bunkers on the border with the Russian Federation – referenced to the Estonian Ministry of Defense…

“The West is not trustworthy,” Lavrov said…

MOSCOW, January 18. /TASS/. Russia has finally got rid of any possible illusions about the West after the start of the special operation and now knows that it cannot be trusted, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told a news conference on the achievements of Russian diplomacy in 2023.

“Any illusions, if some still remained since the 1990s, that the West has now opened its arms to us and that democracy will unite us all – all these illusions have finally vanished. The West is not trustworthy,” Lavrov said.

He remarked that the Western countries had demonstrated that they only want to “live at the expense of others and be smarter than everyone else.”

Lavrov explained that in this way a number of factors related to the West’s hybrid comprehensive aggression against Russia helped Russian society understand “how it should go on living.”



The peak of the COVID-19 incidence wave had passed in Russia…

Vaccination against COVID-19 is no longer needed, but people should remain vigilant, as the number of coronavirus hospital admissions in Russia is growing, the head of Russian health watchdog Rospotrebnadzor, Anna Popova, announced on Wednesday.

Popova said the peak of the COVID-19 incidence wave had passed in Russia, and that rises in coronavirus cases were now seasonal. Russia will not launch a new mass vaccination campaign, Popova said in an interview with Rossiya 24, explaining that there had been β€œan upsurge in the autumn, but it has already gone.”