For a many years, massively erroneous propaganda has been poisoning Western brains with untruths…

For a many years, massively erroneous propaganda has been poisoning Western brains with untruths. When Russia imposes neutrality on the vanquished rump state and annexes Odessa and cuts Kiev off from the Black Sea, what will be the shock and cognitive dissonance? What about when Novorussia is peacefully and prosperously rebuilt by Russia?

Will it simply be forgotten, much like the humiliating Afghan retreat? Like Vietnam? Like Iraq? Like Korea? Or will it make a noticeable difference this time?

Will the American’s wake up? Will the Americans ever actually look at their government and hold it accountable?


Getting old(er) and old(er) really sucks. Thus it causes one to ponder and adjust…

Left eye has gone bananas and blurred. This is part of getting older and I accept that, for I have lived years with floaters, but this time it got too many floaters (as in spiderweb) and more, like some flashing in the corners of my eyes. Looks not so good…

I have been to a clinic yesterday and Thursday SweetPea takes me to a Eye Surgery Clinic and we see a specialist. Could be a bit of retina laser surgery needed???

I have to worry about Diabetic Retinopathy

I just wanna not fall apart every other day… 🙂

“Just adjust and keep on going.” , that is what I tell Svetochka…


Ukraine says no Russian trains, cars, planes and whatnot’s…

In Ukraine they want to ban all transport links with Russia for a period of 50 years

The Cabinet of Ministers submitted a proposal for consideration by the National Security and Defense Council, the document will provide for:

— Prohibition of direct air traffic with Ukraine, as well as the use of Ukrainian airspace by residents of the Russian Federation;

— Prohibition of entry into Ukraine of vehicles registered in the Russian Federation;

— Prohibition in all customs regimes of railway traffic for persons associated with the Russian Federation:

— A ban on navigation in the internal waters of Ukraine and entry into the sea ports of Ukraine of ships flying the flag of the Russian Federation, or whose owner is a resident of the Russian Federation, or ships that entered ports on the uncontrolled territory of Ukraine.


Medvedev on “Little Russia is part of Russia”…

The senior Ukrainian drug addict made a simple propaganda move, caused by a failure at the front. Ruthlessly blowing a double dose, he signed a decree on territorial claims against Russia on lands “historically inhabited by Ukrainians.” There is nothing to comment on here, since Ukrainians are Russians, and Little Russia is part of Russia. And it’s time for the main “Ukrainian” to quit. So he will soon annex Canada…
