Western Coalition Nations are the actual uncivilized nations…

People everywhere are beginning to see that the US, EU, and UK can only negotiate by progressing in the world within the confines of exploitation, oppression, subjection, and suppression, of all others including their own. This now provides evidence for what many world wide academics have been saying: that we the West are not and are actually far from being as civilized as we the West would like to think we are. Thus Europe’s (including the US and UK) “Civilization Standards” was and are only attained by brute force and or infiltration colonization. – kKEETON

These Western Coalition Nations are the actual uncivilized nations…

The Real World is concentrating on constructing bridges, cooperating, and sharing…


Remove Western Sickness one step at a time and finally the Russians are cleaning up the public schools…

I actually watched the Russians try to destroy their public school system and was amazed at that time at the “wannabe west sickness”…

Is Russian Education Under Attack…

Thank goodness times change, for even a short time at “Wokeism” definitely shows in society and the west almost won by infiltration through proxy internally. (Thus what 5th Column scum does is evident!)

Now Russia: Get the “Butch Lesbians” language teachers under control. They are everywhere and coming from the Scandinavian Countries. Language schools from the outside west are a nasty situation in Russia. – kKEETON…


The Empire of Lies, lies some more (Thus, why again are we in Syria?)…

“On Jan. 28, three US service members were killed and 25 injured from a one-way attack UAS that impacted at a base in northeast Jordan, near the Syria border,” CENTCOM said.

It was in illegal USA base located within Syria on the border of Syria with Jordan and nothing to do with Iran as being talked communicated about by our ~ illustrious president Biden ~ …

“Iran-backed militias are responsible for these continued attacks on U.S. forces, and we will respond at a time and place of our choosing. The President and I will not tolerate attacks on American forces, and we will take all necessary actions to defend the United States, our troops, and our interests,” US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin added.

Thus, why again are we in Syria?

Time to wake up people as ‘the powers that be’ walk you straight into a war with Iran, Russia, China and whomever else they can add to the list. When psychopaths and sociopaths have a party, you get chaos and lies. – kKEETON…



Trita Parsi said about the three whom died at : “They didn’t die defending US interests, they died defending Biden’s refusal to press Israel for a ceasefire. Their lives were put at risk by Biden to defend Israel’s ability to continue its carnage in Gaza.”

Thus, why again are we in Syria?