MoD of Russia (wrap up) Report for January 27th to February 3rd, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (27 January – 3 February 2024)

In the period from 27 January to 3 February 2024, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered 37 group strikes by precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles at AFU decision-making centres, military-industrial complex facilities, military airfield infrastructure, arsenals, and POL bases.

Moreover, temporary deployment areas of AFU formations, Ukrainian nationalists and foreign mercenaries units were struck.

All the assigned targets were successfully engaged.

In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces liberated Tabayevka (Kharkov region) and continued to improve the tactical situation along the front lines in separate areas.

Over the past week, Russian units repelled 41 attacks launched by assault detachments of the AFU 30th, 32th, 44th, 60th mechanised brigades, 57th motorised rifle brigade, 25th Airborne Brigade, 95th Air Assault Brigade, and 103rd Territorial Defence Brigade near Sinkovka, Tabayevka (Kharkov region), Novoselovskoe (Lugansk People’s Republic), and Terni (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The AFU losses amounted to more than 750 Ukrainian troops, one tank, nine armoured fighting vehicles, 21 motor vehicles, and eight field artillery pieces.

In Krasny Liman direction, units of the Tsentr Group of Forces supported by aviation and artillery took more advantageous lines and repelled 19 AFU attacks.

Strikes were delivered at manpower and hardware clusters of the AFU 60th, 63rd mechanised brigades, 12th Special Operations Brigade, and 13th Ukrainian National Guard Brigade near Kirovsk, Yampolovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Chervonaya Dibrova, Kuzmino (Lugansk People’s Republic), and Serebryansky forestry.

The AFU losses amounted to up to 1,825 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded, six tanks, 13 armoured fighting vehicles, 36 motor vehicles, and six field artillery pieces.

In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the tactical situation along the front lines and repelled 22 enemy attacks.

The Group’s aviation, artillery, and heavy flamethrower systems inflicted losses on AFU and Ukrainian National Guard units near Verkhnekamenskoye, Artyomovskoye, Krasnoye, Kleshcheyevka, Kurdyumovka, Andreyevka, Belogorovka, Pereyezdnoye, and Georgiyevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The AFU losses amounted to more than 2,245 Ukrainian troops, five tanks, 19 armoured fighting vehicles, 63 motor vehicles, 28 field artillery pieces, and two Grad MLRS combat vehicles.

In South Donetsk direction, units of the Vostok Group of Forces repelled nine AFU attacks by cohesive actions.

In addition, units of the AFU 58th, 72nd mechanised brigades, 79th Air Assault Brigade, 127th and 128th territorial defence brigades suffered losses near Novomikhailovka, Konstantinovka, Ugledar, Staromayorskoye, Makarovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Priuytnoye (Zaporozhye region).

The AFU losses amounted up to 735 Ukrainian troops, two tanks, six armoured fighting vehicles, 17 motor vehicles, 12 field artillery pieces, and two Grad MLRS combat vehicles.

In Zaporozhye direction, units of the Russian Groups of Forces repelled one attack launched by an assault detachment of the AFU 108th Territorial Defence Brigade near Lugovskoye and inflicted losses on AFU manpower and hardware near Rabotino, Nesteryanka, Pyatikhatki, Kamenskoye, Malaya Tokmachka, and Orekhov (Zaporozhye region).

The AFU losses amounted to more than 385 Ukrainian troops, one tank, nine armoured fighting vehicles, 19 motor vehicles, 15 field artillery pieces, and one Grad MLRS combat vehicle.

In Kherson direction, as a result of preemptive strikes of the Russian Groups of Forces supported by aviation and artillery, losses were inflicted on manpower and hardware of the AFU 35th, 37th, 38th marines brigades, 121st, 123rd, and 124th territorial defence brigades near Nikolyaevka, Tyaginka, Ivanovka, Tokarevka, Antonovka, Yantarnoye (Kherson region).

The AFU losses amounted to 290 Ukrainian troops killed and wounded, four tanks, two armoured fighting vehicles, 26 motor vehicles, 11 motorboats, and 12 field artillery pieces.

Over the week, 26 Ukrainian servicemen surrendered.

Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces wiped out seven air defence systems, including five S-300, one French-made SAMP-T, and one German-made IRIS-T.

Moreover, three Norwegian-made NASAMS air defence system radar stations, two S-300 air defence system radar stations, one German-made IRIS-T air defence system radar station, and six AFU ammunition depots were destroyed.

Aviation and air defence units intercepted 20 aviation guided missiles, including four HARM anti-radiation missiles, one JDAM guided aerial bomb, 53 HIMARS, Uragan, and Olkha MLRS projectiles, as well as 423 unmanned aerial vehicles.

In total, 568 airplanes and 265 helicopters, 11,678 unmanned aerial vehicles, 462 air defence missile systems, 14,893 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,215 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 7,952 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 18,179 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.


Medvedev on let us really help the opposition within the West to change things in the west…

Once again about non-systemic opposition

As you know, the Western world has long been taking care of and financially feeding our so-called non-systemic opposition. For example, the bastard extremist Navalny and his comrades. And the whole colorful cauldron of glamorous oppositionists who have scattered over the past decades, like plague rats, throughout Western countries and shit for any reason. Among them are outright freaks, such as the schizoid ex-chess player Kasparov, who has long belonged in a psychiatric clinic. And Khodorkovsky’s gang, fully matured over the years of criminal activity, consists of natural thieves and murderers, which organizes gatherings of oppositionists of all stripes for the loot stolen in Russia. And a new, still very young generation of various degenerates, who put on the uniform of the Khokhlonazis in order to organize terrorist attacks and sabotage in Russia. And their intellectual servants are among the scoundrels from literature, for whom the ice ax of the new Ramon Mercader is crying.

Why did I remember our “non-system people” with all their disgusting squalor?

Here’s why. There is also non-systemic opposition in the West. True, not wretched and corrupt, but much more reasonable and decent. She by no means wishes the death of her Fatherland, like the fugitive Russian renegades, but sees a new path for its development. It is different: both left and right. Each with its own national program, which opposes American globalism. It is available in every EU country and even overseas. In particular, such opposition already exists in national parliaments and in the European Parliament, where elections will soon take place.
Of course, the new politicians are much more adequate and motivated than the overweight cats from traditional Western parties. This, still irregular, opposition today clearly sees all the vices of the current liberal globalism and the Pindostan-centric world order. And our task is to support such politicians and their parties in the West in every possible way , helping them apertum et secretum to achieve decent results in elections. Look, some of them will turn from non-systemic oppositionists into a new part of the political establishment. And their arrival in public administration can radically improve the political landscape in the Western world. That is why they are so feared by the smart-ass intellectual castrati who lead the old political forces in Europe and overseas, as well as the sexless rainbow wimps who today stand at the helm of many Western countries.

And no wonder they are afraid. After all, Lao Tzu said that “the flexible and weak overcome the hard and strong.”

Ещё раз о несистемной оппозиции

Как известно, западный мир уже давно всячески опекает и материально подкармливает нашу так называемую несистемную оппозицию. Например, ублюдочного экстремиста Навального со товарищи. И всю цветастую кодлу гламурных оппозиционеров, которые разбежались за последние десятилетия, как чумные крысы, по западным странам и гадят по любому поводу. Среди них и откровенные фрики, типа шизоидного экс-шахматиста Каспарова, место которому давно в психиатрической клинике. И вполне созревшее за годы преступной деятельности бандформирование Ходорковского, состоящее из прирождённых воров и убийц, которое организует сходняки оппозиционеров всех мастей за украденное в России бабло. И новая, совсем ещё младая поросль разнообразных выродков, которая нацепила на себя униформу хохлонацистов, чтобы устраивать теракты и диверсии в России. И их интеллектуальная обслуга из числа мерзавцев от литературы, по которым плачет ледоруб нового Рамона Меркадера.

Почему я вспомнил о наших «несистемщиках» при всём их омерзительном убожестве?
А вот почему. Несистемная оппозиция есть и на Западе. Правда, не убогая и продажная, а куда более разумная и благопристойная. Она отнюдь не желает гибели своему Отечеству, как беглые российские отщепенцы, но видит новый путь его развития. Она разная: и левая, и правая. Каждая со своей национальной программой, которая противостоит американскому глобализму. Она есть в любой стране ЕС и даже за океаном. В том числе такая оппозиция есть уже и в национальных парламентах, и в Европарламенте, куда скоро состоятся выборы.
Безусловно, новые политики гораздо более адекватны и мотивированны, чем разжиревшие коты из традиционных западных партий. Эта, пока ещё иррегулярная, оппозиция сегодня хорошо видит все пороки нынешнего либерального глобализма и пиндостаноцентричного мироустройства. И наша задача – всячески поддерживать таких политиков и их партии на Западе, помогая им apertum et secretum достичь достойных результатов на выборах. Глядишь, кто-то из них и превратится из несистемных оппозиционеров в новую часть политического истеблишмента. А их приход к государственному управлению способен радикально оздоровить политический ландшафт в западном мире. Именно поэтому их так боятся хитрожопые интеллектуальные кастраты, возглавляющие старые политические силы в Европе и за океаном, а также бесполые радужные слюнтяи, сегодня стоящие у руля многих западных стран.

И недаром боятся. Ведь ещё Лао Цзы сказал, что «гибкое и слабое одолевает твёрдое и сильное».
