Compatriots living abroad to join the state program to promote voluntary resettlement to Russia…

Info for Russians living abroad…

The government has simplified the conditions for participation in the state program for the voluntary resettlement of compatriots for repatriates

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦It will become easier for compatriots living abroad to join the state program to promote voluntary resettlement to Russia.

⚡️ The decision concerns compatriots from among the repatriates:
•Russian citizens permanently residing abroad,
•who previously renounced Russian citizenship,
•who were born or permanently resided on the territory of the RSFSR and previously had USSR citizenship,
•citizens who have relatives who were born or permanently resided on the territory of the RSFSR or on the territory that belonged to the Russian Empire or the USSR.

⚡️ To participate in the state program, such citizens will not have to prove their knowledge of the Russian language at a level sufficient for communication.

⚡️ The resolution was prepared to implement the presidential decree, which introduced the institution of repatriation from January 1, 2024, including to support compatriots from unfriendly countries.

Правительство упростило условия участия в госпрограмме добровольного переселения соотечественников для репатриантов

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Соотечественникам, проживающим за рубежом, станет проще присоединиться к государственной программе содействия добровольному переселению в Россию.

⚡️Решение касается соотечественников из числа репатриантов:
•граждан России, постоянно проживающих за рубежом,
•кто ранее отказался от российского гражданства,
•родившихся или постоянно проживавших на территории РСФСР и ранее имевших гражданство СССР,
•граждан, у которых есть родственники, родившиеся или постоянно проживавшие на территории РСФСР либо на территории, относившейся к Российской империи или СССР.

⚡️Для участия в госпрограмме таким гражданам не придется подтверждать владение русским языком на уровне, достаточном для общения.

⚡️Постановление подготовлено для реализации указа Президента, которым с 1 января 2024 года был введен институт репатриации, в том числе для поддержки соотечественников из недружественных стран.


You should and hopefully will sooner than later, will realize that these Russians are the lucky ones and it is time for all Russians to come home from the Western World…

Russians should look at what the West is starting (has been doing for years) to do as a warning sign for the future! – kKEETON

The Russians living in the West, even Russians born in the West, are looking at Genocide if they stay in the West and I mean what I say. The timer is counting down to leave the West and any Russian and that means genetically a Russian and they will test you. Russian genetics means you leave, one way or another and it does not matter if you are an ass kisser Russian and help the West, they will kill you sooner or later…

‘Fear and suspicion’: An EU state deports thousands of native-born Russian-speakers as the West turns a blind eye – Latvia is attempting to deport thousands of Russian-speaking people – and apparently, these ‘purges’ affect not only newcomers who have recently applied for a residency permit, but people who have lived in the country their entire lives.

Actually if you have listened to me? You would realize that these are the lucky ones and it is time for all Russians to come home from the Western World. Soon they will not even kick Russian out…

Something is really bothering me and “Expat Russians” better run…


Everything the West does? Says, “We want Russia GONE!”


Easy Prey First…

By the way, this is called “creating grounds for new war” (as they did in Ukraine and trying within Taiwan, China) and the USA Empire of Chaos and Lies is behind it. They will kill Russians in the future and that is after they (West) play every game you can imaging. From having Russians decry their homeland to turn-coating, worship their gods, tortured, exploited, caged, whatsits and you name it. Yet, die the Russians will, if they stay in the West…

It is an interesting concept that evil will always use what good embraces against the good. For evil does not care about her people and or things. Evil only cares about what it gets to satisfy its desires and nothing more matters. Evil loves to kill the innocent and then watch good try to save them, It is one of Evil’s strong traits and a strong flaw, Evil does not have loyalties and will sell their family to the highest bidder and will sell your family just as fast. Never think that anything and or anyone evil would have compassion for innocent, for innocents are just tools for leverage against God and goodness…

Time for Russians to get home to Mother Russia, for the hate and evil will not embrace you except in use as an accoutrements and then if lucky death. You are worth more to them as leverage in all forms to destroy Russia with…

Time to wake up Russians and get home from the West…


Yes really and no sense…

Russian invasions and wars are topics of frequent conversation among Americans and Europeans. However, all of their armaments are being given to Ukraine. Why are you arming Ukraine with your weaponry if there is a chance of conflict with Russia? Surely you will require them when the rumored Russian invasion occurs?