Medvedev on “The Interview” and on Syrsky…

Two comments from last night’s news:

1. The President of Russia told the Western world as carefully and in detail as possible why there was no Ukraine, no, and never will be.

Tucker Carlson did not chicken out and did not give up.

2. Looking at the biography of the new commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Syrsky, you experience a feeling of hatred, contempt and disgust.

Hatred for everyone involved in the collapse of the Soviet Union (and, in fact, the Russian Empire), as a result of which a huge country that balanced the world order disappeared, and millions of people were doomed to suffering and death.

Contempt for Western countries, which manically, frantically, in every possible way, pushed the peoples of Russia and Ukraine (or rather, the united Russian people) towards a new civil war.

Disgust for a man who was a Soviet Russian officer, but became a Bandera traitor who broke his oath and serves the Nazis, destroying his loved ones.

Let the earth burn under his feet!



I believe that what Medvedev says, sums it up very well for me also…


Putin and Tucker Interview

Rumble video above…

RT Article Below…

Tucker Carlson streams interview with Vladimir Putin: LIVE UPDATES – The conservative American journalist has visited Moscow to speak with the Russian leader

Nuff Said…


Download link for being blocked by Western Gov. Link below and is a compressed version of the main video. Just download (Save Video As) to computer and watch…
