Exactly 17 years ago – February 10, 2007 – Russian President V.V. Putin gave a speech at the Munich Security Conference in which theses were voiced that remain relevant to this day…

Let us recall the key from the President’s historic speech:

💬 I believe that for the modern world the unipolar model is not only unacceptable, but also completely impossible . < …> The model itself is unworkable , since it is not and cannot be based on the moral basis of modern civilization.

At the same time, everything that is happening in the world today is a consequence of attempts to introduce this particular concept into world affairs – the concept of a unipolar world.

• Certain norms, and, in fact, almost the entire legal system of one state, primarily, of course, the United States, have crossed their national borders in all spheres: in the economy, in politics, and in the humanitarian sphere – and are being imposed on others states. Who will like it?

☝️ I am convinced that we have reached a milestone when we must seriously think about the entire global security architecture.

• In this regard, the role of multilateral diplomacy is seriously increasing. There is no alternative to openness, transparency and predictability in politics.

• The stones and concrete blocks of the Berlin Wall have long been sold as souvenirs. But we must not forget that its fall became possible thanks to the historical choice, including of our people – the people of Russia, the choice in favor of democracy and freedom, openness and sincere partnership with all members of the large European family.

Now they are trying to impose new dividing lines and walls on us – albeit virtual, but still dividing, cutting through our common continent. Will it really take many years and decades again, a change of several generations of politicians, to “disassemble” and “dismantle” these new walls?

🇷🇺 Russia is a country with more than a thousand years of history, and it has almost always enjoyed the privilege of pursuing an independent foreign policy. We are not going to change this tradition today.

🗓 Ровно 17 лет назад – 10 февраля 2007 года – Президент России В.В.Путин выступил на Мюнхенской конференции по безопасности с речью, в которой были озвучены тезисы, сохраняющие актуальность и по сей день.

Вспомним ключевое из исторического выступления Президента:

💬 Считаю, что для современного мира однополярная модель не только неприемлема, но и вообще невозможна. < …> Сама модель является неработающей, так как в её основе нет и не может быть морально-нравственной базы современной цивилизации.

Вместе с тем всё, что происходит сегодня в мире, – это следствие попыток внедрения именно этой концепции в мировые дела – концепции однополярного мира.

• Отдельные нормы, да, по сути, чуть ли не вся система права одного государства, прежде всего, конечно, Соединенных Штатов, перешагнула свои национальные границы во всех сферах: и в экономике, и в политике, и в гуманитарной сфере – и навязывается другим государствам. Кому это понравится?

☝️ Убежден: мы подошли к тому рубежному моменту, когда должны серьёзно задуматься над всей архитектурой глобальной безопасности.

• В этой связи серьёзно возрастает роль многосторонней дипломатии. Открытость, транспарентность и предсказуемость в политике безальтернативны.

• Камни и бетонные блоки Берлинской стены давно разошлись на сувениры. Но нельзя забывать, что её падение стало возможным и благодаря историческому выбору, в том числе нашего народа – народа России, выбору в пользу демократии и свободы, открытости и искреннего партнёрства со всеми членами большой европейской семьи.

Сейчас же нам пытаются навязать уже новые разделительные линии и стены – пусть виртуальные, но всё‑таки разделяющие, разрезающие наш общий континент. Неужели вновь потребуются долгие годы и десятилетия, смена нескольких поколений политиков, чтобы «разобрать» и «демонтировать» эти новые стены?

🇷🇺 Россия – страна с более чем тысячелетней историей, и практически всегда она пользовалась привилегией проводить независимую внешнюю политику. Мы не собираемся изменять этой традиции и сегодня.


Some almost Rambling thoughts about Tucker and his Interview with Putin…

To be honest, even after seeing it two and being on the third time, I continuing to learn. Putin is so intelligent that it makes me cringe at my abilities to recall info, he is a damn encyclopedia. I felt sad when I listen to Tucker and his questions of obvious CIA origin and processing…

Step back in thought: Russians for the most part, as I do understand, know about literally everything Putin said in the Tucker Interview. We in Russia have been living with this situation for many years and I would hope everyone in Russia understands Russian position. Those who don’t? Need to leave Russia and find a woke western country to crawl within…

What occurred was clear precise answers and more than just answers. It was explanations to all points and questions and above all that, this is our goal! Peace, peace, peace! Understanding! And above all, “Russia wants peace, peace, peace! Live and develop as nature and our ancestors intended!”

Tucker was in personal nosebleed territory and Very far above his pay grade (his laughter and actions belied everything and it was obvious), but I doubt that the majority of Putin’s comments were directed at or addressed to Tucker. Tucker was the tool used. It most likely will never be known who contacted who first in this interview, but I have my suspicions. Putin uses tools very well.) Tucker’s only contribution was to provide Putin with a platform and the common decency to let him speak. That Tucker did very well for the most part and got in line as “Daddy Putin” had to remind him occasionally…

There’s no reason to be upset at the outcome, it seems to me that Tucker missed a lot of what Putin was saying. I do not believe Tucker was acting the fool to force Putin to go into further detail on any particular subject since there is no reason for him to do so. When I say that he did not comprehend, I mean it literally. Tucker just did not get it…

He sees the existential threat that NATO expansion and missile “defense” pose to Russia, but he finds it hard to believe that the United States cannot fix this problem by calling out and fixing its own crazy. The crazy is an infestation and a simple can of bug spray is not the answer. Tucker believes it to be that easy…

Within simple discussions and negotiations, Putin tries to explain why everything has procedures and forms, and Tucker obviously finds it difficult to follow these formalities…

Yes, I respect that he spoke with Putin, that he was taking a big chance, and that overall, I believe he did a passable job.  At least he kept quiet and seemed to listen for the most part. Did he comprehend, though? Understand? No. Some things he comprehended, but a lot was well beyond his comprehension. Over his head, by way too much…

Can you imagine any western politician sitting down with Putin and trying to communicate? Tucker makes our political class in the west look like children. Nuff said…

1. Did you feel that Tucker lacked knowledge? * I believed he could have performed & informed himself better.
2. Is this the best we can do as Americans? * I believe that we can do better, but we don’t care.

Similar to how I feel about the narrow list of politicians from which we must choose. Our people in America do not put our best face forward and the world sees it…

When Putin was basically asked about who makes decisions in the United States and or who he as the Russian president deals with, Putin said, “I don’t know.” That’s a pretty incredible thing, no?

* Above meaning is, no one is in charge in the USA. *

Thus, he (Tucker) was out of his depth with Putin and Tucker really is the very best we have in our media. He is not informed enough and he is only in it for himself…

He’s a good man. Forgive his weaknesses. He’s a journalist not a leader…

Whom would not want to meet Putin?

I would be honored to sit down with him and let him talk ’till the sun comes up as the rooster crows’…


Link to Rumble Video of Interview: https://rumble.com/v4c98yf-tucker-carlson-x-vladimir-putin-interview.html

In Russia: Sweetpea and I walking as sun goes down and that pastel sky…

It was amazing to watch the sky turn from yellow pastel to pink pastel…

Beautiful evening walk and as always I get to walk with a beautiful Russian Girl… 😉


H.L. Mencken had some statements of reality back in 1920…

The men the American people admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. – H. L. Mencken

Not even Mencken could have envisioned how many morons we have had installed in the USA White House…

So us Americans have been stupid zombies for a very long time…

Think I will look up more of his quotes…