Medvedev on Western Leaders, “verbal diarrhea”…

Generally speaking, state leaders usually do not speak out on the topic of interviews with their colleagues from other countries. Like, not a royal matter. You never know what anyone said, it’s easier to make a statement yourself rather than comment on someone else’s. After all, all state leaders are figures of equal status, at least from the point of view of international law. And it says so: par in parem non habet imperium.

And here it is on you. Two of the largest politicians of our time – the strange Briton Sunak and the purebred Fritz Scholz – began to vie with each other in assessing the interview of the Russian President Tucker Carlson. And this is not true for them, and the arguments are not the same, and they don’t like anything at all. What can I say?

1. The medicine hit the target precisely, since some leaders of the Western world suffered from protracted liquid diarrhea.

2. An excellent lesson in Russian history was given, while listening to which many citizens of Western countries found “Ukraine” on the world map for the first time, and the American grandfather Dementiy feverishly remembered not only his name, but also who was the first president of the United States. Napoleon? Churchill? Frank Sinatra? Oh, of course, Chingachgook!

3. In the near future, all these Sunaks, Scholz, Macrons (aka Mitterrand from grandfather Dementy) and other Bidens will change their soiled diapers and straighten their sagging shoulders, but their verbal diarrhea will continue. For this is their main daily work. This is exactly what they present to their voters. And in this they have no equal…


Вообще говоря, обычно лидеры государств не высказываются на тему интервью их коллег из других стран. Типа, не царское дело. Мало ли кто и что сказал, проще самому сделать заявление, а не комментировать чужое. Ведь все лидеры государств – равные по статусу фигуры, во всяком случае, с точки зрения международного права. А в нём так и сказано: par in parem non habet imperium.

А тут – на тебе. Два крупнейших политика современности – странный британец Сунак и чистокровный фриц Шольц – стали наперебой оценивать интервью российского Президента Такеру Карлсону. И это им не так, и аргументы не те, и вообще ничего не нравится. Что тут скажешь?

1. Произошло точное попадание лекарства в цель, раз у отдельных лидеров западного мира случился затяжной жидкий понос.

2. Проведён отличный урок русской истории, слушая который многие граждане западных стран впервые отыскали «Украину» на карте мира, а американский дед Дементий лихорадочно вспоминал не только своё имя, но и кто же был первым президентом США. Наполеон? Черчилль? Фрэнк Синатра? А, ну конечно же, Чингачгук!

3. В ближайшее время все эти сунаки, шольцы, макроны (он же Миттеран у деда Дементия) и прочие байдены поменяют загаженные памперсы и расправят свои обвисшие плечи, однако их вербальная диарея продолжится. Ибо она и есть их главная повседневная работа. Именно её они и предъявляют своим избирателям. И в этом им нет равных…


It is interesting that the West does not lie about killing Russians…

They crow about the millions of Russians that have died and act as if they all died from Russia as in Moscow based Russia. Yet they are not telling lies…

Ukrainians are Russians and the Western Coalition has made sure that they have killed Russians…

Ukrainians are Russian and that is that…

So yes the West has succeeded in killing Russians…

Ukraine is a dead country and will only be viable again if completely brought back under the Russian care, as it should never have left that care of Mother Russia…


I really believe that in order to catenate with America, a nation that is collapsing in front of our eyes, whose political leadership is suffering from many psychological problems, Putin and his advisors found a fitting platform in Tucker Carlson in which to interconnect with the plebeians of the USA. – kKEETON…

Complete Text Transcript of Putin / Tucker Interview…

And it worked and now we see if there are any actual American plebeians left or just Karen Zombies…