MoD of Russia Report for February 21st, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (21 February 2024)

In Kupyansk direction, units of the Zapad Group of Forces repelled seven attacks of assault groups of the AFU 14th, 32nd mechanised, 25th Air Assault brigades, and 115th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Chugunovka (Kharkov region) and Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People’s Republic). Moreover, the Russian troops repelled five counter-attacks of the enemy close to Sinkovka (Kharkov region).

Up to 30 Ukrainian troops, two armoured fighting vehicles, four pick-up trucks, and one Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have been eliminated.

In Donetsk direction, units of the Yug Group of Forces improved the situation along the front line and defeated units of the 93rd mechanised, 81st airmobile brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and 241st Territorial Defence Brigade in vicinity of Belogorovka, Kleshcheyevka, and Razdolovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The losses of the Armed Forces were over 425 troops, two tanks, four infantry fighting vehicles, two armoured fighting vehicles, 20 motor vehicles, one D-30 howitzer, as well as the AN/TPQ-36 counterbattery radar. In addition, an ammunition depot of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was destroyed close to Mayaki (Donetsk People’s Republic).

In Avdeyevka direction, the Tsentr Group of Forces’ units took more advantageous lines and positions and inflicted fire defeat on AFU manpower and hardware of the 24th, 53rd mechanised brigades, 59th motorised infantry, and 3rd assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine close to Rozovka and Vodyanoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Furthermore, the Russian troops repelled seven counter-attacks launched by the Ukrainian units close to Lastochkino, Kirovo, and Pervomayskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy lost up to 450 troops, one tank, four infantry fighting vehicles, six armoured fighting vehicles, five motor vehicles, one Grad MLRS vehicle, as well as one D-30 howitzer.

In South Donetsk direction, the Vostok Group of Forces repelled the enemy’s counter-attack near Novozlatopol (Zaporozhye region) and inflicted a fire defeat of the 72nd Mechanised Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the 128th Territorial Defence Brigade close to Vladimirovo and Staromayorskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy’s losses amounted to up to 210 troops, two tanks, three motor vehicles, as well as the AN/TPQ-37 counterbattery radar.

In Kherson direction, the Dnepr Group of Forces inflicted comprehensive fire damage on the units of the 65th mechanised, 82nd air assault, and 128th mountain assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine close to Rabotino, Verbovoye, and Lugovoye (Zaporozhye region).

AFU losses amounted to 75 troops, one tank, two armoured fighting vehicles, eight motor vehicles, one Slovak-made Zuzana self-propelled artillery system, and two D-30 howitzers.

Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, and Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces have engaged a fuel depot as well as AFU manpower and hardware in 123 areas during the day.

Russia’s air defence systems shot down 12 HIMARS MLRS projectiles and one JDAM bomb. Moreover, 99 unmanned aerial vehicles close to Kremennaya, Rubezhnoye, and Lisichansk (Lugansk People’s Republic), Yampolovka, Verkhnetoretskoye, and Staromlynovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Pologi, Veseloye, Ulyanovka, and Vasilyevka (Zaporozhye region), and Novaya Mayachka (Kherson region).

In total, 572 airplanes and 266 helicopters, 13,042 unmanned aerial vehicles, 471 air defence missile systems, 15,149 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,223 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 8,124 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 18,900 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.


Remember Juan Guaidó the very fake and very well paid Western Imposed Venezuela president?

I do remember and now the EU is working on trying the same with Russia and Yulia Navalnaya…

What did Venezuela do?

This Thursday the European Parliament will discuss the issue of non-recognition of the presidential “elections” in Russia. Yes actually it is true, even if they try to act like it is not at first true…

Yulia Navalnaya (the new EU/USA proclaimed opposition leader of Russia) called not to recognize the March presidential elections in Russia and put forward a number of proposals to the EU: More below said by new boss lady…

— It is necessary to introduce sanctions against Putin’s “confidants”—about 500 people, including celebrities, singers and actors.
— EU authorities should cooperate with Intel groups. “They know who, where, when and how stole billions from the Russian people. And where do they hide them? Contact them for help. Create a special body that will investigate informal connections, movements of money and their real owners,” she said.
— “People fleeing war and dictatorship are not your enemies. They need sympathy and protection. They should not be punished, they should be helped,” she said, calling for the creation of a modern mechanism similar to the Nansen Commission, which dealt with the problem of the exodus of the Jewish population during World War II.

Thus, as the West falters, it whined, cried and is dying in agony…


1. The elections will be held against the wishes of “The Enemies” of the Great Russian Motherland.

2. Vladimir Putin will definitely win!

3. Victory will be a Russian delight!

4. The enemy will be defeated both morally and physically!

5. Traitors have no place in Russia!

6. When the enemy is defeated at all the fronts, it has no choice but to lie and spread his propaganda about Russia! For it is all it has…


However, this time the US delegation actually delivered an ultimatum from the very beginning, demanding that work on the (Algerian delegation UN) document be stopped…

🎙From the speeches of Permanent Representative V.A. Nebenzi at a meeting of the UN Security Council on the situation in the Gaza Strip

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Before the vote on the Algerian draft resolution:

On October 16 last year, when Russia proposed the very first draft resolution with such a call [for an immediate ceasefire], the number of Palestinian deaths was about 1 thousand people. Then the Western delegations to the Council chose to abstain en masse, so as not to incur the wrath of Washington .

❗️The new 28 thousand-plus deaths are the price of that very first shameful inaction , the collective irresponsibility of Western delegations to the Security Council, whose NATO solidarity outweighs any high national declarations of commitment to international humanitarian law, the protection of civilians and humanitarian personnel.


The Algerian delegation, on behalf of the Arab group, proposed a solid, balanced draft resolution centered on the long-awaited ceasefire. <…> However, this time the US delegation actually delivered an ultimatum from the very beginning, demanding that work on the document be stopped.

👉We call on members of the Security Council to demonstrate solidarity in confrontation with the arbitrariness of Washington, which is ready to make any sacrifices in any region to realize its geopolitical ambitions.

Based on voting:

Today we have witnessed another black page in the history of the UN Security Council. It was again written by the US delegation, which pursues the same goal – to cover up its closest Middle Eastern ally and play for time as much as possible so that it can complete its inhumane plans for Gaza, namely to squeeze the Palestinians out of the sector and completely “cleanse” the enclave, and directly sense, turning it into an uninhabited area.


☝️No matter how bitter the “aftertaste” of today’s vote may be, we are not in the mood to “give up.” The UN Security Council’s demand to the parties for an immediate ceasefire remains an imperative. Without it, any “product” of the Council will be devoid of practical meaning.

🎙Из выступлений Постоянного представителя В.А.Небензи на заседании Совета Безопасности ООН по ситуации в секторе Газа

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Перед голосованием по алжирскому проекту резолюции:

16 октября прошлого года, когда Россией был предложен самый первый проект резолюции с таким призывом [о немедленном прекращении огня], количество погибших палестинцев было около 1 тыс. чел. Тогда западные делегации в Совете предпочли массово воздержаться, чтобы не навлечь гнев Вашингтона.

❗️Новые 28 тыс. с лишним погибших – это цена того самого первого позорного бездействия, коллективной безответственности западных делегаций в СБ, у которых натовская солидарность перевешивает любые высокие национальные декларации о приверженности международному гуманитарному праву, защите гражданских лиц и гумперсонала.


Делегация Алжира от имени арабской группы предложила солидный, сбалансированный проект резолюции, в центре которого – долгожданное прекращение огня. <…> Однако делегация США на этот раз с самого начала фактически поставила ультиматум, требуя остановить работу над документом.

👉Призываем членов СБ продемонстрировать солидарность в противостоянии с произволом Вашингтона, который готов на любые жертвы и в любом регионе для реализации своих геополитических амбиций.

По мотивам голосования:

Сегодня мы стали свидетелями очередной черной страницы в истории СБ ООН. Ее вновь написала делегация США, которая преследует все ту же цель – покрывать своего ближайшего ближневосточного союзника и максимально тянуть время, чтобы он смог завершить свои бесчеловечные планы в отношении Газы, а именно выдавить из сектора палестинцев и полностью «зачистить» анклав, причем в прямом смысле, превратив его в необитаемую территорию.


☝️Каким бы горьким ни было «послевкусие» сегодняшнего голосования, мы не настроены «опускать руки». Требование СБ ООН к сторонам о немедленном прекращении огня остается императивом. Без него любой «продукт» Совета будет лишен практического смысла.


Vladimir Putin met with Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu. Key points:

🔹 The situation in Avdeyevka is apparently a success that needs to be expanded. But it must be well prepared with the proper number of personnel and the appropriate amount of weaponry, military hardware and munitions.

🔹 All the military units and service personnel that were engaged in taking Avdeyevka acted heroically and deserve top decorations, awards and words of gratitude.

🔹 The liberation of the village of Krynki on Dnieper’s left bank is also a job well-done.

🔹 We have always acted and should act with regard to POWs in strict compliance with international law and conventions.

🔹 As for the deployment of nuclear weapons in outer space that the West has been talking about lately, our position is clear and transparent: we have always categorically opposed this. We urge all parties to honour all nuclear weapons agreements; we have repeatedly suggested stepping up this joint work.

🔹 We have never been against holding talks. This is true for both Ukraine and for strategic stability in the world. We do not rule anything out, and we will not give away anything, but we have to sort out what the Western nations actually want. They generally want unilateral advantage, but they won’t get it.


Good story and I like it…

Let us read a true story from North Korea…

Children Designated as King of Country

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the baby home and orphanage in Pyongyang one day in February Juche 103 (2014).

Noting that all children of the baby home and orphanage have plump cheeks, he said he would supply 300 grams of fish to each every day from that year and that the children are the king in the DPRK.

He stressed that the children of the baby home and orphanage should be served with not only meat and fish but also nutritious dried persimmons on a regular basis and that he would issue an order as the Supreme Commander to the units of the People’s Army stationed in areas covered with many persimmon trees to provide dried persimmons.

Looking up to the respected General Secretary who spares nothing for the rising generation, the officials were moved to tears. -0-

I like it…