Interesting and the other day I talked about how the USA was “intergalactic” in lies for their sick benefit…

Hours after the US press published groundless claims of Russia’s space-based nuclear program, the Pentagon sent “a missile-tracking system” into orbit – part of the Department of Defense’s new plan dubbed Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture that aims to fill the low-Earth orbit with myriads of small and cheap satellites.

Interesting and the other day I talked about how the USA was “intergalactic” in lies for their sick benefit…

Actually the lies of the West have gone Intergalactic…


Medvedev on, “Where to stop? I don’t know.”


MOSCOW, February 22. /TASS/. Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev believes that it might be required to get to Kiev for reaching the targets of the special military operation. He also warned in response to a question from TASS during a media session with Russian reporters about the geographic borders of the special military operation that the conflict might not be limited to the current stage.

“Where to stop? I don’t know. I think that considering what I have said [about the necessity to create a safety cordon] we will have to work much and hard. Will it be Kiev? Yes, it should probably be Kiev as well. If not now then some time later, probably during some other stage of this conflict’s development,” Medvedev said.

The politician presented two arguments for the necessity to get to Kiev, saying that, first, this is a Russian city and, second, the international threat to Russia’s existence comes from there. “Though Kiev is a Russian city in its roots, it is managed by an international team of Russia’s opponents headed by the United States of America. All that formally perform functions there are figure-heads with neither conscience, nor fear for the future of their country, nor possibilities. All decisions are taken across the pond and in the NATO headquarters. This is absolutely obvious. This is why yes, it may be Kiev as well,” he stressed.

Asked whether Ukraine should remain an independent state following the special military operation in general, Medvedev noted that “if as a result of all that is going on something remains of Ukraine such a state probably has chances to remain, though not very high.” “In any case this is not a question of today, of course, but it will be on the agenda some time later,” he said. “I don’t know what will remain in this territorial entity, I cannot call it a country now, maybe the Lemberg region, with a center in the city of Lemberg if the Polish or some other regions undertake for it. But this is a complicated process, not only military, but also political. And not only military forces, not only the military, but people inhabiting those lands as well should play or say their word in this process,” he concluded.


I suggest that we stop when the “Western Nazi Ideology” is dead and gone everywhere, anywhere and anyplace in the world. For until it is, we and or you, will always be attacked again…


It is what I have been waiting to hear! Thanks for working on it Russia…

President Putin lauded the concept of the authorities streamlining the process for individuals relocating to Russia who embrace the country’s cultural values. However, he emphasized that this should be done on a case-by-case basis, recognizing that there is room for improvement in this area.

“It is a good idea to focus on traditional moral values when welcoming people who want to live here in our country. The trick is – how do you define the values one upholds?” he said at the ASI forum.

Putin elaborated that examining individuals seeking to relocate to Russia calls for a tailored approach.
“Our migration services, of course, have not yet reached that level. This is clear, and there is room for improvement. We have various ideas,” he added.


“Russia is a nuclear power, it is impossible to get the better of us” – Volodin of Duma…

This was stated by Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin in his author’s column on the Telegram channel “Especially for RT.”

He said that according to a survey by Datapraxis and YouGov for the European Council on Foreign Relations , only 10% of Europeans believe in Ukraine’s victory over Russia. A year ago, 61% of EU citizens held this opinion.

“Washington, using its monopoly in the media and social networks, zombifies EU citizens, convincing them of the possibility of Ukraine’s victory. But this cannot last forever, insight comes,” he emphasized.

According to the Chairman of the State Duma, “by flooding Ukraine with ammunition, weapons, and equipment, Washington and Brussels will not achieve success. They will achieve one thing: they will destroy its entire population. Today, Ukrainians are expendable to the United States. Ukraine’s sovereignty has already been lost.”

“With such further developments of events, Ukraine may cease to exist as a state,” he concluded.


“Everyone in the West says that Russia and Ukraine are at war. Nothing like this. The US is fighting against Russia.” – Nikolai Patrushev…

Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev:

“Everyone in the West says that Russia and Ukraine are at war. Nothing like this. The US is fighting against Russia.” The United States is using the potential of NATO, the European Union, the armed forces of Ukraine, especially the neo-Nazis, which they themselves created.