M1 ABRAMS, it burns well, so sorry Uncle Sam…

Update: MOSCOW, February 27. /TASS/. Russian forces destroyed a US-made Abrams tank of the Ukrainian army in the Avdeyevka area, eliminating roughly 485 enemy troops over the past day in the special military operation in Ukraine, Russia’s Defense Ministry reported on Tuesday.

Read More: https://tass.com/politics/1752347

Exciting day, for so many have waited and begged for the USA to get these tanks out in the open. So yesterday you saw fake footage of USA M1 ABRAMS acting all wonderful in the Western news and today they hunted that tank down and killed it…


Сегодня первый Абрамс спалили горит хорошо , под Авдеевка … Вот он едит еще живой https://t.me/rusich_army/13361 и кто то хорошо заработал У Охлобыстина 10 миллионов за каждый пост висит а изначально 2 мл обещали , танк пишут еще фпв дроном и из рпг удобрили , что бы не отмыли от экипажа и в путь как новый.

Today, the first Abrams was burning well, around Avdeevka … Here tank is still alive https://t.me/rusich_army/13361 and someone earned well with Okhlobystin 10 million for each post and initially promised 2 ml, the tank is written more FPV drone and RPGs was fertilized, so that they would not be washed from the crew and on the way as new.

They all burn and you never should try to act like they will change the game, because “War is Not a Game”…


MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The first Abrams tank used by Ukraine in the special military operation zone has been destroyed around Avdeyevka, Yan Gagin, advisor to the acting head of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), told Sputnik on Monday.
Our military reported the destruction of the first Abrams in the Avdeyevka area. Perhaps this is the armored vehicle that was shown to the Ukraine military in a propaganda video, before the liberation of Avdeyevka. At that time, the armored vehicle was being guarded and was not brought to the line of contact,” Gagin said.



It is amazing to watch all these Alternate Media (AM) people coming to Moscow, Russia and doing whatnot’s?

They come look around, make videos, talk to a few English speaking Russians and eat local Russian food and like I said, “doing whatnot’s?”…

It is like the latest fashion fad and everyone jumps on the bandwagon. Then they go home and claim to be experts upon the, Soul of Russian Philosophy. Then gather together and support each other in videos as their expertise shines at their knowledge of being touched by the Russian Thingamajig…

For myself and my SweetPea? It is time to think about TRV and living the Russian Village Life. I am full of Russian Soul, Thingamajigs and whatnot’s and I put it all to use building our village homes and fencing and digging and etc… (My SweetPea was born a Russian Soul 😉 )

I know, I am an expert on watching, listening, being around Russians and buying things in Russia. My Russian Expertise is how to live everyday life in Russia and not act the American Fool. – kKEETON…

I guess at least they (AM) are coming. Kinda a bit like Main Stream Media (MSM) who never comes and they send some paid Western Lackey’s to act like they are here and write/video from their ivory tower downtown Moscow and eat at the Expat filled Restaurants with food from around the world….
