Good story and I like it…

Let us read a true story from North Korea…

Children Designated as King of Country

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the baby home and orphanage in Pyongyang one day in February Juche 103 (2014).

Noting that all children of the baby home and orphanage have plump cheeks, he said he would supply 300 grams of fish to each every day from that year and that the children are the king in the DPRK.

He stressed that the children of the baby home and orphanage should be served with not only meat and fish but also nutritious dried persimmons on a regular basis and that he would issue an order as the Supreme Commander to the units of the People’s Army stationed in areas covered with many persimmon trees to provide dried persimmons.

Looking up to the respected General Secretary who spares nothing for the rising generation, the officials were moved to tears. -0-

I like it…


This is the height of incompetence. Struggling to make murder seem like “Good for the USA Economy”.

β€œWe have to remember that the bulk of this money is going right back into the US economy, to make weapons, including good-paying jobs in some forty states across the US,” she stated, adding that support for Ukraine in America β€œis still strong.” – US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland

~~ Therefore, Perhaps the USA should calculate the number of jobs created by the number of persons slain and divide by usable household income as to net value and maybe throw in some ammo/shells vs human blood running in rivers, gives estimates on future inflation prospects. ~~

Stupid Ass Country and amazing who they in the USA seems to have left in charge, the “Cookie Demon of Ukraine”…



Kim Jong Un gifted a Russian Car…

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Receives Gift from Russian President

Pyongyang, February 20 (KCNA) — Kim Jong Un, president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), was presented with a car made in Russia for his personal use by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, president of the Russian Federation.

The gift to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was conveyed to Pak Jong Chon, secretary of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), and Kim Yo Jong, vice department director of the WPK Central Committee, by the Russian side on February 18.

Kim Yo Jong courteously conveyed Kim Jong Un‘s thanks to Putin to the Russian side, saying that the gift serves as a clear demonstration of the special relations of friendship between the top leaders of the DPRK and Russia and as the best present. -0- (Juche113.2.20.)

I suspect he got one of these and his sister loves it…

Updated after the West gets its panties in a twist and as per a sick Western World… πŸ˜‰

SEOUL, Feb 20 (Reuters) – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has received a car from Russia’s President Vladimir Putin as a gift “for his personal use”, official media reported on Tuesday, in what could be a violation of U.N. ban that Moscow had agreed to adopt against Pyongyang.

Oh My! and actually Russia does not care anymore about what the West thinks…


It is hard to believe that some are so evil that that evil exceeds normality of thinking. – kKEETON

Putin regrets that Russia did not start active actions in Ukraine earlier

Russia tried for a long time to resolve the conflict peacefully and relied on the honesty of its opponents, the president said. Read More –

We are human Putin and good always tries to do what is best. Evil never cares about anyone and or anything and thus, destroys itself as it destroys all…

Stay the High Road and never go the Gutter!