Here is proof that the USA is planning terrorist activities within Russia and at Moscow specifically and do it on Women’s Day. (Yes, the nasty twins UK & USA are being nasty.)

Location: Moscow, Russia

The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to target large gatherings in Moscow, to include concerts, and U.S. citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings over the next 48 hours.

Actions to Take:

  • Avoid crowds.
  • Monitor local media for updates.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.

Again I am posting such items for data collection of the activities that the USA and West are doing like this. I also see that the UK has posted a warning also…

And we know who are the extremists!


Update: 🇺🇲🇷🇺❗️The US Embassy has issued a very suspicious warning for Americans in Moscow:

“The Embassy is monitoring reports that extremists have imminent plans to attack large gatherings in Moscow, including concerts, and US citizens should be advised to avoid large gatherings for the next 48 hours .”

I do hope that the USA passed on known information to the appropriate channels? Or else the USA is guilty in crimes committed. Either way, the USA is behind it all…

Update: 🇬🇧🇷🇺❗️On the website of the British Foreign Office there was also a message about a possible threat of terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation in the next 48 hours.

Yes, the nasty twins are being nasty…

Russia is cleaning up politically aligned agreements with the West that mean nothing anymore…

🇷🇺 Russia denounces a number of international agreements that are unfavorable to it. The corresponding instruction was given by Matvienko, without specifying specific agreements and the countries associated with them.

Of course, now you can find a whole bunch of agreements that are no longer relevant and are more likely to hinder Russia than to benefit it.

It is necessary to get rid of such agreements – they are part of the outgoing world order and there is no point in dragging such contractual junk with you into the future.


M.V. Zakharova talks about Victoria Nuland…

❓ Question: Could you comment on the resignation of Victoria Nuland and whether the foreign policy concepts of the United States could then change?

💬 I didn’t appoint her, but those who did made a big strategic mistake . I am sure that she probably has and had the appropriate talents, but, unfortunately, she did not use them as she should have. She was not engaged in diplomacy. She was involved in interference in the internal affairs of other states, primarily our country, Ukraine, Eastern and Western Europe.

She was engaged in the implementation and formation of a destructive course not only for other countries, but for the United States, because this led to the fiasco of American foreign policy. < …> An absolute fiasco .

< …>

☝️ It was necessary to use my knowledge about Russia for creation, but it was used to destroy bilateral relations. Her personal contribution to undermining trust between our countries was colossal.

Another thing is that she is probably not the only and main one, but one way or another, she has become the face of everything that is happening around Ukraine. She personally, as you remember, came and led not only the citizens of Ukraine and not only the political figures and parties of Ukraine during the Maidan, but also built up the Western allies of the United States, then, however, sending them to hell.

< …>

❗️ She became the face of the anti-Russian course and the murder of Ukraine by the United States.


Medvedev in fine form talking about Biden…

Один старикан с блуждающей улыбкой на лице пригласил девочек, чтобы развлечься: весёлую вдовушку российского экстремиста и пока ещё не вдову лидера киевской бандеровской своры. Типа для культурного отдыха в ходе выступления перед нацией в рамках хорошо отрепетированного концерта.

Получилось грустненько: вдова и пока не вдова просто не приехали, поскольку так любят друг друга, что не хотят даже садиться рядом для известной гигиенической процедуры.

Но самое прикольное в том, что дед ничего и не заметил. Он не помнит ни того, кто эти жёны/вдовы, ни того, кто их мужья. Он даже не заметил, что отдых с тёлками сорвался.


Впрочем, это не помешает ему завтра объявить нации, что он провёл незабываемую ночь в прекрасной компании…

One old man with a wandering smile on his face invited the girls to have fun: a cheerful widow of the Russian extremist and is not yet the widow of the leader of the Kyiv Bandera pack. Type for cultural rest during a speech before the nation as part of a well -rehearsed concert.

It turned out sadly: the widow and until the widow simply did not arrive, because they love each other so much that they do not even want to sit next to a well -known hygienic procedure.

But the funny thing is that the grandfather did not notice anything. He does not remember the one who are these wives/widows, nor the one who their husbands. He did not even notice that the rest with the chicks broke.

However, this will not prevent him from announcing him tomorrow that he had spent an unforgettable night in a beautiful company …
