But call it, “Operation Horde” (The West has actually painted itself into a corner)…

I have to tell Russia that there is no going back and looking at the West as partners, never again for the duration of at least this century end. The West needs you dead and they want your resources. This is not just desires, but necessities and when a necessity is in our face, people do anything to get that necessity….

Just look at the West as a unnecessary unhealthy parasite and that it needs to be removed before the host is hurt…

Russia’s only option is to continue its own pathway to the future and fully forgo forging deals with the Europeans, while also threatening them enough to abandon any plans they may have for another try at another Operation Barbarossa. – kKEETON…

Now this is most likely why the EU is all panty twisted and sick in the head?

That Golden Billion are sick social and psychopaths that want your ass and to eat it at the same time, literally and or furtively…

For the West, time is short and time is relentless. They have to get it done at all cost and or die trying. The West has actually painted itself into a corner and want to make the rest of the world suffer from it’s own actions. This is that social and psycho pathetic attitude of a sick sociopathic and psychopathic society. It is has been done intentionally, yet at the same time, sickness mentally is a Western Trait for its whole history…

This time that corner is on fire and the West dies as an ideology of they do not get enough resources to continue it’s path of destruction. For the West has always flourished at others demise. This has to end and now is the time to end such tactics in our world…


Address of the President of Russia V.V. Putin to the citizens of Russia (March 14, 2024)…

🎙 Обращение Президента России В.В.Путина к гражданам России (14 марта 2024 года)

💬 Завтра, 15 марта, по всей нашей огромной стране откроются избирательные участки: начнётся трёхдневное голосование по выборам Президента России. <…>

Это важное, крайне ответственное событие. Поэтому, как действующий глава государства, считаю необходимым обратиться сегодня к вам. <…>

Вам предстоит не просто отдать свой голос, а твёрдо заявить о своей воле и устремлениях, о личной сопричастности к дальнейшему развитию России, потому что выборы – это шаг в будущее.

☝️Убеждён: вы понимаете, какой непростой период сейчас у нашей страны, какие сложные вызовы стоят перед нами практически во всех сферах. И, чтобы продолжать достойно отвечать на них, успешно преодолевать трудности, нам и дальше нужно быть сплочёнными и уверенными в себе.

Мы уже доказали, что умеем быть вместе, защищая свободу, суверенитет и безопасность России, отстаивая наши ценности, традиции, историю и культуру, поступая по совести и правде, по справедливости. У нас свой взгляд на то, как и какую страну нам строить, какие планы претворять в жизнь. И сегодня критически важно не свернуть с этого пути, добиться намеченного, достичь поставленных масштабных целей.

Поэтому очень многое в предстоящие дни зависит от каждого из вас. Скажу прямо: участие в выборах сегодня – это и есть проявление патриотических чувств. Это хорошо понимают жители Донбасса и Новороссии, которые в тяжелейших условиях голосовали на референдумах за единство с Россией и в эти дни также сделают свой выбор. <…>

🇷🇺 Все мы, многонациональный народ России, – одна большая семья! Мы переживаем, волнуемся, заботимся о родной стране. Хотим, чтобы она была благополучной, сильной, свободной и процветающей, чтобы повышались уровень и качество жизни. Так и будет! Мы всё сделаем именно так, как хотим.

Поэтому прошу вас прийти на выборы и выразить свою гражданскую и патриотическую позицию, проголосовать за выбранного вами своего кандидата, за успешное будущее нашей любимой России.

Читайте полностью

🎙 Address of the President of Russia V.V. Putin to the citizens of Russia (March 14, 2024)

💬 Tomorrow, March 15, polling stations will open throughout our huge country: a three-day voting period for the election of the President of Russia will begin. < …>

This is an important, extremely responsible event. Therefore, as the current head of state, I consider it necessary to address you today. < …>

You have to not just cast your vote, but firmly declare your will and aspirations, your personal involvement in the further development of Russia, because elections are a step into the future.

☝️I am convinced that you understand what a difficult period our country is going through now, what difficult challenges we face in almost all areas. And in order to continue to respond to them with dignity and successfully overcome difficulties, we continue to need to be united and self-confident.

We have already proven that we know how to be together, defending the freedom, sovereignty and security of Russia , defending our values, traditions, history and culture, acting in conscience and truth, in justice. We have our own views on how and what kind of country we should build, what plans we should implement. And today it is critically important not to deviate from this path, to achieve what is planned, to achieve the set large-scale goals.

Therefore, a lot in the coming days depends on each of you. I’ll say it straight: participation in elections today is a manifestation of patriotic feelings. This is well understood by the residents of Donbass and Novorossiya, who, under the most difficult conditions, voted in referendums for unity with Russia and will also make their choice these days. < …>

🇷🇺 All of us, the multinational people of Russia, are one big family! We worry, worry, care about our native country. We want her to be prosperous, strong, free and prosperous, so that the level and quality of life improve. So it will be! We will do everything exactly the way we want.

Therefore, I ask you to come to the elections and express your civic and patriotic position, vote for your chosen candidate, for the successful future of our beloved Russia.


* Vampire Ball (a gala type event). Let us Dance!

Due to the Western Finances overstepping us (the global majority) whom owe their their existence as the handmaidens of the planet, all financial institutions affiliated with the Western Coalition are grossly overextended, inadequately funded, and massively fabricated in their bookkeeping. It has been a game of chance and a paper dance, an illusion, and now, in Putin’s words, “But they must understand that the ‘vampire ball’ is ending.” – kKEETON…

* vampire ball (a gala type event)

Dancing the night away…


Putin Interview March 13th, 2024…

Russia’s only option is to continue its own pathway to the future and fully forgo forging deals with the Europeans, while also threatening them enough to abandon any plans they may have for another try at another Operation Barbarossa. – kKEETON…

They do have that plan, but call it, “Operation Horde”…

The Hordes of Barbarians will come from the North!


Everyday the “Western Coalition” looks more and more ‘Horde Zombie Infested’…


Hordes of Barbarians from the North are Actually Guaranteed…


Never wake the introvert and make them fight…

Interestingly the world (especially the West) was taken aback by how quickly Russia ramped up wartime production and adapted to all of the penalties (sanctions) in relation to the legally enacted SMO, against illegal and immoral USA activities and the penalties from Hell itself, trying to destroy Russia…

What everyone saw is the operation of an industrial and economic policy. They also saw the remains of the Soviet Power and infrastructure…

It is apparent that Russia is getting ready for a significant boost in industrial production, for it is without a doubt getting ready for a lot more conflict with the West…

Thus, the governmental changes Putin is/has/will asking for, makes sense after you realize that Russia is just getting going. The changes will accelerate after the elections for president in Russia. It is to plan!

Now you see another side of the Russian Soul and you see why I say, “Let sleeping bears sleep”…

Never wake the introvert and make them fight…