Sledkom and more info on Crocus City Hall…

📄 The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia heard the report of the investigative team on the investigation of the terrorist attack

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia A.I. Bastrykin held an operational meeting with the investigative team, as well as the leadership of the Main Directorate of Criminalistics (Forensic Center) and the Forensic Expert Center of the Investigative Committee of Russia. A report from the investigative team on the criminal investigation into the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall was heard.

The head of the department was reported on the activities being carried out in accordance with the detailed plan for the investigation of the criminal case. Currently, investigative actions are ongoing with the accused in order to obtain information that is significant for the investigation about the preparation and commission of this terrorist attack, as well as to identify other accomplices in the crime, including the organizers. As part of the criminal case, including the seized material evidence, complex forensic forensic examinations are ordered and carried out, the results of which will allow us to restore the full picture of what happened.

The investigative team has been instructed to continue questioning witnesses, including from among Crocus City Hall employees, as well as a detailed analysis of documents and other data that will establish how the emergency warning systems were organized and functioned, whether people had the opportunity to quickly leave building using emergency exits.

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⚡️⚡️ As part of the criminal case regarding the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall, the investigation is requesting the arrest of several more defendants

As part of the investigation into the criminal case of the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall, the Investigative Committee established the roles of a number of other defendants.

According to the investigation, in order to commit a terrorist act, Shamsidin Fariduni recruited Aminchon Islomov into the organized group no later than January 2024, and Dilovar Islomov no later than March 11, 2024.

The investigation is petitioning the court to arrest Aminchon Islomov, Dilovar Islomov and another suspect in the criminal case.
📄 The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia held an operational meeting with the investigative team on the investigation of the terrorist attack in Crocus City Hall

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia A.I. Bastrykin held an operational meeting with the investigative team, as well as the leadership of the Main Directorate of Criminalistics (Forensic Center) and the Forensic Expert Center of the Investigative Committee of Russia. The head of the department heard an up-to-date report from his subordinates on the implementation of the plan to investigate the criminal case of a terrorist act that claimed the lives of more than 100 people.

The head of the department was informed that the inspection of the scene of the incident and the seizure of items relevant to the investigation are ongoing. The operation of fire safety systems in the building is studied and the necessary examinations are carried out. It is determined whether safety requirements were violated. Discussing the prospects and timing of other investigative actions, the investigators reported on the stages of production and other examinations.

A separate block of the meeting was devoted to the work of investigators with victims and witnesses.

After hearing the report of the investigative team, A.I. Bastrykin identified a number of areas of investigation.

The head of the department also demanded to continue to identify all those involved in the tragedy, emphasizing that investigators must check all information received from citizens, paying attention to every detail. A comprehensive and objective investigation depends on this, as well as the implementation of the principle of inevitability of punishment and measures to prevent such tragedies.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia exercises personal control over the progress of the investigation of this criminal case.

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Ban Israel from Olympics? Thought so…

I have watched the Olympic committee has ignored the banning of Israel from the Olympics, so far. You have to wonder at what point they have to give in to demands, if they even will. If provisional rulings of genocide don’t count, does this latest resolution cross the threshold of forcing the issue? So will Israel be banned from all international sports and especially the Olympics, like Russia? The very least Israel deserves, for unlike Russia, Israel is genociding Gaza. Actually, I won’t hold my breath. – kKEETON…


New Western Crying, Russian Missiles Crossed our Airspace…


Always whining and crying, yet they need to actually think. That as they act stupid! Missiles are not stupid and definately can find them easily. Very very easily…

Moldova said that Russian missiles crossed the country’s airspace during a night attack on targets in Ukraine.

Poland also scrambled fighter jets in anticipation of Russian missiles.

New crying and lying sessions…