So otherwords, people who voice an opinion against the West, must be eliminated and you will be sooner or later…

🎙From the speech of the First Deputy Permanent Representative D.A. Polyansky during the general debate of the 46th session of the Information Committee of the UN General Assembly

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The United States continues to systematically abuse its position as host country of the UN headquarters. The participation of a representative of the Russian delegation in the 46th session of the Information Committee was disrupted due to the failure to issue him a visa, despite the documents being submitted on time.

👉We hope that the UN Secretariat and the leadership of the Organization’s specialized structures, based on legally binding agreements with the host state, will make the necessary efforts to radically correct such an unacceptable situation.


Main points:

• The ongoing trend towards further degradation of the situation with ensuring freedom of expression and equal access to information, primarily in Western countries and among their like-minded people, where, in fact, political censorship is being imposed, is alarming.

• Today the world is faced with the rapid fragmentation of the global information space, the emergence of almost impenetrable information “bubbles” in it. A one-sided, distorted, and sometimes simply false picture of the world is imposed on the societies that find themselves in them.

• The undisputed leader in introducing draconian restrictions on the media and journalists is the Zelensky regime, which is ready to resort to the most sophisticated crimes to eradicate any criticism and dissent.

• Those who disagree with the Kyiv regime are persecuted by the special services, using the full power of the repressive apparatus against them. Kidnappings of journalists, civil activists, and public figures have become a daily norm. Most of the victims were tortured or ill-treated.

• Taking advantage of the fact that the main levers of Internet control are located in Western countries, and all the main IT monopolies are registered in the jurisdictions of these countries, Washington has authorized processes, the logical conclusion of which is intended to be a global digital dictatorship .


🎙Из выступления Первого заместителя Постоянного представителя Д.А.Полянского в ходе общих прений 46-й сессии Комитета по информации Генеральной Ассамблеи ООН

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США продолжает систематически злоупотреблять положением страны, принимающей у себя штаб-квартиру ООН. Было сорвано участие в работе 46-й сессии Комитета по информации представителя российской делегации из-за невыдачи ему визы, несмотря на своевременно поданные документы.

👉Рассчитываем, что Секретариат ООН и руководство профильных структур Организации с опорой на юридически обязывающие договорённости с принимающим государством приложат необходимые усилия для кардинального выправления подобной неприемлемой ситуации.


Основные тезисы:

• Вызывает тревогу неугасающая тенденция на дальнейшую деградацию ситуации с обеспечением свободы выражения мнений и равного доступа к информации, в первую очередь в странах Запада и среди их единомышленников, где, по сути, насаждается политическая цензура.

• Сегодня мир сталкивается со стремительной фрагментацией глобального информационного пространства, возникновением в нем почти непроницаемых информационных «пузырей». Оказавшимся в них обществам навязывается однобокая, искаженная, а порой и попросту лживая картина мира.

• Безусловным лидером по введению драконовских ограничений в отношении СМИ и журналистов является режим Зеленского, готовый пойти на самые изощренные преступления для искоренения любой критики и инакомыслия.

• Несогласных с киевским режимом преследуют спецслужбы, применяя к ним всю мощь репрессивного аппарата. Повседневной нормой стали похищения журналистов, гражданских активистов, общественных деятелей. Большая часть жертв подвергалась пыткам или жестокому обращению.

• Пользуясь тем, что в странах Запада находятся основные рычаги управления Интернетом, а в юрисдикциях этих стран прописались все основные ИТ-монополисты, Вашингтон санкционировал процессы, логическим завершением которых призвана стать глобальная цифровая диктатура.


The West has lost in Ukraine…

Unfortunately the West does not understand this. Their only mantra is to”‘double down”. It may be “double down” until the planet is molten ash. The paucity of intelligence within the western politicians maybe fatal for us all…


MoD of Russia Report for April 29th, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (29 April 2024)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

The units of the Zapad Group of Forces have occupied more favourable lines and defeated manpower and hardware of 63rd mechanised and 57th motorised infantry brigades of the AFU and the 5th Brigade of the National Guard close to Grigorovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Sinkovka (Kharkov region), and Chervonaya Dibrova (Lugansk People’s Republic).

Russian troops have repelled three attacks by formations of the 77th Airmobile Brigade of the AFU and the 1st Brigade of the National Guard near Stelmakhovka (Lugansk People’s Republic). The enemy losses were up to 40 servicemen, two armoured fighting vehicles, and three motor vehicles.

The units of the Yug Group of Forces have improved position along the front line and inflicted a fire defeat on manpower and hardware of 46th airmobile and 79th air assault brigades of the AFU close to Krasnogorovka and Konstantinovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were up to 395 servicemen, three tanks, four armoured fighting vehicles, two motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, one 122-mm D-30 gun, and one Bukovel-AD electronic warfare station.

The units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have liberated Semyonovka (Donetsk People’s Republic) and defeated formations of 68th infantry, 23rd and 115th mechanised brigades of the AFU, the 109th Territorial Defence Brigade and mercenaries of the Foreign Legion near Novoaleksandrovka, Arkhangelskoye, Tarasovka, and Zavetnoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

During the day, 10 counterattacks by assault groups of 24th, 100th mechanised, 142nd infantry, 98th assault, 68th jaeger brigades and the 78th Separate Air Assault Regiment of the AFU have been repelled close to Leninskoye, Novgorodskoye, Ocheretino, Semyonovka, Novobakhmutovka, Netailovo, Novokalinovo, and Berdychi (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The AFU losses were up to 370 servicemen, two armoured personnel carriers, and four motor vehicles.

In the course of counter-battery warfare, one 155-mm U.S.-made M777 howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 gun, one 152-mm Msta-B towed howitzer, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, one 105-mm U.S.-made M102 light howitzer, and one 100-mm MT-12 Rapira anti-tank gun.

The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have defeated manpower and hardware of the 72nd Mechanised Brigade and the 123rd Territorial Defence Brigade near Staromayorskoye and Vodyanoye (Donetsk People’s Republic) and occupied more advantageous lines.

In addition, the servicemen have repelled two counterattacks by assault groups of the 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade of the AFU near Urozhaynoye (Donetsk People’s Republic). The AFU losses were up to 125 servicemen, three pickup trucks, one 155-mm U.S.-made M777 howitzer, and two 152-mm Msta-B howitzers.

The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have inflicted a fire defeat on manpower concentration areas of the 118th Mechanised Brigade of the AFU and the 3rd National Guard Brigade near Stepnogorsk and Preobrazhenka (Zaporozhye region). The enemy losses were up to 45 servicemen, two motor vehicles, and one Anklav-N electronic warfare station.

The Operational-Tactical Aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Group of Forces have struck one workshop for the assembly of unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as enemy manpower and military hardware in 110 areas.

Air defence facilities have shot down 22 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, one Uragan multiple-launch rocket system launcher projectile, and one U.S.-made JDAM guided aerial bomb.

In total, 593 airplanes, 270 helicopters, 23,609 unmanned aerial vehicles, 509 air-to-air missile systems, 15,880 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,275 MLRS combat vehicles, 9,209 field artillery guns and mortars, and 21,387 special military vehicles have been neutralised since the beginning of the special military operation.


Russia has been destroying Ukraine from the very beginning and you never listen to truth one time…

In order to spare the lives of countless young Ukrainians who have and are being forcibly conscripted to fight the far more powerful Russians, it is long overdue that the US and NATO start genuine discussions among themselves to end this war they started against Russia by proxy.  The West must terminate this war  and negotiate a workable peace deal for themselves to accept, a deal that Russia will approve and only Russia.  A deal that goes back to the beginning and implement what Russia has said it must be. No options…

Russia sees this entire issue as a exercise run for an eventual combat with NATO&#8230;

I will say it again:

NATO/EU/USA AKA The Bullies. Refused to listen to what Russia had to say. They laughed, joked and ignored the many years of attempts by Russia to communicate with them. They talked and looked down to Russia, as a bully does to whom they see as small and weak…

The writing is on the wall, and there is not much time left. For westerners hoping to outmaneuver the Russians, the adventure is ended. The truth is that, should something go wrong as in Western panic and nukes. That is the real issue, the Western World…

Give the peace idea a chance and put an end to the “neocons” before the unimaginable comes to pass. – kKEETON…