Israel committed, with USA help, an “act of war” against Iran…

Iran is mentally a much higher level and maturity country than the child like USA and Israel…

Israel knew damn well that they bombed an Embassy and tried to get Iran to come out swinging. And America knew damn well that they were going to do it…

I am stressing how discusting it is and the condemnmation exceeds all else, that Israel conducted an airstrike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus on April 1, 2024…

I must stress that political killings as well as any attacks on diplomatic and consular properties, the inviolability of which is protected by the pertinent Vienna Conventions, are wholly unacceptable. They are acts of war by whom perpetrated it and also by who supplies weapons to perpetrate the action…

Iran will allow the children to stew in their own pot and you watch while the nasty kids squirm…


Government’s annual report in the State Duma 2024…

Not near all, but what I found revelent…


According to experts, the restrictions imposed against Russia exceed all sanctions against other countries combined , – Mishustin.

❗️ Of the total number of scientific researchers in Russia, almost half are under 39 years old.

❗️In 2023, GDP increased by 3.6%, more than double the average for developed countries.

The execution of federal budget expenditures in 2023 is close to 100% , which is the best result in recent years ,” Mishustin.

⚡️The Russian economy is becoming less dependent on raw material exports – in 2023 , non-oil and gas revenues increased by a quarter.

❗️About 190 billion rubles were allocated in 2023 to increase the salaries of public sector employees in accordance with the May decrees of the President.

A single benefit was assigned to almost 11 million children and approximately 400 thousand expectant mothers.

⚡️At the end of 2023, life expectancy reached almost 73.5 years – such indicators have never been recorded in the history of the USSR and modern Russia.

Over three years, about 3.5 thousand primary health care facilities have been created and reconstructed, and about 5 thousand ambulances have been purchased.

Thanks to the expansion of the medical examination program, every second resident of Russia underwent a preventive examination in 2023.

❗️This year, almost 49 thousand children with diabetes will be provided with continuous glucose monitoring systems.

About 1 million primary healthcare employees received special social benefits.

❗️Mishustin said that, on behalf of the President, the Zemsky Doctor and Zemsky Paramedic programs will be extended until 2030.

I thank all our doctors for the dedicated work they are doing throughout Russia – Mikhail Mishustin.

As part of the capital repair program for educational institutions, over 4 thousand buildings have been restored.

⚡️Starting September, advisers to education directors in schools and colleges will receive a monthly allowance of 5 thousand rubles.

Since its launch, more than 10 million people have received the Pushkin Card , and over 64 million tickets have been purchased.

The program of preferential lending for hotel construction has already made it possible to introduce about 2 thousand new rooms.

In 2023, over 110 million square meters were built. m of housing – living conditions improved for almost 4.5 million families.

Preferential mortgage programs have improved the living conditions of about 1 million families over the past year.

⚡️Russia needs strong and modern aviation with an extensive ground infrastructure – Mishustin.

❗️The government will allocate a quarter of a trillion rubles to upgrade at least 75 more airports.

Over the past year , about 5 thousand buses, trolleybuses, trams and electric buses were delivered to the regions.

In 2023 , the second record grain harvest in the modern history of Russia was harvested.

⚡️The primary task in the production of airplanes and helicopters is the safety of people , so we must make the most reliable and modern machines, noted Mikhail Mishustin.

❗️To achieve practical results, the government will begin to remove barriers holding back the more active use of drones in the economy.

The production of cars of all types in 2023 amounted to over 700 thousand cars, of which 500 thousand were cars.

Russia intends to become one of the 25 leading countries in terms of the number of industrial robots within 6 years,” Mishustin.

⚡️Over the past year, 530 domestic medical products , including advanced ones, were released onto the market.

The share of use of Russian software in state-owned companies has increased 3 times, – Mishustin.

Almost all college graduates get a job in their field after completing their studies.

⚡️The government provides comprehensive support to the Bank of Russia to protect trade and investment operations of Russian companies in the face of external pressure.

Mikhail Mishustin: Trade turnover with friendly countries today is comparable to the volume of Russia’s trade with the whole world, which was four years ago.

I understand the proposals on migration issues in light of the recent tragedy at Crocus; the desire to make additional decisions is understandable and fair ,” said Mikhail Mishustin.

The preparation of all initiatives on migration issues should take into account the positions of law enforcement agencies ,” Mishustin.

❗️Mishustin: As the President said, terrorists have neither nationality nor religion , representatives of many nationalities and faiths live peacefully in our country, we have a truly multinational state.

The IOC and other sports organizations are under serious political pressure , preventing the participation of Russian athletes in world and European competitions, – Mishustin.

The government will continue to develop new competition formats and create conditions so that Russian athletes can show their best results.

⚡️In 2023, members of the government visited all regions of the country , the Chairman of the Government himself has visited 55 of them since 2020.

❗️On instructions from the President, the government will write off two-thirds of the regions’ debt on budget loans – about 1 trillion rubles.

In 2023, about 64 billion rubles were allocated for the comprehensive development of rural areas .

❗️On instructions from the President, the social gasification program will be expanded to include gardening partnerships in gasified localities.

Mikhail Mishustin thanked the deputies and senators for their work on integrating new regions into the Russian legal field.

⚡️The government will consider a bill on introducing a preferential regime for a free economic zone in the Belgorod, Bryansk, Kursk regions and the Republic of Crimea.

❗️By order of the President, participants of the SVO will be exempt from property tax.

Mikhail Mishustin on tax reform : The upcoming changes in the tax sphere should work for the benefit of people, the economy and the country as a whole.

In the Year of the Family, the government will continue to create opportunities for parents and children in every corner of Russia.

Mishustin: We have launched the production of charging stations for electric vehicles and electric buses; 3.7 billion rubles have been allocated for this in 2024.

In 2024, total financing for agricultural development will amount to 559 billion rubles.

The government is working to update the spatial development strategy; it will include not only large but also small cities, as well as rural settlements.

⚡️Mikhail Mishustin: Together we will bring to a new basis the possibilities of using SMEs in achieving the country’s sovereignty.

I believe it is impossible to prohibit our companies from doing business abroad, especially in friendly countries,” Mishustin.

The government will continue to develop medical and rehabilitation infrastructure in new regions.

Today the State Duma held a government report.

We summed up the results of the past year and also discussed prospects for the future.

Despite unprecedented sanctions pressure and promises from Washington and Brussels to tear the Russian economy to shreds, our country is successfully overcoming challenges.

There are all the prerequisites to solve the task set by President Putin – to enter the four largest economies in the world: over the past year, Russia’s GDP grew by 3.6%, unemployment dropped to 3%, and the volume of investment increased by about 10% (a record for 12 years ).
Agriculture, the construction industry, and the fuel and energy complex are showing good results; industry is growing at an accelerated pace. Much has been done to strengthen technological sovereignty and regional development. But there is still more to come.

You identified problematic issues in your requests, of which about 14 thousand were received. We have studied them. Key topics became the subject of dialogue with the Prime Minister.

📌 About improving the quality of medical education, and therefore the quality of healthcare.
Currently, the decision to open medical faculties in non-core universities is taken by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Ministry of Health is responsible for the quality of medical care. It is not right.
We agreed that the issue of training doctors will be carefully studied by the Government.

📌 About the problem of shortage of doctors and nurses.
Now the shortage of doctors in our country has reached about 30 thousand , and medical personnel – 63.5 thousand . In regional hospitals the situation is worse: the staff shortage is up to 50% . The topic requires control.
To solve the problem, a working group will be created with the participation of deputies and government representatives.

📌 About updating city electric transport.
This is a pain point in many regions. A new tram costs between 80 and 100 million rubles —an unaffordable sum for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The issue cannot be resolved without federal support.
It is important to replace trams and trolleybuses – we will look for a solution together with the Government.

📌About the quality of teacher training for schools.
The problem of staff shortages today is often solved through part-time teaching: one teacher teaches several subjects. This is especially true for rural schools. Sometimes it gets to the point of absurdity: a physical education teacher teaches mathematics. The quality of education is suffering.
We agreed to systematically approach the solution of the problem and revive pedagogical institutes in the regions.

Other important proposals were also raised in questions from deputies and in speeches by representatives of factions.
Let’s take them under control.
It is important, together with the Government, to come to concrete solutions to the problems that you identified in your appeals.


Medvedev on Ukraine as a terrorists state…

A discussion arose about whether it was time to recognize the so-called former Ukraine as a terrorist state at the international level.

The discussion is quite scholastic. Why?

1. In fact b. Ukraine is already a terrorist state that freely kills its own and (!) foreign citizens without consequences. It kills in cities and trenches, it even kills in prisons. This is obvious even to nasty fish-faced British women and senile men in big sneakers for stability on the White House lawn.

2. If sufficient evidence is received that scum like Azov, Budanov or Zelensky was behind the terrorist attack, they, of course, will not be tried in some stinking ICC. They don’t judge their own Somos. So, on the pages of the Internet, carpet impotents in New York and other galactic garbage from dying newspapers are discussed. It is impossible to push through such a decision at the UN due to the Russophobic consensus and the Anglo-Saxon veto power in the Security Council.

3. What to do? Yes, just chop up Bandera’s pigs, as the USSR MGB did valiantly after the war. And the leaders should be eliminated when the opportunity arises. Like Konovalets and Bandera. In Kyiv or in another suitable place.


Возникла дискуссия – а не пора ли признать на международном уровне так называемую бывшую Украину террористическим государством.
Дискуссия вполне схоластическая. Почему?

1. По факту б. Украина и так уже террористическое государство, которое свободно, без последствий убивает своих и (!) чужих граждан. Убивает в городах и окопах, убивает даже в тюрьмах. Это очевидно даже противным британским бабам с рыбьим лицом и маразматикам в больших кроссовках для устойчивости на лужайке Белого дома.
2. При получении достаточных доказательств, что за терактом стояла мразь типа азова, буданова или зеленского, их, конечно, не будут судить в каком-нибудь вонючем МУСе. Своих Сомос не судят. Так, пообсуждают на страницах интернета ковёрные импотенты в Нью-Йорке и прочий галактический мусор из умирающих газет. Пробить такое решение в ООН нереально из-за русофобского консенсуса и права вето англосаксов в Совбезе.
3. Что делать? Да просто крошить бандеровских свиней, как это доблестно делал МГБ СССР после войны. А лидеров – ликвидировать при удобном случае. Как Коновальца и Бандеру. В Киеве или в другом подходящем месте.