Getting worse by the day now, not just yearly and or even monthly, but daily…

I see a dying lying Empire of Chaos, here is looking at you America…

Sometime not too long ago, the America that we knew lost the vestiges of the past and shifted into high gear as the end of the tunnel came into sight…

Maybe, the mirror at the end of the tunnel showed another car coming and someone is going to play chicken in the last mile of road…

Don’t swerve buddy, you loser…

Yet, no one is playing with the West and it’s illustrious leader the USA and the saying about…

As time moves on the line will blur. It will no longer seem to be the simplicity of good versus evil, but good versus fools who think they are good. – Criss Jami

Wow, Amen to that quote, Amen to that…


The NATO will be prey for the preditorial Russians

Bounties should be offered for the killing of NATO soldiers if they are deployed to Ukraine to fight against Russian troops, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Thursday.

Off to work go the Russians and they will hunt NATO intentionally…

Nothing better than the hunt…

Except let us do one better, allow the Ukrainian also to collect the bounty if they kill a “NATO” or as well known, “Nazi” and make it real interesting…

Off to work hunt we go…


Anti Russia is Japanese direction, but, North Korea is the Japanese’s Nemesis…

🗞 Interview with Russian Ambassador to Japan N.S. Nozdrev TASS (April 3, 2024)

Main points:

🔹 [Russian-Japanese relations] are still under strong negative pressure from the hostile course currently being pursued by the administration of [Japanese Prime Minister] F. Kishida.

🔹 It was considered here that the costs of the virtually complete dismantling of relations with one of the main neighbors, the Russian Federation, will be less than the benefits that Japan will receive from opportunistic joining the anti-Russian campaign launched by the West due to the situation in Ukraine.

🔹 As for practical blocks, they are still preserved, we work on them, and in some cases quite effectively. We encounter a very conscious desire to interact on the part of some Japanese departments.

🔹 There are not many figures in the Japanese political establishment who truly understand the error of Tokyo’s current line and are interested in maintaining strong, stable relations with Russia in the long term. But nevertheless, they exist, just like in expert, business circles, and in the cultural sphere.

🔹 Currently, the administration of F. Kishida is pursuing a line to build up the country’s military power and, most importantly, to dismantle the pacifist restrictions that are embedded in the Japanese constitution.

🔹 Our main concern is the intensification of military activities in the format of various types of maneuvers and training events with the participation of units of the United States and other countries, including NATO, directly near the Russian borders.

⚠️ We consider such events as a real direct threat to the security of our Far Eastern borders and overall stability in Northeast Asia and the Asia-Pacific region.


Japan betterbe worried about NK and stop poking the Bear…


Russian School Status for Governmental usage…

❗️From September 1, schools will introduce the subject “Family Studies” for high school students as part of “Conversations about Important Things” or extracurricular activities.

Over the past 5 years, the share of young people who believe in the possibilities of self-realization in Russia has increased to 81%, and those who feel a sense of pride in the country – to 92% – Tatyana Golikova.

Among the life goals that young people aged 18–35 set for themselves, 71% give priority to creating a happy family.

Anton Kotyakov: A 5-year forecast of personnel needs is being prepared , which will become the basis for the distribution of enrollment figures in educational institutions.

Today Russia is one of the top ten world leaders in terms of the scale of its scientific and technological complex.

About 482 thousand students are involved in the “University Technological Entrepreneurship Platform” project, who have developed over 23 thousand startups.