Ukraine attempts to destroy Zaporozhye NPP again and again and again and again…

Zaporozhye NPP has been subjected to an unprecedented series of drone attacks, creating a direct threat to the safety of the plant

The Rosatom State Corporation calls on the leadership of the IAEA and the countries of the European Union to immediately respond to the escalation of the situation around the largest nuclear power plant in Europe.

On April 7, 2024, the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched an unprecedented series of attacks on the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).
At 11:38 a.m., the attack hit the area adjacent to the canteen, injuring three people.
Half an hour later, a drone attacked the cargo port area. Then the sixth power unit of Zaporizhzhya NPP was attacked by a drone – the dome was hit.

There was no critical damage or casualties; the background radiation at the station and the surrounding area has not changed and does not exceed natural background values.

Before this, the Ukrainian Armed Forces carried out an attack on the territory of the station on April 5. Arrivals of Ukrainian Armed Forces drones were recorded in the area of ​​the cargo port and nitrogen-oxygen station.

The State Corporation “Rosatom” categorically condemns the unprecedented attack on the facilities of the nuclear power plant and its infrastructure and calls on the leadership of the IAEA, personally the Director General of the agency, Mr. Rafael Grossi, as well as the leadership of the EU countries to immediately respond to the direct threat to the safety of the Zaporozhye NPP and categorically condemn the escalation of the situation around the plant.


Запорожская АЭС подверглась беспрецедентной серии атак дронов, создана прямая угроза безопасности станции

Госкорпорация “Росатом” призывает руководство МАГАТЭ и стран Европейского союза незамедлительно отреагировать на  эскалацию ситуации вокруг крупнейшей атомной электростанции в Европе.

7 апреля 2024 года ВСУ произвели беспрецедентную серию атак по Запорожской АЭС (ЗАЭС).
В 11:38 удар пришелся по территории, прилегающей к столовой, в результате чего были ранены три человека.
Спустя полчаса беспилотник атаковал район грузового порта. Затем нападению дрона подвергся шестой энергоблок ЗАЭС – удар пришелся на купол.

Критических повреждений и пострадавших нет, радиационный фон на станции и прилегающей территории не изменился и не превышает естественных фоновых природных значений.

Перед этим ВСУ осуществили атаку на территорию станции 5 апреля. Прилеты дронов ВСУ были зафиксированы в районе грузового порта и азотно-кислородной станции.

Госкорпорация «Росатом» категорически осуждает беспрецедентную атаку по объектам атомной станции и ее инфраструктуры и призывает руководство МАГАТЭ, лично генерального директора агентства г-на Рафаэля Гросси, а также руководство стран ЕС незамедлительно отреагировать на прямую угрозу безопасности Запорожской АЭС и категорически осудить эскалацию ситуации вокруг станции.


Medvedev about accomplices of the terrorist act committed on March 22 at Crocus City Hall…

About the accomplices of the terrorist act committed on March 22 at Crocus City Hall

As is known, in criminal law it is customary to distinguish complicity in the commission of a crime when several persons deliberately participate in it. Let’s figure out who became an accomplice in this heinous criminal act.
1. Performers. Everything is clear with them: these underdeveloped bastards have been caught, investigative actions are being carried out with them. Moreover, it is obvious that, despite multiple references to their affiliation with IS/ISIS/Vilayat Khorasan* (a terrorist organization banned in Russia), these scum are by no means religious fanatics who are ready to die for their faith. They showed neither external nor internal paraphernalia. They are primitive assassins, hired for relatively little money and trained to shoot. Just animals, human trash.
2. Organizers. With them it is somewhat more complicated, which is why the legend about the responsibility of the Islamic State was developed, which the extremists happily confirmed. But they always do this, just to increase their capital. Well, no one canceled the money, they probably got theirs. But the true organizers are still hiding in the shadow of the Islamic State. That’s the idea. But already the first information published from the phones of hired geeks clearly indicates the nationality of the organizers. Like many other things – open (destination) and still closed. These are officials of Nazi “Ukraine” . It was in their ugly brain that the idea was born to compensate for failures at the front with terrorist attacks, which, however, is not surprising. They will have to answer either legally or otherwise. The same way they deal with terrorists all over the world. No statute of limitations.
3. Accomplices . A lot of them. Their circle is expanding and includes those who gave property, money, organized the movement, taught to shoot, etc. Everything is clear with them, too, and they will answer. Much more interesting are other accomplices , or international sponsors of terrorists. And here, alas, the situation is this: these include senior officials of NATO countries. They are different. Yes, at least the same Macron. His rhetoric, his actions, and most importantly, his sanctions for secret operations with the Bandera regime may well be qualified as complicity in the terrorist attack of March 22. That is why the lover of oysters and champagne shit himself so much that he was forced to publicly deny France’s involvement in the terrorist attack himself and through his subordinates. It is obvious that Macron and a number of other Western leaders are the sponsors of this terrible terrorist attack. There is no forgiveness for this. There is no hiding behind immunities here. And from now on they are not just enemies of Russia.
