Geng Shuang says Nord 2 – “one cannot help but suspect a hidden agenda behind the opposition to an international investigation”…

“With the situation standing where it is, one cannot help but suspect a hidden agenda behind the opposition to an international investigation, while lamenting the potential cover-up and loss of quantities of compelling evidence,” China’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Geng Shuang, said on Friday, according to the Xinhua news agency.

“We reiterate our call for the early launch of a UN-led international investigation to bring the truth to light for the international community,” Geng continued, adding that Western nations should “actively communicate and cooperate with Russia and jointly investigate the incident.”



How about some images from our neck of the woods? ~~ (You know that place called Putin’s Russia!) ~~

Band to keep the marathon people happy…

Course of marathon. It was changed at last minute due to some security issues. Some grumble grumble people as always…

Yes, still kinda cold…

Just the park and it is our central park by the way…

Where we get coffee and sandwiches. Yummy…

I need to figure out who these guys are? Seem important and I should really figure that out?

Army cooker for the runners food…

Our nearby Orthodox Church…

We hear these ring all the time…

I like this church…

LADA with Vinny the Poo and piglet on it. Looks like they are smoking pine cones???

Video of band, kinda cool…

Nice walk and day of wandering around…

~~ Never saw Putin one time though! ~~



Western Elites are calling for war, must the plebs answer?

In the past, it worked…

These days, I believe that is untrue and it is a byproduct of the Western method to control the plebs…

The ruling elite class that expects the youth to fight, literally despises the youth it wants to send to war. These youth, whom have no skin in any game, but a virtual world, will not kill for the elite. Not this time, why(?) because they are aware of this hate for them…

The elite has had their masks pulled off and the hate is showing for all to see and the elites really show us clearly that they want the “useless eaters” dead…

Then maybe? If they force the answer of the call to arms? Maybe, we could actually see something interesting? We could learn if fat body confident women, homosexual men, Instagram whores, YouTubers, armchair generals, badass lesbian butches, transgenders, Drag Queens, video gamers, programmers and tons more of multiple types of mentally ill people are truly no less skilled than, “Mr. Average White Man”, in every aspect of life.

However, I also don’t see any of them fighting. They haven’t asked for equal results with whites, so they can split up all the hazardous and filthy nasty work, have they?

Thus, why they blame “white men” for all their woes…

Also, Starbucks coffee and your Pumpkin Latte may not be available on the front line against Russia and China?
