And never ask about and or act like Russians are wrong about Nazi Scum…

Vyacheslav Volodin: it is our duty to do everything to ensure that every Nazi criminal is punished.

April 19 is the Day of United Action in memory of the genocide of the Soviet people by the Nazis and their accomplices during the Great Patriotic War.

“In 1943, it was recognized for the first time at the state level that the enemies were pursuing a large-scale and targeted policy of exterminating civilians. Liberating our territories, Soviet soldiers were faced with a horrifying picture of murders and torture of civilians and prisoners. The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, which marked the beginning of the memorial date, emphasizes that the actions of the Nazis are “the most shameful and serious crimes, the most heinous atrocities,” emphasized the Chairman of the State Duma .

The Chairman of the State Duma recalled that the war went through every Soviet family: “The losses of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War amounted to almost 27 million people, about 13.5 million were civilian casualties, of which 7.5 million people were deliberately exterminated.”

“It is our duty to do everything to ensure that each of these crimes is solved and the perpetrators are punished. Especially now, when Nazism has again raised its head in Ukraine,” concluded Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin.


Nazi is a very bad word around these parts and when the West is maginalizing Nazi. Bad blood is rising…

Wake up people…


Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort at the UAE – Post 2

The Review: First link below to goodies…

Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort at the UAE – Post 1

Now let us talk about the most wonderful place Sweetpea and I have ever been…

I dunno: But, it seems that a crystal clear snorkeling beach a hundred meters from our door of our apartment, a two kilometer walk to rugged mountains, delicious food supplied twice a day and local people who really are fantastic and helpful. Seems that is a dream place to stay?

It sure is and it is without a doubt the most fantastic place Svetochka and I have ever stayed in all of our travels. The Sandy Beach Hotel is a 5 Star Hotel, yet at a 3 Star price for the area. We were lucky and got great deals at this place. If it is meant to be the price will happen, as I say…

Al Aqah, Fujairah of the UAE (United Arab Emirates) was the area of the world we ended up at. Who knew that in this day and age of lying internet info, that everything said about this area was true? It sounded to good to be true and when we got there? What a dream and it was as good as they said…


I guess first we need to tell about Dubai and their Fast Track Passport system:

We have been to Dubai several times and since we have been there, we are in their system. It is as simple as setting your passport upon the scanner and stare at a green light, until the system is happy and after it checks you in like two seconds, in you go. That simple and that easy – Welcome to Dubai…

GDRFA-Dubai new fast-track passport control service uses face and iris-recognition technologies

No stamp in passport, so no pages used up and it looks like the future is on its way. Facial Iris recognition…

We had come with just our own carry on bags, so no big luggage and a man at the airport commons was waiting with our name and off we went to Sandy Beach Hotel…

What a treat of a Hotel:

First thing we found:

We were very early in the morning, yet they gave us our room immediately and even fed us breakfast free of charge. Now that is what I talk about and say, “Make a good first impression!”…

The room was absolutely immaculate and very clean, with a wonderful sea view…

Second thing we found:

Crystal clear water at the beach, no trash in the water and a clear sky forever…

Third thing we found:

Employees whom care and really enjoy their jobs…

Fourth thing we found:

The food was damn good, not over spiced and plenty of it…

Good enough…

That is enough to have found and four home runs is good enough to call it a day, yet the place never stopped amazing us…


Therefore as in the first post, where you can see some things we posted as we stayed there…

Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort at the UAE – Post 1

I will talk about the snorkeling:

The Sandy Beach Hotel is a snorkeling haven and the sea turtles are easy to find (swim around to the backside of Snoopy Island) and they actually tolerate you a bit. Not a lot, but a bit and if Svetochka and I are able to make it back, we will take a Go-Pro (note: must buy) and get pictures of the turtles. Actually pictures of sharks, turtles, cuttlefish, and a million other extremely interesting things. Things that only you will find if you snorkel in pristine waters…

My spot of heaven was when a school of tiny purple fish with yellow tails, swam around me by the thousands. I just floated and let them swim around me. They glistened in Royal Purple with these so beautiful school bus yellow v shaped tails. For the life of me, I am unable to find these fish on the internet and thus, I cannot show what they looked like. Yet, all I can say is that they surrounded me and my life became so fantastic and they seemed to enjoy staying around me. I realized that they did this because big fish will not bother them if they swim around you as you snorkel…

A peak moment at the end was when I was swimming and all the fish around me had stopped moving. I mean it was if time had stopped for living things, from little fish to be ole groupers. Only the water and plankton moved. Then I found out why. The biggest shark I have ever seen was right below me, about three meters down. The whole sea had stopped and the shark, swam through, as I swam above him as fast as I could. He easily swam away, but I wanted to watch him as long as possible. Not sure if I am very smart actually. The fish knew better it seems?

The ending moment of a great trip was when we came upon a turtle right near the beach we were swimming at. It was just messing around and it looked at us and ambled lazily off into the deep water. What a treat…

Hotel and or Resort? :

Actually both and the hotel name says so. “Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort”, is actually made up of apartment, bungalows, hotel rooms, deep sea diving dormitories and very very luxury suites. You know for those rich people whom want to mingle with us peasants and not live like us peasants…

We discovered that this Hotel can cater to all aspects of humans and they do it very good…

All rooms have kitchenettes with sinks, refrigerators and dishes to eat at your room and they also have wonderful restaurants and fast type food available for those so inclined to eat out. From pizza, burgers & fries, to fresh steamed crabs is available. Why they even have BBQ Grills for those so inclined…

We had a half-board plan (Verses no food cheapest and all-inclusive very expensive). That meant eat breakfast and pick lunch or dinner to eat for the next meal. Not both. Saved a ton of money and we ate breakfast and dinner everyday. Never even tried the lunch, not necessary, did not desire to see what we missed and our room was set up well to enjoy a lunch meal there. Actually, for those whom travel, everyone knows that breakfast is the main meal and it is easy to gather tidbits to tide you over, during the day. We call it beach snacks…

Let us call, food was no issue and however you look at it, cheap and or cheap enough…


Very well kept, private and clean beach. Lots of lifeguards and a very wonderful childrens area to keep kids safe. Many lifeguards at the kids spot….

Hundreds and hundreds of beach loungers to lay on and towels supplied for beach, free…

Oh did I say water was clear?

Let us end Part 2…

By the way, Part 1 again…

Sandy Beach Hotel and Resort at the UAE – Post 1


Medvedev on Main Bandera Clown Member in Poland and the attempt to assassinate said drug clown…

An attempt on the life of the main Bandera member in Poland? But this is really serious. The drug clown has reason to be seriously alarmed.

It is likely that this may be the first evidence that the West has decided to eliminate it. Be afraid, clown!



~~ Link below for a good laugh and to make sure you realize, “Russia Did It!”. ~~

Poland has detained one of its own citizens on suspicion of cooperating with Russia’s military intelligence service, including on plans for a possible assassination attempt against Volodymyr Zelensky while the Ukrainian president was travelling through Poland.


Russian BRICS Chairmanship is the Roscongress Foundation…

At the first meeting of the working group on agriculture, the BRICS countries presented an initiative to create a grain trading platform. Also at the meeting, the Russian side outlined priorities in the agricultural sector within the framework of its chairmanship in the association.

Among them:
🔹food security;
🔹development of agricultural production;
🔹expansion of mutual trade.

In addition, a conference on food security and sustainable agricultural development was announced at the meeting. It will take place at the end of June in Moscow.

The event operator for the Russian BRICS Chairmanship is the Roscongress Foundation.

More details @roscongress – Подробнее

На первом заседании рабочей группы по сельсокму хозяйству стран БРИКС представили инициативу по созданию зерновой торговой площадки. Также на встрече российская сторона обозначила приоритеты в аграрном секторе в рамках председательства в объединении.

В их числе:
🔹продовольственная безопасность;
🔹развитие сельскохозяйственного производства;
🔹расширение взаимной торговли.

Кроме того, на заседании была анонсирована конференция по продовольственной безопасности и обеспечению устойчивого сельскохозяйственного развития. Она состоится в конце июня в Москве.

Оператором мероприятий председательства РФ в БРИКС выступает Фонд Росконгресс.

Подробнее @roscongress