Medvedev about Cameron, “An ordinary muddy Brit.”

English below…

Тут некто Кэмерон призвал бороться
с Путиным до победного конца.


Я этого парня неплохо помню. Работал с ним, когда он стал премьером. Обычный мутный британец. Был тогда радостно-глуповат и выглядел как молодой черт(муд)ила, который упивается неожиданно обретённой позицией. Кстати, он тогда не был даже патентованным русофобом. Так, середнячок, не более…

А теперь? «Украинцы, вы можете стрелять нашими ракетами куда хотите». А мы – британцы – не боимся ничего, даже ядерного конфликта.

Крутой! Зря, дяденька. Ведь Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG управляется не придурками в вышиванках, а именно британцами и французами. При определённых обстоятельствах ответ за такое полетит не только в Киев. И не только с обычными ВВ, но и со специальным боеприпасом. И отработка ответа на такие атаки – цель запланированных учений. И даже не до конца образованные Дебилы Его Королевского Величества это должны понимать.

И насчёт борьбы с Путиным. Иными словами, борьбы с Россией. Нет у меня приличного ответа, кроме разве что одного. Дэвид – ты, того, поаккуратнее. Можно и …

Нет, не буду. Он тоже неприличный 😂


Here someone Cameron called for fighting Putin to the bitter end.


I remember this guy pretty well. I worked with him when he became prime minister. An ordinary muddy Brit. At that time, he was joyfully stupid and looked like a young devil (mud) ila, who revels in an unexpectedly acquired position. By the way, he wasn’t even a patent Russophobe then. So, the average guy, no more…

And now? “Ukrainians, you can fire our missiles wherever you want.” And we, the British, are not afraid of anything, not even a nuclear conflict.

Cool! In vain, uncle. After all, Storm Shadow/SCALP-EG is not controlled by jerks in embroidered shirts, namely the British and the French. Under certain circumstances, the answer for this will fly not only to Kiev. And not only with conventional explosives, but also with special ammunition. And working out a response to such attacks is the purpose of the planned exercises. And even the not fully educated Morons of His Royal Majesty should understand this.

And about the fight against Putin. In other words, the fight against Russia. I don’t have a decent answer, except maybe one. David, you better be careful. You can and …

No, I won’t. He is also indecent 😂


Now time to get, “Sammy the Volga” ready and pack her back end full and head off to, “The Tiny Russian Village”…

Our TRV (Tiny Russian Village…)

It will be +10 today and no rain and or snow. Therefore, it is time to check all of Sammy’s thing’s and whatnot’s and get her ready to take a trip to the TRV (Tiny Russian Village). Sammy the Volga blew a radiator this winter in the extreme bitter cold we had and we just had a new radiator put in. Then the battery that was eleven years old died, so we also replaced the starter to be pro-active and we bit the bullet and install a new alternator to replace the alternator that was stolen years ago by the body work guys. A 120 amp alternator is now working good and I have the extra juice to do some additions, such as cooling fans and lights…

We also had a timing chain issue at the end of fall last year and that had a new chain and guides installed, plus a front timing case installed due to wearing and tearing. Thus Sammy has lots of new parts and today I will see how all these parts are doing. Are they playing together properly and or or they fighting like children do?

Oh and yes, time to change the oil and filter…

Now let us think. Around May 18th looks like a good day to leave. Give or take a day. Holidays are over. Unless the West decided to kill us all? It will be time to travel to the TRV…

Actually very sad that we have to include a thought about will we be here in even a week or so. A dying Empire of Chaos is not a good worldly happiness thingamajiggy…


PS: Speaking of thingamajiggy; I will be glad when the world can look back and having forgotten that the USA has a name and call the USA, you know that – thingy, thingummy, whatchamacallit, doofer country, doodah, whatsit, thingamabob, doohickey, dooberry, thingamajig, fricking country, damn country, and or that nasty country across the pond, what was it’s name?