Libya is a Western Crime Against Humanity…

As on record, within this website WtR, what has happened in Libya is recorded and Ukraine is another West’s crime against humanity…

Israel is another…

Actually Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, North Korea, Cambodia, Laos, and oh so many many more Western Crimes against humanity…


Russian ban of energy drinks to children (Well it is about time!)…

On the ban on the sale of energy drinks to children.

Today, almost every fourth person in our country consumes energy drinks, and among young people – every second: in the age group 18–24 years old this share is 53.2% , in the group 25–29 years old – 49.7% .

Dangerous trend. High doses of energy drink consumption increase the risk of hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.

We discussed this issue with you earlier: 90% of those who voted considered it necessary to introduce a ban on the sale of energy drinks to children and adolescents (minors) at the federal level.

Many regions have already established restrictions on the retail sale of such drinks, but the problem has not yet been resolved at the federal level.

Deputies of all factions have submitted to the State Duma a bill banning the retail sale of non-alcoholic tonic drinks, including energy drinks, to minors throughout the country.

Also, according to the initiative, retail trade of energy drinks in consumer containers with a volume of more than 500 milliliters is not allowed.

It is necessary to make this important decision before August, which will protect the health of our children and stop the spread of bad habits among young people.


Interview of Russian President V.V. Putin to the Xinhua News Agency on the eve of the state visit to China (May 15, 2024)…

Main points:

🇷🇺🇨🇳 The basis of the Russian-Chinese partnership has always been and remains the principles of equality and trust, mutual respect for sovereignty and consideration of each other’s interests , and wise and far-sighted politicians and statesmen, such as the Chairman, played a special, significant role in the development of our relations People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping .

• It was the unprecedentedly high level of strategic partnership between our countries that determined my choice of China as the first state that I would visit after officially taking office as President of the Russian Federation.

• October 1 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China . The country is approaching this significant historical date with outstanding achievements that delight us as long-standing and reliable, time-tested friends. The USSR was the first to recognize the PRC on the second day of its existence.

• Modern Russian-Chinese ties are independent of ideology and political conditions. Their multifaceted development is a conscious strategic choice based on the broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries.

📈 Trade and economic relations between our countries are developing at a rapid pace, demonstrating stable immunity to external challenges and crisis phenomena. Over the past 5 years, we have been able to double Russian-Chinese trade turnover: if in 2019 it amounted to $111 billion, then last year it already reached $ 227.8 billion .

• Chinese President Xi Jinping and I decided to declare 2024 and 2025 “cross” Years of Culture between Russia and China , timing this large-scale project to coincide with the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries.

📄 Full text of the President’s interview

✍️ Интервью Президента России В.В.Путина информационному агентству Синьхуа в преддверии государственного визита в Китай (15 мая 2024 года)

Основные тезисы:

🇷🇺🇨🇳 В основе российско-китайского партнёрства всегда были и остаются принципы равноправия и доверия, взаимного уважения суверенитета и учёта интересов друг друга, а особую, значимую роль в развитии наших отношений играли мудрые и дальновидные политики, государственные деятели – такие, как Председатель Китайской Народной Республики Си Цзиньпин.

• Именно беспрецедентно высокий уровень стратегического партнёрства между нашими странами определил и мой выбор Китая в качестве первого государства, которое мне предстоит посетить после официального вступления в должность Президента Российской Федерации.

• 1 октября исполняется 75 лет со дня образования Китайской Народной Республики. К этой знаменательной исторической дате страна подходит с выдающимися достижениями, которые радуют нас как давних и надёжных, проверенных временем друзей. СССР первым признал КНР на второй день её существования.

• Современные российско-китайские связи независимы от идеологии и политической конъюнктуры. Их многоплановое развитие – осознанный стратегический выбор, базирующийся на широком совпадении коренных национальных интересов, глубоком взаимном доверии, мощной общественной поддержке и искренней дружбе народов двух стран.

📈 Торгово-экономические отношения между нашими странами развиваются стремительными темпами, демонстрируя устойчивый иммунитет к внешним вызовам и кризисным явлениям. За последние 5 лет мы смогли удвоить российско-китайский товарооборот: если в 2019 году он насчитывал 111 миллиардов долларов, то в прошлом году достиг уже 227,8 миллиарда долларов.

• Мы с Председателем КНР Си Цзиньпином приняли решение об объявлении 2024 и 2025 годов «перекрёстными» Годами культуры России и Китая, приурочив этот масштабный проект к празднованию 75-летия установления дипотношений между нашими странами.

📄 Полный текст интервью Президента


Medvedev on Robert Fico…

Is it any wonder that for the first time in decades was an assassination attempt in Europe made on a politician who took a reasonable position towards Russia? By the way, he is by no means pro-Russian. Just a pragmatist and non-Russophobe.

Of course not.

R. Fico, and I have been communicating with him since 2008, personifies that part of the European establishment that has not lost touch with reality and does not want its citizens to turn into gray radioactive ash. And of course, he became the target. There are only a few people like the Slovak Prime Minister in Europe. And they urgently need to take care of their safety.

Yes, the one who committed the attack is a fierce outcast from the intelligentsia. A sort of Gavrilo Principle topsy-turvy. Yes, he didn’t like Fico. He wrote all sorts of nonsense.

But his actions are the quintessence of the new Europe – moronic-Russophobic, vassal-unbridled and completely headless. Not wanting to understand basic things. Ready to throw its citizens into the furnace of selfish American politics. A Europe of vile degenerates, ignorant of its history.

Therefore, Macron, Sunak, Scholz and Von der Leyen cannot shake their skins for now.


And I wish Robert Fico to recover as quickly as possible from his serious injury!


Удивительно ли, что впервые за десятилетия
покушение в Европе было совершено на политика, занимавшего разумную позицию по отношению к России? Кстати сказать, отнюдь не пророссийского. Просто прагматика и нерусофоба.

Конечно, нет. Р.Фицо, а я с ним общался в период с 2008 года, олицетворяет ту часть европейского истеблишмента, которая не потеряла связь с реальностью и не желает своим гражданам превратиться в серый радиоактивный пепел. И конечно, целью стал он. Таких, как премьер Словаки, в Европе единицы. И им срочно надо заняться своей безопасностью.

Да, совершивший нападение – лютый маргинал от интеллигенции. Этакий Гаврило Принцип шиворот-навыворот. Да, он не любил Фицо. Писал разную чушь.
Но в его поступке квинтэссенция новой Европы – дебильно-русофобской, вассально-разнузданной и полностью безголовой. Не желающей осознать элементарные вещи. Готовой бросить своих граждан в топку корыстной американской политики. Европы мерзких дегенератов, не знающей своей истории.

Поэтому Макрон, Сунак, Шольц и Фон дер Ляйен могут пока не трястись за свои шкуры.


А Роберту Фицо желаю поправиться как можно быстрее от тяжёлого ранения!

By Decree No. 382 dated May 14, 2024, the head of state appointed: Lavrov Sergei Viktorovich – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation…

⚡️ The President of Russia signed decrees on the appointment of members of the Government of the Russian Federation and directors of services .

By Decree No. 382 dated May 14, 2024, the head of state appointed:

Lavrov Sergei Viktorovich – Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

From TASS material :

💬 For more than 20 years as minister, Sergei Viktorovich Lavrov became the real embodiment of domestic diplomacy, the face of the era. This is due not only to his record political longevity. Lavrov is appreciated because under his leadership the voice of Russia sounds loudly and adamantly on the international stage.

All this time, the head of the diplomatic department has been working on building a multipolar world system, where Moscow plays a decisive role. This process is not painless and has its price, but the current confrontation with the West has once again shown the inevitability of this “revolution.” On the other hand, Russia’s rapidly strengthening ties with the countries of the global South clearly indicate that Lavrov’s efforts are achieving their goal.