Iran: The death of President E. Raisi, Foreign Minister H. Amirabdollahian and a number of other important government figures as a result of a helicopter crash…

đź•ŻThe Russian Embassy learned with great sadness about the death of President E. Raisi, Foreign Minister H. Amirabdollahian and a number of other important government figures as a result of a helicopter crash.

We were very eager to help; by decision of the President of Russia, rescuers from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations were urgently sent to Iran.

We offer our sincere condolences to the families and friends of the victims, the entire Iranian people and government. We wish you patience and mental fortitude in overcoming this most difficult tragedy.

As a sign of solidarity with our Iranian friends, the Embassy flag will be flown at half-mast.


Medvedev on legitimacy of pseudo-president of the former Ukraine…

From answers to questions from the TASS agency

…For Russia, the final loss of legitimacy by the pseudo-president of the former Ukraine will not change anything. He already heads a political regime hostile to Russia, which is waging war on us. And the leaders of countries waging war are always considered a legitimate military target. For us, he is already a war criminal and the loss of his official status does not change anything. Although he, like any of his successors (although there is no need to talk about legal succession here), can be the party that signs the act of unconditional surrender. As, for example, Alfred Jodl or Wilhelm Keitel did this on behalf of Nazi Germany and its armed forces.

The further fate of Zelensky is not indifferent to us. He must be caught and tried for crimes against Russian and Ukrainian citizens. If it is impossible to deliver such a criminal, the rules practiced for terrorists should be applied. This is exactly the fate that befell Zelensky’s spiritual teacher, Stepan Bandera…

Who does Russia consider to be the head of Ukraine now?

A criminal regime does not and cannot have a legitimate ruler. He is always a criminal too. As for the nominal or actual leader (leader) of such a regime, it can be anyone. Any “pig in a yarmulke,” recalling Gogol’s apt expression. For international law and for the collapsed state of “Ukraine”, his personality, based on normal legal positions, is indifferent. Such a person will remain for us only a criminal. However, it can be the subject of negotiations and a participant in signing the act of surrender, as I said earlier.



Medvedev about Yandex…

Is Yandex now a Russian company?

Not at all. Let’s take the YandexGPT service, which is built into the Alice smart speaker (and for which you have to pay, by the way). This prototype of AI is a terrible coward and does not answer quite ordinary questions. Here are examples of those:

1. When did the US adopt a law on the seizure of Russian assets? Answer: “I’m still learning and I don’t want to look stupid.” If you ask a question about any Russian law, he answers brilliantly. About other foreign laws too.

2. Where are the monuments to Stepan Bandera located in Ukraine? Again: “I’m just learning.” About Nelson’s Column or the monument to Pushkin in Russia – no problem.

3. And completely funny. They asked: “What is the distance between Kiev and Belgorod in a straight line?” She answered: “429 km.” They asked again – she turned on the fool. Although it measures all other distances perfectly.

What can I say? Are they afraid for those clients who don’t like Russia? But the questions are neutral. Are they afraid that the Russian General Staff will use the data on the distance between Kiev and Belgorod to plan their attacks?

It’s funny to even comment. They are afraid that the world will find out about the monuments to Bandera and understand that on the territory of the former. Ukraine’s Nazi political regime? But the question is simply about the monument.

On the one hand, this greatly undermines trust in Yandex and its products. On the other hand, it gives grounds not only to recognize Yandex’s services as very incomplete, but even the current managers (God forbid!)… as foreign agents.
And what do you think?



Interesting that we hear from the Russian men fighting, that many many many years of pre-building of fortifications in Ukraine, all over the place…

My guess is that the West pumped untold billions of dollars into Ukraine since at least 2008. When the West realized that their collapse was coming and decided that Ukraine is a great place to try to destroy and steal Russian resources…

Gonna act the fool and blame it all on Russia…