Russia does not want to take a chance on the kind of illogical, hasty decision that could lead to the end of the world, one that they, along with China, Iran, and many others, envision for the future. The West is a loaded gun with a maniac behind the trigger and looking for any excuse to play cowboy and that glorified gunfight of the Western Ideology. – kKEETON…

All an Wild West  illusion…

But, you gotta admit that Russia wants to cold-cock the USA in the mouth…

Sometimes tearing a bully’s head off and spitting down his neck is needed…

But, you have to live with the repercussions and Russia is a very patient country…


You cannot kick the can on the inevitable road…

“”Ultimately, we must face down the Western Coalition whom is supplying Israel with weapons in order to put an end to the genocide. Israel could not have performed this death & genocidal on the Palestinians without Western Coalition military, financial and Immoral backing. In order to do the needed confrontation, one must confront the US, the UK, the EU and their other purported “democratic” partners. Lastly, this entails acknowledging that we are actually engaged in World War Three (WW3). This is the crux of the issue and when enough countries realize that it matters not if we stay out of it. For WW3 is already in full swing and everyone needs to get their punch in the Western Face sooner than later. – kKEETON…””

You cannot kick the can on the (*) inevitable road…


* inevitable an adjective that is meaning certain to happen; and or unavoidable… (“war was inevitable”)

Tactical Nukes are not a joke and Russia has been getting them ready now to use against a Nasty West…

September 27, 2014 Russian_Village – wrote

Tactical Nukes and the Russian Bear…

and in 2016, a touch of thought that is coming true about our future…

It is over and the Fat Lady is singing…

My new term and thought about the West is that it is Nasty and thus I now call the West, The Nasty West…

It fits very well and well, it is just plain nasty and no one enjoys touching it anymore…


We finally gave in and got ourselves a generator for the Tiny Russian Village, Nikolai’s Home…

Svetochka has to have constant access to her servers and her sons servers. This became an issue this past week and we decided to make sure that she had power to work on her servers at anytime needed. Have fuel and have electricity…

1. box

2. Packed

3. Nice

4. Generator

5. Two plugs 220v, USB, Battery

6. Nice unit, 4 stroke and easy carry


This unit can easily run our whole home if needed. I will now this summer, figure out the best place to give it a home to be ready to use when needed. We could have used it twice already this trip…


Illegitimate Zelensky, by my reading of Ukrainian Law? He is illegal…

By April of this year, presidential elections were supposed to take place in Ukraine.

In violation of the Constitution, Zelensky canceled them.

The main reason is the fear of losing power.

Ukraine has ceased to exist as a rule of law state since 2014.

10 years ago, Washington and Brussels carried out a bloody coup d’etat in Kyiv at the hands of the Nazis. Bandits and Nazis took leadership positions. And those who did not agree with this were thrown behind bars, killed, and burned alive.

As a result of these years in Ukraine: national interests have been betrayed, the economy has been destroyed, citizens are deprived of the right to influence their lives and plan their future.

By canceling the presidential elections, Zelensky usurped power.
Since May 21, he has completely lost the remnants of his pseudo-legitimacy.

His term of office – 5 years – has already ended, and any reference to martial law contradicts the Constitution of Ukraine.

Based on its norms, Zelensky is illegitimate today.

He has no right to:
📌 announce mobilization,
📌 send people to war,
📌 make any other decisions on behalf of the head of state.

Those who do not know the law must understand that this does not relieve them of responsibility not to do something.

Citizens of Ukraine mobilized on the basis of illegal decisions must return home today – Zelensky is illegitimate, he cannot give orders.

The people of Ukraine are the only source of power in the country, who are held hostage by a puppet dictator.

This needs to be understood by everyone: both inside Ukraine and outside its borders. First of all, to the heads of European states.

Any agreements with an illegitimate president are invalid and may be challenged in the future.

With the end of his term of office, Zelensky’s right to speak on behalf of Ukraine ended.

Vyacheslav Volodin