MoD of Russia Report for June 11th, 2024…

Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (11 June 2024)

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

The units of the Sever Group of Forces continue to advance into the depths of the enemy defences and inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of the AFU 42nd Mechanised Brigade and the 36th Marine Brigade close to Glubokoye and Tikhoye (Kharkov region).

Two counter-attacks by assault detachments of the 13th Ukrainian National Guard Brigade have been also repelled.

The AFU losses were up to 265 Ukrainian troops, two motor vehicles, one German-made 155-mm Panzerhaubitzer self-propelled artillery system, one 152-mm Akatsiya self-propelled artillery system, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, one 122-mm Grad MLRS combat vehicle, and one Nota electronic warfare station. In addition, one AFU field ammunition depot has been destroyed.

The units of the Zapad Group of Forces has liberated Artyomovka (Lugansk People’s Republic) and Timkovka (Kharkov region).

In addition, Russian troops have launched the attacks on AFU 3rd assault, 14th, 28th mechanised brigades close to Kupyansk (Kharkov region) and Nevskoye (Lugansk People’s Republic).

The AFU losses were up to 560 Ukrainian troops, five motor vehicles, one Polish-made 155-mm Krab self-propelled artillery system, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, two 122-mm D-30 howitzers, and two electronic warfare stations. Two AFU artillery ammunition depots have been eliminated.

The units of the Yug Group of Forces have improved the situation along the front line and inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of 54th, 93rd mechanised, 79th air assault brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Konstantinovka, Andreyevka, and Razdolovka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The AFU losses were up to 740 troops, two armoured personnel carriers, 12 motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, four 152-mm D-20 howitzers, one 122-mm 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled artillery system, and two 105-mm U.S. M119 howitzers. In addition, three AFU ammunition depots have been destroyed.

The units of the Tsentr Group of Forces have improved the tactical situation and inflicted fire defeat on 24th, 28th mechanised, 68th jaeger brigades of the AFU and the 109th Territorial Defence Brigade near Ozaryanovka, Rozovka, Mayorsk, and Umanskoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

In addition, five counter-attacks of AFU 23rd, 110th mechanised, and 142nd infantry brigades have been repelled.

The enemy losses were up to 350 Ukrainian troops, one U.S.-made Bradley infantry fighting vehicle, one U.S.-made 155-mm M777 howitzer, one 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, one 152-mm D-20 howitzer, and three 122-mm D-30 howitzers.

The units of the Vostok Group of Forces have captured more advantageous lines and inflicted fire damage on manpower and hardware of the AFU 58th Motorised Infantry Brigade near Urozhaynoye (Donetsk People’s Republic).

The enemy losses were up to 135 Ukrainian troops, one tank, five motor vehicles, one U.S.-made 155-mm M198 howitzer, and one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer.

The units of the Dnepr Group of Forces have hit manpower and hardware of the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade, the 14th Infantry Brigade, and the 37th Marine Brigade of the AFU near Kamenskoye, Nesteryanka (Zaporozhye region) and Tyaginka (Kherson region).

The AFU losses were up to 105 Ukrainian troops, eight motor vehicles, one 152-mm 2A65 Msta-B howitzer, two 152-mm D-20 howitzers, and one 105-mm U.S.-made M119 gun.

Operational-Tactical Aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Russian Groups of Forces engaged AFU manpower and hardware clusters in 118 areas.

In addition, Su-27 and Su-25 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force have been destroyed at airfields of departure.

Air defence facilities have shot down 45 unmanned aerial vehicles, two French-made Hammer aerial bombs, and ten U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS projectiles.

In total, 613 airplanes and 276 helicopters, 25,559 unmanned aerial vehicles, 528 air defence missile systems, 16,312 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 1,332 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 10,332 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 22,445 units of special military equipment have been destroyed during the special military operation.


Can we ride the storm out?

It has long occurred to me that Russia and China “were” willing to help the United States make a smooth landing and transition into a normal country, even though they knew and still do that the United States is past its prime. They tried to reason with the USA. Except, the USA can no longer sustain the empire it once was able to. I now get the impression that their only goal now is to stop the USA from destroying the earth out of “Satanical Wrath” over its self-induced and self-inflicted loss of predominancy. – kKEETON…

All these years in Russia, I have given voice to…


Oh well, going to have to have two tooth crowns fixed at the same time…

I have worn my only two molar crowns down to the metal post under the surface covering shell. Believe it or not the crowns are still in place and only one has lost a small section. But they both are completely worn away and just the outer shell at the edges is hanging in there…

Okay, we have made an appointment at a Dental Clinic and this Saturday it is time to bite the bullet, pun intended, and get the process started of my torture in a dental chair…

What substance to have used as as crowns is the big question and as of this moment, I am going to study what I want to use, for these last two crowns were fantastic weather predictors, due to their metal posts and I was able to physically tell you 24 hours in advance when the weather would change. Ouch…

and also 23 hours, 22 hours, 21 hours and so on and so on, until the rain started…

Therefore, I know what I will be doing for the next month…


The Russian objectives are demilitarization & denazification, not de-civilization…

Because the Russians are waging a Special Military Operation rather than a war, the Ukrainian people are not rising up in large numbers against Kiev. They don’t actually experience any disruptions in their regular lives in Kiev, Ukraine and other major cities that matter to the people. There are occasionally surgical strikes on military installations in the rear. Yet, because Zelensky controls the mainstream media in Ukraine, the narrative is “We are Winning!” Although not currently deadly serious, power disruptions could be next winter. Food is available in the marketplaces, cellphones are functional, and salaries are basically through western money paid on schedule. The Russians are not randomly bombing cities, destroying all government buildings, electricity grids, water facilities, and communication nodes while killing hundreds of thousands of civilians in the process, unlike the USA-NATO-STAN soldiers in Yugoslavia, Libya, or Iraq. The majority of Ukrainian (Kivian) citizens just do not feel the pain yet. For it is not de-civilization, but demilitarization and denazification are the goals. That’s why I’m always saying that if the West continues to spout lies & fabricate about what they haven’t seen yet, they will eventually see something that they can never unsee. – kKEETON…

If the West continues to spout lies & fabricate about what they haven’t seen yet, they will eventually see something that they can never unsee. – kKEETON…