Do not forget while you demand death to all in the world by “Nuke Delight” what is really happening…

Russia does not want to take a chance on the kind of illogical, hasty decision that could lead to the end of the world, one that they, along with China, Iran, and many others, envision for the future. The West is a loaded gun with a maniac behind the trigger and looking for any excuse to play cowboy and that glorified gunfight of the Western Ideology. – kKEETON…


May Assange be left alone and I hope he finds peace and heals from his illegal ordeal with the Empire of Lies and Chaos…

WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange has arrived in his native Australia, hours after formally accepting a plea deal in a US court in the Northern Mariana Islands. Assange was accused of illegally obtaining and disclosing national security materials which shed light on alleged American war crimes.

Thus, I will still watch and we will see what the future brings for Assange…

Two things of interest ICC issuing arrest warrants for more high level Russians and Assange is out, we’ll kinda out, maybe, let us watch…